The Binomial Option Pricing Model (BOPM) : ©david Dubofsky and 17-1 Thomas W. Miller, JR
The Binomial Option Pricing Model (BOPM) : ©david Dubofsky and 17-1 Thomas W. Miller, JR
The Binomial Option Pricing Model (BOPM) : ©david Dubofsky and 17-1 Thomas W. Miller, JR
• There are two (and only two) possible prices for the underlying
asset on the next date. The underlying price will either:
• No dividends.
Time T is the expiration day of a call option. Time T-1 is one period
prior to expiration.
ST,u = (1+u)ST‑1
ST,d = (1+d)ST‑1
Suppose that ST-1 = 40, u = 25% and d = -10%. What are ST,u and ST,d?
ST,u = ______
ST,d = ______
©David Dubofsky and 17-3
Thomas W. Miller, Jr.
The Option Pricing Process
CT,d = max(0, ST,d‑K) = max(0,(1+d)ST‑1‑K)
CT,u = ______
CT,d = ______
©David Dubofsky and 17-4
Thomas W. Miller, Jr.
The Equivalent Portfolio
Buy shares of stock and borrow $B.
NB: is not a
(1+u)ST‑1 + (1+r)B = ST,u + (1+r)B “change” in S…. It
defines the # of
ST‑1+B shares to buy. For a
(1+d)ST‑1 + (1+r)B = ST,d + (1+r)B call, 0 < < 1
Set the payoffs of the equivalent portfolio equal to CT,u and CT,d, respectively.
What are the two equations in the numerical example with ST-1 = 40, u
= 25%, d = -10%, r = 5%, and K = 45?
©David Dubofsky and 17-5
Thomas W. Miller, Jr.
A Key Point
• If two assets offer the same payoffs at time T, then they must be
priced the same at time T-1.
• Hence the call’s value at time T-1 must equal the $ amount
invested in the equivalent portfolio.
CT-1 = ST-1 + B
(1 u)C d (1 d)Cu
B (17 - 4)
(u d)(1 r)
ST-1 = 40, u = 25%, ST,u = 50, d = -10%, ST,d = 36, r = 5%, K = 45,
CT,u = 5 and CT,d = 0.
What if CT-1 = 3?
What if CT-1 = 1?
pCu (1 p)C d
In general: C (17 - 8)
(1 r)
r d
• p is the probability of an uptick in a risk-neutral world.
• That is, the stock is priced to provide the same riskless rate of
return as the call option
©David Dubofsky and 17-10
Thomas W. Miller, Jr.
• Delta, , is the riskless hedge ratio; 0 < c < 1.
• Delta is the slope of the lines shown in Figures 14.3 and 14.4
(where an option’s value is a function of the price of the
underlying asset).
ST,uu = (1+u)2ST-2
ST-1,u = (1+u)ST-2
ST,ud = (1+u)(1+d)ST-2
ST-1,d = (1+d)ST-2
ST,dd = (1+d)2ST-2
CT,uu = max[0,(1+u)2ST-2 - K]
CT,ud = max[0,(1+u)(1+d)ST-2 - K]
CT,dd = max[0,(1+d)2ST-2 - K]
©David Dubofsky and 17-12
Thomas W. Miller, Jr.
Two Period Binomial Model: An Example
ST,uu = 69.444
ST-1,u = 55.556
ST,ud = 50
ST-2 = 44.444
ST-1,d = 40.00
ST,dd = 36
CT,uu = _______
CT-1,u = ____
CT-2 CT,ud = 5
CT-1,d = 2.0408
CT,dd = 0
©David Dubofsky and 17-13
Thomas W. Miller, Jr.
Two Period Binomial Model:
The Equivalent Portfolio
B = -42.857143
= 0.6851312
B = -24.1566014
= 0.357142857
B = -12.24489796
T-2 T-1
p3CT, uuu 3p 2 (1 p)CT, uud 3p(1 p)2 CT, udd (1 p)3 CT, ddd
C T 3 3
(17 - 15)
(1 r)
1 3
3 j
C T 3
(1 r)3
p (1 p)3 j max[0,(1 u) j (1 d)3 j S T 3 K].
j0 j
©David Dubofsky and 17-16
Thomas W. Miller, Jr.
The ‘n’ Period Binomial Formula:
1 n
n j
(1 r)n
p (1 p)n j [(1 u) j (1 d)n j S T n K].
ja j
(17 17)
In the limit, that is, as N gets ‘large’, and if u and d are consistent
with generating a lognormal distribution for ST, then the BOPM
converges to the Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model (the
BSOPM is the subject of Chapter 18).
©David Dubofsky and 17-19
Thomas W. Miller, Jr.
Stocks Paying a Dollar Dividend Amount
Figure 17.4: The stock trades ex- Figure 17.5: The stock trades ex-
dividend ($1) at time T-2. dividend ($1) at time T-1.
25.410 25.520
pCu (1 p)C d
max , S K . (17 19)
(1 r)
If the first term in the brackets is less than the call’s intrinsic value,
then you must instead value it as equal to its intrinsic value. Moreover,
if the dividend amount paid in the next period exceeds K-PV(K), then
the American call should be exercised early at that node.
Pu Pd P Pd
Δ u (17 22) -1 < p < 0
(u d)S Su S d
pPu (1 p)Pd
P (17 26)
(1 r)
rd ur
p and (1 p)
ud ud
pP (1 p)Pd
P max K S, u (17 27)
(1 r)
At any node, if the 2nd term in the brackets is less than the American
put’s intrinsic value, then value the put to equal its intrinsic value
instead. American puts cannot sell for less than their intrinsic value.
The American put will be exercised early at that node.