Ip Address & Domain Name System
Ip Address & Domain Name System
Ip Address & Domain Name System
Topic : IP Address & Domain Name
Group Members
Roll No. Name
102 Trushal Antala
106 Pravin Chaudhari
116 Akshay Jain
123 Vishal Kanani
Address ?
participating in a computer
network that uses the Internet
Protocol for communication.
IP address is same as mobile
no. which is unique.
B to Supports 65,000 hosts on each of 16,000 networks.
With an IPv4 IP address,
there are five classes of
C to
available IP ranges: Class Supports 254 hosts on
A, Class B, Class C, Class each of 2 million networks.
D and Class E, while only
D to Reserved
A, B, and C are commonly for multicast groups.
used. Each class allows for
a range of valid IP E to Reserved for future use,
addresses, shown in the or Research and
Development Purposes.
following table.
Class A IP Class A IP addresses were
used for networks that had
Address: a large number of hosts on
the network. The class
permitted up to 126
networks by using the first
octet of the address for
the network identification.
it allow up to 126 networks
with 17 million hosts per
network. In a Class A
address, the network
number values start at the
number 1 and end at 127.
Class B IP Class B IP address were
assigned to medium to large
Address: networks. They allow 16,384
networks by using the first
two octets in the address for
the network identification.
This allows approximately
65,000 hosts per network.
Class B network number
values start at 128 and finish
at 191.
Class C IP addresses were
Class C IP used in small LAN
Address: configurations. They allow
for approximately 2 million
networks by using the first
three octets of the address
for the network
This allows for 254 hosts per
network. A Class C
network number value
starts at 192 and ends at
Class D IP Class E IP
Address: Address:
Class D IP addresses were Class E IP addresses are
reserved for multicasting reserved for experimental use.
purposes. These addresses The first octet of these
begin with an octet in the addresses ranges between 240
224-239 range. and 255.
It includes addresses from This range is reserved by the to IETF and similar to Class D
networks, should not be
assigned to a host device.
Domain Name System, or DNS, is the
friendly naming system for giving
addresses to web servers and web pages.
www.flipkart.com www.bbc.co.uk
Third Second top fourth Third+second top
Types of top level domains: