Chapter 10 - Securing Information Systems: IS Security Is A Critical Aspect of Managing in The Digital World
Chapter 10 - Securing Information Systems: IS Security Is A Critical Aspect of Managing in The Digital World
Chapter 10 - Securing Information Systems: IS Security Is A Critical Aspect of Managing in The Digital World
Computer Crime
Define computer crime and describe several types of computer crime.
Managing IS Security
Discuss how to better manage IS security and explain the process of developing an IS
security plan.
Computer Crime
Define computer crime and describe several types of
computer crime.
Managing IS Security
Discuss how to better manage IS security and explain the process of developing an IS security plan.
Anyone with enough knowledge to gain unauthorized
access to computers
Hackers who arent crackers dont damage or steal
information belonging to others
Individuals who break into computer systems with the
intent to commit crime or do damage
Hacktivists: Crackers who are motivated by political or
ideological goal and who use Cracking to promote
their interests
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Types of Computer Crimes
Unauthorized Access
Stealing information
Stealing use of computer resources
Accessing systems with the intent to commit
Information Modification
Information Modification
Changing data for financial gain (e.g.:
Defacing a Web site (e.g.: hactivists making a
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Types of Computer Criminals
Often institutions and individuals fail to exercise proper care and implement
effective controls
Passwords and access codes written down on paper, in plain sight or unsecured
Antivirus software isnt installed or isnt maintained
Systems left with default manufacturer passwords in place after being deployed
Information carelessly shared over the phone, or by letting unauthorized individuals
see monitor screens
Company files and resources without proper access controls
Failure to install and maintain Firewalls and Intrusion Prevention/Detection systems
Poor background checks on new hires
Employees with unmonitored access to data and resources
Fired employees left unmonitored and have access to damage the system before they
leave the company
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Computer Viruses and Other Destructive Code
Computer Viruses
Worms, Trojan Horses, and Other Sinister Programs
Denial of Service
Spyware, Spam, and Cookies
The Rise of Botnets and the Cyberattack Supply Chain
Identity Theft
Internet Hoaxes
False messages circulated about topics of interest
Users should verify the content of emails before
May be used to harvest emails for SPAM mailings
Buying & holding a domain name with the intent to
The 1999 Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection
Act makes it a crime if the intent is to profit from the
goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else
Federal Laws
The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986
A crime to access government computers or
A crime to extort money by damaging computer systems
A crime to threaten the President, VP, members of congress,
administration officials
Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986
A crime to break into any electronic communications service,
including telephone services
Prohibits the interception of any type of electronic
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Cyberwar and Cyberterrorism
Computer Crime
Define computer crime and describe several types of computer crime.
Managing IS Security
Discuss how to better manage IS security and explain the process of developing an IS security plan.
Cyberwar Vulnerabilities
Command-and-control systems
Intelligence collection, processing, and distribution
Tactical communication systems and methods
Troop and weapon positioning systems
Friend-or-foe identification systems
Smart weapons systems
The New Cold War
more than 120 nations are developing ways to use the
Internet as a weapon to target financial markets,
governmental computer systems, and key infrastructure
Managing IS Security
Discuss how to better manage IS security and explain the process of developing an IS security plan.
Risk Reduction
Actively installing countermeasures
Risk Acceptance
Accepting any losses that occur
Risk Transference
Filter traffic
Incoming and/or outgoing traffic
Filter based on traffic type
Filter based on traffic source
Filter based on traffic destination
Filter based on combinations of parameters
Managing IS Security
Discuss how to better manage IS security and explain the
process of developing an IS security plan.
1) Risk Analysis Analyze the value of the data, the risks to
it, assess current policies, and
recommend changes
2) Policies and Procedures Create formal policies for use of and
safeguarding IS resources, and outline the
procedures to be followed and disaster
recovery plans
3) Implementation Institute the security practices, policies,
and procedures
4) Training Personnel need to know the policies,
plans, what their roles and tasks are, and
how to do them
5) Auditing This is an ongoing process to ensure
practice, compliance, and effectiveness
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The State of Systems Security Management
Managing IS Security
Discuss how to better manage IS security and explain the process of developing an IS security plan.
Preventive controls
Prevent events from occurring (e.g., block
unauthorized access)
Detective controls
Determine if anything has gone wrong (e.g.,
detect that an unauthorized access has occurred)
Corrective controls
Mitigate problems after they arise
A loose collection of hacktivists
Practice civil disobedience by taking part in cyber
attacks on websites
Deadliest tool is denial-of-service attack
Referred to as The Punisher of the World Wide Web
Well known for Internet vigilantism
Claiming to have good intentions, but activities are
Dilemma between pursuing ideological goals and
crossing the bounds of legality