Human Values and Professional Ethics - Value Education-SLhamo
Human Values and Professional Ethics - Value Education-SLhamo
Human Values and Professional Ethics - Value Education-SLhamo
18th July,2013
1. Dorji Thinlay, Director, Department B
2. Sherub Tharchen, ALO
3. Dendup Wangmo, AIPO
4. Sangay Bidha, AIPO
5. Dil Maya Chhetri, AIPO
6. Ugyen Dema, ACO
7. Sangay Lhamo, AIPO
Human values and professional ethics.
What are your goals?
Do you know what you really want?
In whatever you have done so far, did you decide these
things for yourself, or were you merely acting under
external influence???
Have you ever explore or asked these questions to
yourself before attending this session?
The course is an attempt to integrate all the aspects of
our life into a single whole and equip us with a capability
to find answers to the above questions
In short.
It is the process of knowing or understanding oneself
inorder to understand the outer world
Contents of the presentation
Need for value education and the role of education in holistic
Self exploration as a process for value education
Identification of basic human aspiration-continuous happiness
and prosperity
Programs to fulfill these aspirations
Understanding the harmony at four levels: self, family,
society and nature
Understanding Existence as Co-existence
Questions restricted
Whatever we present here is just a proposal
One has to verify on the basis of your own right
Why value education??
The ultimate desire of human being
To be happy and prosperous at all times
State of society today..
Science enabled us to understand physical Are we satisfied
with the state of
reality around us
affairs today.. ?
Technology continues to offer us conveniences
in increasingly newer way-made tremendous
advancement and innovations
We are still faced with serious problems at various levels
Live according
Verify on the to the proposal
basis of your (experiential
natural validation)
Realization and
Mutual happiness
Mutual prosperity