The standard defines a common framework that allows businesses to build grid
platforms across enterprises and business partners.
The intent is to define the standards required for both open source and commercial
software to support a global grid infrastructure.
Fig: OGSA Architecture
OGSA Framework
The OGSA was built on two basic software technologies: the Globus Toolkit widely
adopted as a grid technology solution for scientific and technical computing, and
web services (WS 2.0) as a popular standards-based framework for business and
network applications.
Being transient means the service can be created and destroyed dynamically;
statefulness refers to the fact that one can distinguish one service instance from
Grid Service Handle
a GSR.
this reference.
Any service that is created must address the former services as the reference of
later services.
OGSA Security Models
The OGSA supports security enforcement at various levels.
The grid system must be specially designed to discover, transfer, and manipulate
Data Replication and Unified Namespace
This data access method is also known as caching, which is often applied to
enhance data efficiency in a grid environment.
By replicating the same data blocks and scattering them in multiple regions
of a grid, users can access the same data with locality of references.
Furthermore, the replicas of the same data set can be a backup for one
Some key data will not be lost in case of failures.
The increase in storage requirements and network bandwidth maycause
additional problems.
Replication strategies determine when and where to create a replica of the
The factors to consider include data demand, network conditions, and
transfer cost.
The strategies of replication can be classified into method types:
This data access model is better suited for designing a data grid
Although the data is shared, the data items are still owned and
This mesh model may cost the most when the number of grid
of a file simultaneously.
When a user requests this piece of data, a data stream is created for
each site, and all the sections of data objects are transferred
Striped data transfer can utilize the bandwidths of multiple sites more
Metering Service
Rating Service
Accounting Service
Distributed Logging
Discovery Services
Queuing Service
Virtual Organization Creation and Management
Rating Service
A rating interface needs to address two types of behaviors. Once the
metered information is available, it has to be translated into financial
That is, for each unit of usage, a price has to be associated with it.
treated in the same way as other resources within the Web/grid services architecture.
OGSA data services are intended to allow for the definition, application, and management of diverse
Four base data interfaces (WSDL portTypes) can be used to implement a variety of different
1. Data Description defines OGSI service data elements representing key parameters of the data
2. Data Access provides operations to access and/or modify the contents of the data virtualization
3. Data Factory provides an operation to create a new data service with a data virtualization derived
4. Data Management provides operations to monitor and manage the data services data
virtualization, including (depending on the implementation) the data sources (such as database
A data service is any OGSI-compliant Web service that implements one or more of these base data
Other Data Services
A variety of higher-level data interfaces can and must be defined on top of the base data
performance objectives by allowing local computer resources to have access to local data.
Data Caching. In order to improve performance of access to remote data items, caching
of data from one schema to another. For example, XML transformations as specified in
Queuing Service
The queuing service provides scheduling capability for jobs.
Fault model.
Life cycle.
Service groups.
Messaging and Queuing
OGSA extends the scope of the base OGSI Notification Interface to
allow grid services to produce a range of event messages, not just
notifications that a service Data element has changed.
The development of the OGSA document has been based on a
variety of use case scenarios.
The use cases have not been defined with a view to expressing
formal requirements but have provided useful input
to the definition process.
Analysis of the use cases, other input from OGSA-WG
participants, and other studies of grid technology requirements
lead the Working Group to identify important and broadly
relevant characteristics of grid environments and applications,
along with functionalities that appear to have general
relevance to a variety of application scenarios.
The case scenarios that have been considered include:
Security requirements.
machines, and the billing function bills the user based on metering.
Data sharing:
Data sharing and data management are common as well as
important grid applications.
Mechanisms are required for accessing and managing data
archives, for caching data and managing its consistency, and for
indexing and discovering data and metadata.
Data is deployed to the hosting environment that will execute the
job (or made available in or via a high-performance infrastructure).
Also, applications (executable) are migrated to the computer that
will execute them.
Virtual organizations (VOs):
For the commercial data center use case, the grid creates a VO in a
requirement; the grid should provide not only access control but
semantic behavior.
Resource virtualization:
as required;
For example, when bringing more Web servers on line as demand exceeds a
Transport management:
sharing applications.
the application.
Usage models that provide for both batch and interactive access to
users of a grid.
Fault tolerance:
the remote backup data center needs to take over the application