Managerial Decision Making - MBA-2017
Managerial Decision Making - MBA-2017
Managerial Decision Making - MBA-2017
Decision Making
The process of identifying the problems and analyzing
the opportunities to achieve the goal and available
alternative to resolving them
The Interdisciplinary Framework of
Decision Making
Philosophy Statistics
Values and
ethics Utility and
Models and
Mathematics Anthropology
Political science
Types of Decisions
Programmed Decision
A decision made in response to a situation
that has occurred often enough to enable
decision rules to be developed and applied
in the future
eg. Recruitment, Documentation, Fright roots, etc
Types of Decisions (cont.)
Non-Programmed Decision
A decision made in response to situations
that are unique, are poorly defined and
largely unstructured, and have important
consequences for the organization
Possibility of Decision Failure
Problem Solution
Possibility of Decision Failure
All the information the decision maker needs is
fully available.
Decision has clear-cut goals.
Good information is available.
Future outcomes associated with each alternative
are subject to chance.
Possibility of Decision Failure (cont.)
Managers know which goals they with to achieve.
Information about alternatives and future events is
Managers may have to come up with creative approaches to
By far the most difficult decision situation.
Goals to be achieved or the problem to be solved is unclear.
Alternatives are difficult to define.
Information about outcomes is unavailable.
The Concept of Decision-Making
i) Computational iii) Compromise
ii) Judgmental iv) Inspirational
Computational Compromise
High Level
Decision-Making Decision-Making
of Knowledge
Strategy Strategy
Judgmental Inspirational
Low Level Decision-Making
of Knowledge
Strategy Strategy
Decision Making Models
a) Classical Model
b) Administrative Model
c) Political Model
a) Classical Model
Based on economic conditions
Is considered to be normative
Accomplishes goals that are known and
agreed upon.
Strives for certainty by gathering complete
Criteria for evaluating alternatives are known.
Decision maker is rational and uses logic.
b) Administrative Model
How managers actually make decisions in situations
characterized by non-programmed decisions,
uncertainty, and ambiguity.
Focuses on organizational, rather than economic.
Two concepts are instrumental in shaping the
administrative model.
1) Bounded rationality: means that people have limits or
boundaries on how rational they can be.
2) Satisficing: means that decision makers choose the first
solution alternative that satisfies minimal decision criteria.
Is considered to be descriptive and also It is considered
c) Political Model
Closely resembles the real environment in
which most managers and decision makers
Decisions are complex.
Disagreement and conflict over problems and
solutions are normal.
Coalition building is important.
Comparisons of Classical, Political, &
Administrative Models
Classical Model Administrative Model Political Model
Implementation of
Development of
Selection of
Step Example
Recognizing & defining the situation A plant manager sees that employee
(problem) turnover has increased by 15%
Employees are unhappy, they feel lack of
Diagnose/Analysis of the situation
motivation, low compensations
The plant manager can increase wages,
Evaluating the alternatives increase benefits, or change hiring
standards, etc
Increasing the benefits may not be
feasible. Increasing wages and changing
hiring standards may satisfy all conditions
Selecting the best alternative
Changing hiring standards will take an
extended period of time to cut turnover,
So increase wages or offer over time
The plant manager may need permission
Implementing the chosen alternatives from corporate headquarters. The HRD
establishes a new wage/OT structure
The pant manager notes that six months
Following up and evaluating the results later turnover has dropped to its previous
Personal Decision Framework
Personal Decision
Decision Style Choice
Programmed/non- Directive
Best Solution to
Decision steps
Personal Decision Framework (cont.)
Mark Zuckerberg
Bill Gates
Personal Decision Framework (cont.)
Elon Musk
Implementation of
Development of
Selection of
Don Anglos and Pinnacle have taken the following steps:
Though Don Anglos and Pinnacle have taken some steps in some categories of
Managerial Decision Making Process, it seemed most of the steps are not adequate of
backed up properly with data, analysis or research.
I. Recognition of decision requirement
- Don and Pinnacle have identified that with the increasing competition and
slow growth of business, they needed a new strategic approach
- They have recognized that a mechanism to over come the current competition
is needed and a technology transfer is required to implement a new business
model to face the up coming competition
II. Development of Alternatives
An aggressive pricing strategy to over come the revelry
A technology transfer from Hoilman to develop a monitoring software for their
products, for the strategic change from being a manufacturing firm to a
hightech service company
Acquiring Hoilman Inc. as a big competitor is planning a hostile takeover
Or not to acquire Hoilman, Inc. and remain a manufacturer
Don Anglos and Pinnacle have taken the following steps
(cont.) :
So, Don and Pinnacle have taken some steps in only four categories out of six, in
Managerial Decision Making Process and even some of those are not adequate.
Don Anglos and Pinnacle have not taken the following
Though Don Anglos and Pinnacle have achieved 4 out of 6 categories in Decision
Making Process, even the ones they have done seems to be unconfident. So the two
categories which they havent taken steps are,
I. Diagnose and Analysis of Causes
- Don and Pinnacle have identified the causes that would make their business
unhealthy like increasing competition and slow growth of business, but they
havent done any analysis or diagnosis of the depths and figures of the causes.
II. Evaluation and Feedback
The have selected couple of desired alternatives as aggressive pricing strategy
to over come the revelry and an attempt to Joint Venture with Hoilman Inc.
But they havent evaluated the reasons for the failures of those alternatives
and to know better what to do next.
Question 2
I. Don Anglos
- Dons decision making style is best described as Directive. Don does not rely
on too much information and takes into consideration. Only one or two
alternatives as seen by the fact that most of his decisions are based purely on
gut feeling or a hunch.
I. Seek new low risk technology Transfer, possibility of new JV or patent purchasing
II. Sub contract the service section rather than investing own money for unconfident
category of business
III. Attempt to increase the manufacturing business by introducing new manufacturing
products according to the market requirement
IV. Consider other possible alternatives than entering into service market
Thank You