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Lecture02 - Factorization Methods

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MTH2212 – Computational Methods and


Solution of Linear System of Equations

Lecture 2:
Factorization Methods

 Introduction
 LU Decomposition
 Computational complexity
 The Matrix Inverse
 Extending the Gaussian Elimination Process

Dr. M. Hrairi MTH2212 - Computational Methods and Statistics 2


 Provides an efficient way to compute matrix inverse by

separating the time consuming elimination of the Matrix [A]
from manipulations of the right-hand side {B}.

 Gauss elimination, in which the forward elimination

comprises the bulk of the computational effort, can be
implemented as an LU decomposition.

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LU Decomposition

 The matrix [A] for the linear system [A]{X}={B} is factorized

into the product of two matrices [L] and [U] (L- lower triangular
matrix and U- upper triangular matrix)
 Similar to first phase of Gauss elimination, consider
 The solution can be obtained by
1. First solve [L]{D}={B} to generate an intermediate vector {D} by
forward substitution
2. Then, solve [U]{X}={D} to get {X} by back substitution.

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LU Decomposition

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LU Decomposition

 In matrix form, this is written as

 a11 a12 a13   x1   b1 
a     
 21 a22 a23   x2   b2 
 a31 a32 a33   x3  b3 
 How to obtain the triangular factorization?
1 0 0  a11 a12 a13 
A  0 1 0 a21 a22 a23 
0 0 1  a31 a32 a33 
 Use Gauss elimination and store the multipliers mij as the
subdiagonal entries in [L]

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LU Decomposition

 The multipliers are

a a a '32
m21  21 m31  31 m32  '
a11 a11 a 22
 The triangular factorization of matrix [A]
A= [L] [U]

 1 0 0 a11 a12 a13 

A  m21 1 0  0 a ' 22 a ' 23 
 m31 m32 1  0 0 a"33 

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Example 1

 Use LU decomposition to solve:

3x1 – 0.1x2 – 0.2x3 = 7.85

0.1x1 + 7x2 – 0.3x3 = -19.3

0.3x1 – 0.2x2 + 10x3 = 71.4

 use 6 significant figures in your computation.

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Example 1 - Solution

 In matrix form
 3  0.1  0.2  x1   7.85 
 0.1     
 7  0.3  x2    19.3
0.3  0.2 10   x3   71.4 

 The multipliers are

0.1 0.3
m21   0.0333333 m31   0.100000
3 3
 0.19
m32   0.0271300

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Example 1 - Solution

 The LU decomposition is
 1 0 0 3  0.1  0.2 
A  0.0333333 1 0 0 7.00333  0.293333
  
 0.100000  0.0271300 1 0 0 10.0120 

 The solution can be obtained by

1. First solve [L]{D}={B} for {D} by forward substitution

 1 0 0  d1   7.85 
0.0333333 1 0  d    19.3
  2   
 0.100000  0.0271300 1 d3   71.4 

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Example 1 - Solution

 d1  7.85
d 2  19.3  0.0333333(7.85)  19.5617
d3  71.4  0.1(7.85)  0.02713(19.5617)  70.0843
 Then, solve [U]{X}={D} to get {X} by back substitution.
3  0.1  0.2   x1   7.85 
0 7.00333  0.293333  x    19.5617
  2   
0 0 10.0120   x3   70.0843 

 x3  70.0843 / 10.0120  7.00003

x2  (19.5617  0.293333(7.00003)) / 7.00333  2.5
x1  (7.85  0.1(2.5)  0.2(7.00003)) / 3  3

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Computational Complexity

 The triangular factorization portion of [A]=[L][U] requires

 (N3-N)/3 multiplications and divisions
 (2N3-3N2+N)/6 subtractions
 Finding the solution to [L][U]{X}={B} requires
 N2 multiplications and divisions
 N2-N subtractions
 The bulk of the calculation lies in the triangularization portion.
 LU decomposition is usually chosen over Gauss elimination when the
linear system is to be solved many times, with the same [A] but with
different {B}.
 Saves computing time by separating time-consuming elimination step from
the manipulations of the right hand side.
 Provides efficient means to compute the matrix inverse which provides a
means to test whether systems are ill-conditioned

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The Matrix Inverse

 Find matrix [A]-1, the inverse of [A], for which

[A][A]-1 = [A]-1 [A]=[I]
 The inverse can be computed in a column-by-column
fashion by generating solutions with unit vectors {B}
constants. 1 
 The solution of [L][U]{X}={B} with  B  0 will be the first
column of [A]-1  
 0
The solution of [L][U]{X}={B} with   will be the second
 B  1 
column of [A]-1 0
 
 B  0
 The solution of [L][U]{X}={B} with will be the third
column of [A]-1 1 
 

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Example 2

 Use LU decomposition to determine the matrix inverse for

the following system and use it to find the solution:

3x1 – 0.1x2 – 0.2x3 = 7.85

0.1x1 + 7x2 – 0.3x3 = -19.3

0.3x1 – 0.2x2 + 10x3 = 71.4

 use 6 significant figures in your computation.

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Example 2- Solution

 In matrix form
 3  0.1  0.2
 A  0.1 7  0.3
0.3  0.2 10 

 The triangular factorization of [A]

 1 0 0 3  0.1  0.2 
L  0.0333333 1 0 U  0 7.00333  0.293333
 0.100000  0.0271300 1 0 0 10.0120 

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Example 2- Solution

 The first column of [A]-1

 1 0 0 d1  1  1 
0.0333333 1 0  d   0   D   0.03333
  2     
 0.100000  0.0271300 1 d 3  0  0.1009 
 

3  0.1  0.2   x1  1  0.33249 

0 7.00333  0.293333  x    0.03333   X    0.00518
  2     
0 0 10.0120   x3   0.1009   0.01008
 

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Example 2- Solution

 The second column of [A]-1

 1 0 0 d1  0 0 
0.0333333 1 0  d   1    D  1 
  2     
 0.100000  0.0271300 1 d3  0 0.02713
 

3  0.1  0.2   x1  0  0.004944

0 7.00333  0.293333  x   1 
  X  

0 .142903

  2     
0 0 10.0120   x3  0.02713 0.00271 
 

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Example 2- Solution

 The third column of [A]-1

 1 0 0 d1  0 0
0.0333333 1 0  d   0   D  0
  2     
 0.100000  0.0271300 1 d3  1  1 
 

3  0.1  0.2   x1  0 0.006798

0 7.00333  0.293333  x   0   X   0.004183
  2     
0 0 10.0120   x3  1  0.09988 
 

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Example 2- Solution

 The matrix inverse [A]-1 is:

 0.33249 0.004944 0.006798
A1   0.00518 0.142903 0.004183
 0.01008 0.00271 0.09988 
 Check your result by verifying that [A][A]-1 =[I]
 The final solution is
 0.33249 0.004944 0.006798 7.85  3 
 X    A 1 B   0.00518 0.142903 0.004183  19.3   2.50002
 0.01008 0.00271 0.09988  71.4  7 

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Extending the Gaussian Elimination Process

 If pivoting is required to solve [A]{X}={B}, then there exists

a permutation matrix [P] so that:
[P][A ]=[L][U]

 The solution {X} is found in four steps:

1. Construct the matrices [L], [U] and [P].
2. Compute the column vector [P]{B}.
3. Solve [L]{D}=[P]{B} for {D} using forward substitution.
4. Solve [U]{X}={D} for {X} using back substitution.

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Example 3

 Use LU decomposition with permutation to solve the

following system of equations

0.0003 x1 + 3.0000 x2 = 2.0001

1.0000 x1 + 1.0000 x2 = 1.0000

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Example 3 - Solution

 In matrix form [A ]{X}={B}

0.0003 3  x1  2.0001
 1    
 1 x
 2   1 
 We saw previously that pivoting is required to solve this
system of equations, hence [P][A ]=[L][U]
 The solution {X} is found in four steps:
1. Construct the matrices [L], [U] and [P].

U   
0 1  1 1 
 L  
1 0
 P     
1 0  0.0003 1 0 2.9997

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Example 3 - Solution

2. Compute the column vector [P]{B}.

0 1 2.0001 1 
1 0 1 
  
    2.0001

3. Solve [L]{D}=[P]{B} for {D} using forward substitution.

 1 0 d1  1  1 

0.0003 1 d  2.0001   D   
  2    1. 9998

4. Solve [U]{X}={D} for {X} using back substitution.

1 1   x1  1  0.33333

0 2.9997  x  1.9998   X    
  2    0 .66667

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