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Unit - 2 Working Principles Microsystems

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UNIT - 2

Working principles Microsystems

To make systems intelligent, use feedback
Features:A smart sensor
-Automatic calliberation
-Interference signal reduction
-Compensation of Parasitic effects
-Offset correction
Types of sensors
Acoustic wave sensor
Biomedical sensor and Biosensors
Chemical sensors
Optical sensors
Pressure sensors
Thermal sensors
Acoustic wave sensor
Chemical composition in gas.
Generates acoustic waves by converting
Mechanical to electrical energy.
Helps in actuation of fluid fow in microfluidic
Actuation energy generation techniques:
Biomedical sensors and Biosensors
Biomedical industry is the next best user of
MEMS device after automotive industry.
BioMEMS encompasses:
- Biosensors
- Bioinstruments and surgery Tools
- Systems for Biotesting and analysis
quick, accurate and low cost testing of biological
Challenges for MEMS in Biomedical Industry

Functionality for Biomedical operations

Adaptivity to eixisting instruments and
Compatibility with biological systems of
Controllability, mobility and easy navigation for
Fabrication of MEMS structures with a high
aspect ratio
Sensors types:
biomedical sensor
uses biological elements
Biomedical sensors
Biomedical Sensors are biomedical instruments that are used to sense biological Substances for m
Analyse bio samples quickly and accurately.
It is advantageous over traditional devices as it requires minute amount of sample and performs
Electrochemical sensor work on the principle that certain biological substances such as glucose i
These elements can alter the electricity flow pattern in a sensor which can b Detected.
A sample of blood is introduced in a sensor with PVA solution.
Glucose from blood combine with oxygen in PVA to produce gluconolacctone and H2O2.
H2O2 produced is electrolysed by applying potential to platinum electrode that Produce +H+ wh
Works on the principle of detection of analytes
interaction with biomolecules
Eg. Antiboldies, forms of protein.
Analyse when gets attached with sensing
element alters the output signals of sensors.
Capillary electrophoresis
Capillary electrophoresis consists of two 30um
Dia tubes A and B.

Shorter channel has analyse injection system and longer has buffer solvent.

A biological sample having species s1, S2, S3 etc with distinct electro
osmotic mobility is injected into reservoir A.

Application of P.D b/w A and A prompts movement of species from Ato A

and congregation of sample takes place at intersection.

High voltage is switched one b/w B and B

It flows congregated sample from B to B but species separate on account

of electroosmotic flow.
Chemical sensors
To sense the chemical compounds like various gas species.
Many materials are sensitive to chemical attack.eg Metals
are vulnerable to oxidation.
Significant built up over metal surface can change
properties such as electrical resistance of metal.

Chemimechanical sensors
Chemiresistor sensor

Organic polymer are used with embedded metal inserts.

These can change conductivity of metal when exposed to certain gases.

e.g. Pthalocyanin is used with Cu to sense NH3 and No2

Chemicapacitative Sensor

Some polymers can be used as dielectric material in a capacitor.

Exposure of these polymer to certain gases can alter dielectric constant

of material that changes the capacitance of electrodes.

eg Poly phenyl acetylene to sense CO, Co2, N2, CH4

Chemimechanical Sensor

There are certain polymers that undergo change in shape when exposed to
Chemicals can be detected by measuring change in dimensions.
eg moisture sensing using pyraline.
Sensing materials
Metal oxide semiconductors
Carbon nanotubes
Conductive polymers
Metal oxide gas sensor

Some semiconducting materials like SnO2 change resistance after absorbing

Certain gases
Process is faster when heat is applied .
Pressure sensors
Used in aerospace and automotive industries
Basic principle: converts pressure/distortion of
diaphragm into voltage
Two types of sensor:
- absolute (needs evacuated cavity)
- gage (no need of evacuated cavity)
Two different ways :
- back side pressurization
- front side pressurization
Back side and front side
In back side pressurization there is no interference with signal transducers such as
Piezoresistors that are implanted on top side of diaphragm.

In fromnt side pressurisation there is interference with piezoresistors.

Transducers are rarely placed on back side due to space limitation.

Sensing element is made of thin silicon die :
range: few um to mm.
Cavity created by microfabrication
Top surface of cavity forms thin Diaphragm
that deforms under pressure.(thickness: few
um to tens of um)
Base: ceramic or pyrex glass
Packaging : metal, ceramic or plastic
Micropressure sensor assembly
Top view of silicon die shows Piezoresistors
They convert applied pressure into change in
resistance that can be converted into voltage
using Wheatstone bridge.
R1 and R3 are elongated
R1 and R4 will have opposite effect
Provides linear output, but temperature
SCAP or capacitive transduction
Two electrodes made of thin metal film metal film are attached to bottom
and top cover of a diaphragm.

Any change in diaphragm will narrow gap b/w two electrodes leading to
Capacitance change.

Method is independent of temp variation.

Relation and relative permitivities
Bridge for capacitance measurement
Optical sensors
Interaction of photons and electrons
Micro optical devices are used To sense the intensity of
Solid state materials that provide strong photon electron
interaction are used as Sensing elements.
Based on quantum efficiency (electron hole pairs)
Si, GaAs,
Alkali : Lithium, Sodium, Potassium and rubidium and
Thermal Sensors
Thermocouples are the most common transducer used to
sense heat.
They operate on the principle of EMF produced at open ends of
two dissimilar metallic wires when junction is heated.
Temperature rise can be correlated to magnitude of emf.
Wires and junctions can be made very small.
By introducing another junction in the thermocouple one can
induce temp gradient
Emf generated, V = T
Drawback: output decreases in
proportionality with size and beads
Remedy: Microthermopile (materials used :
copper, chromel, constantan)
Thermopile operate with both hot and cold
junction but they are arranged with
thermocouple in parallel and output voltage in

It is miniaturised heat sensing

Device.Have arrangement of
Thermocouples in parallel with
Output voltage in series.
32 polysilicon gold thermocouples in

Choiand wise produced the

32 polysilicon-gold thermocouple with output
at 500K in 50ms.

Apressure sensor based on thermal sources

of pressure has been fabricated.Thermal
Forces cause deflection of diaphragm that can
be related to change in capacitance.

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