Factor Analysis: © Dr. Maher Khelifa
Factor Analysis: © Dr. Maher Khelifa
Factor Analysis: © Dr. Maher Khelifa
Scale development
If the value of the test statistic for sphericity is large and the
associated significance level is small, it is unlikely that the
population correlation matrix is an identity.
Reasonably large values are needed for a good factor analysis. Small KMO
values indicate that a factor analysis of the variables may not be a good
considering only factors with 3 1.009 10.091 58.566 1.009 10.091 58.566
1 2 3
I discussed my frustrations and feelings with person(s) in school .771 -.271 .121
I tried to develop a step-by-step plan of action to remedy the problems .545 .530 .264
I read, attended workshops, or sought someother educational approach to correct the .398 .356 -.374
I tried to be emotionally honest with my self about the problems .436 .441 -.368
I sought advice from others on how I should solve the problems .705 -.362 .117
I took direct action to try to correct the problems .074 .640 .443
I told someone I could trust about how I felt about the problems .752 -.351 .081
I put aside other activities so that I could work to solve the problems .225 .576 .272
a. 3 components extracted.
Oblique rotations are less frequently used because their results are
more difficult to summarize.
1 2 3
I discussed my frustrations and feelings with person(s) in school .803 .186 .050
I tried to develop a step-by-step plan of action to remedy the problems .270 .304 .694
I read, attended workshops, or sought someother educational approach to .050 .633 .145
correct the problem
I tried to be emotionally honest with my self about the problems .042 .685 .222
I sought advice from others on how I should solve the problems .792 .117 -.038
I took direct action to try to correct the problems -.120 -.023 .772
I told someone I could trust about how I felt about the problems .815 .172 -.040
I put aside other activities so that I could work to solve the problems -.014 .155 .657
Analyze and
A factor
Analysis Box
will appear
items to
Variable box
are in
default of:
During Factor
Decide on the
number of factors
based on actor
extraction phase
and enter the
desired number of
factors by choosing:
Fixed number of
factors and
entering the
desired number of
factors to extract.
Under Rotation
Choose Varimax
Press continue
Then OK
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Dr. Maher Khelifa