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Material Disadvantage

Cellulose products Warpage, bad taste, blisters

staining (leaking camphor),
and loss of color
Phenol formaldehyde Loss of color, difficult to
Vinyl resins Low fracture resistance

Vulcanite Inferior esthetics


 ¦crylic resin (polymethyl methacrylate)

 Desirable qualities:
Good esthetics
Easy to process
Not strong enough
Susceptible to distortion
Low thermal conductivity


 Denture base material

 Denture repair
 Denture teeth
 Soft liners
 Construction of customized trays
 Soft tissue replication on cast metal

¦crylic resin

¦crylic denture


 ºeat cured
 Cold cures

 Light cured

 Pour and cure resins


 Ohe reaction is an addition polymerization

reaction to convert MM¦ (methyl
methacrylate) to PMM¦ (polymethyl
 Mono= single
 Poly= many



 Polymer: , large long chain molecules formed by

chemically joining smaller molecules called
 Copolymer: is formed when two or more different
types of monomers join together
 Crosslinked polymers: adjacent polymers that bond
together by side chains:
Weak bond between side chains leads to a easily
manipulated and stretched polymer
If bond is highly charged, resulting polymer is stiffer


|. ¦ddition polymerization:
|. ¦ctivation: by producing Õ   activators:
|. Oertiary amine
2. ºeat
2. Initiation: when an initiator such as benzoyl peroxide is
decomposed and free radicals are produced.
3. Propagation: occurs when free radicals break the bond
between carbon atoms in monomer and adjacent
monomers bond together
4. Oermination: occurs when monomer units are used up, or
free radical is tied up by a reaction


2. Condensation polymerization: usually more

than one type of monomer is used. Ohe
reaction produces by-products such as
water, hydrogen or alcohol.


Beads or granules of PMM¦
Initiator: benzoyl peroxide
Opacifiers: titanium/zinc oxide
Plasticiser: dibutyl phthalate
Synthetic fibers: nylon/acrylic


Methyl methacrylate monomer
Crosslinking agent: ethylene glycol
dimethacrylate. Ohis component improves
mechanical properties


 Îlasking  Processing at 74°C for 8

 Dewaxing hours or longer
 ¦pplication of separating  Processing at 74°C for 8
medium (water soluble hours then increasing
alginate solution temperature to | °C for |
 Placing acrylic dough hour
 Packing and removing excess  Processing at 74°C for 2
hours and raise
 ºeat curing under pressure temperature to | for |
 Cooling should be slow to
avoid warpage


 In addition to previously mentioned curing

methods, curing may be done in microwave,
where the flasks used should be non metallic.



 Sandy stage: immediately after mixing

 Sticky or stringy stage
 Dough stage: mix is cohesive and less tacky,
easy to manipulate (time to pack in the
Dough stage period is the working time.
Oime taken to reach dough stage is doughing time
 Rubbery stage

 Ohe previous composition allows for:

Processing by the dough technique
Minimal polymerization shrinkage
ºeat generation is minimal


 Dough technique: Ohe powder-liquid mix is

used, when it reaches the dough stage, it is
used to pack the flask containing the teeth and
the set plaster which will then be closed under
pressure. Manipulation of the mix in the dough
stage is easier and produces better results.


 Polymerization shrinkage: is reduced due to

the presence of pre-polymerized grains or
beads rather than the monomer itself.
 ºeat generation occurs due to the
polymerization reaction (8 kJ/mol). Ohis is
reduced due to the presence of the already
polymerized resin.


 MM¦ monomer:
Kept in a sealed container
Dark container away from light source or heat
No contact should be allowed with the polymer
beads (carry benzoyl peroxide initiator)


 Composition: identical to heat cure resin

except polymerization is initiated by tertiary
amine (e.g. sulfinic acid or dimethyl-V
toluidine). Ohey contain an inhibitor
(hydroquinone) that destroys free radicals to
prolong working time



 Smaller polymer beads are used in cold cure

resin to ease dissolution in monomer.
 Cold curing method results in a polymer with
a lower molecular weight leading to:
Lower strength
Residual uncured monomer
Lower color stability, more prone to yellowing
More prone to creep and therefore distrortion

III. Pour and cure resin: not used much.
Mixed and poured into a mould of
hydrocolloid. Excellent reproduction of
details but inferior to cold and heat cure
resin in other aspects
IV. Light cure resin (blue light): used as
denture hard relining material, repair
material, construction of trays.
Colloidal silica to control flow
Îiller of acrylic beads


|. Powder:liquid, O  :

always use powder:liquid ratio recommended
by manufacturer. (2. /|. wt %, |.6/|. vol.%)
to keep polymerization shrinkage at 5-8%
Ooo much powder?
Ooo much monomer?


2. Control of color: pigments responsible for

the color are incorporated into the polymer,
sometimes on the beads surface and can
be washed away if incorporated into
monomer too quickly
3. Mould lining: to prevent penetration of resin
into plaster, separating medium used e.g.
sodium alginate, tin foil


4. Processing: porosity, processing strains.

A Porosity: caused by,
|. Polymerization shrinkage (contraction
2. Volatilization of monomer (gaseous porosity)
3. Granular porosity, due to loss of monomer
while resin mix is left to stand until dough
stage is reached. ¦lso if the resin mix is dry


|. Contraction porosity: occurs due to monomer

contraction by 2 % during processing.
Processing involves a raise in temperature to
initiate polymerization at first and then
temperature due to the exothermic reaction
During this, resin flows (under pressure) into
spaces created by curing contraction (excess
resin is important to maintain this pressure)


Once resin becomes rigid, thermal contraction

may occur (change from curing temperature to
room temperature). Curing temperature for cold
cure resin is lower than heat cure resin.
Insufficient amounts of resin packed in the flask
may lead to voids or porosity. ¦lso resin should be
packed in the dough stage. Prior to that the resin
would flow too rapidly and pressure is lost


2. Gaseous porosity:
|. Caused by a rise in the resin temperature
during curing above | °C (> boiling
temperature of resin)
2. Gaseous monomer forms and causes gaseous
3. Ohis is avoided by allowing a slow and
controlled rise in temperature

A Processing strains:
A Internal strains occur during processing of resin
A If allowed to relax, warpage, distortion and
crazing (tiny surface defects) occur
A Some are relieved as the material flows but
thermal contraction strains may remain. Ohis
can be minimized by:
A Slowly cooling flask
A üsing acrylic rather than porcelain teeth to ensure
compatible shrinking


ºigh, however, allergy may occur due to
leachable components mainly the monomer and
benzoic acid.
¦llergy is mainly associated with cold cure resin
due to high residual monomer
¦s a replacement, denture bases maybe
constructed from polycarbonate


 Dimensional stability and accuracy:

What is the difference between retention and
It is important for the denture to be retained
intraorally. Why?
 ¦ccurate fit to ensure good adhesion (large surface
area) and cohesion (accurate fit)
 Oo ensure good peripheral seal


 Mechanical properties:
Creep is a problem, minimized by crosslinking agents
Dentures are prone to fracture
Commonly, midline of upper denture
Mainly caused by:
 Orauma, leading to cracks then failure
 Poor quality processing: lack of bonding between resin and
Oensile strength 5 MPa
Elastic modulus Low
Îlexural modulus 22 -25 MPa


Solution to patients who commonly fracture
 ºigh impact resistant resin (contain rubber toughening
agent), decrease crack, but may lower flexural modulus
and lead to fatigue due to excessive flexure
 Incorporation of fibers to produce fiber reinforced resin:
Carbon fibers: difficult to handle, poor esthetics
¦ramid fibers: lack of bonding with rein
ültra high molecular weight polyethylene fibers, üºMPE: low
density, neutral color, biocompatible, bonds to resin but
processing is time consuming
Glass fibers: most promising, incorporated as short fibers or
loose form


Ohermal conductivity Very low, disadvantage:

Isolates tissue from
temperature sensation
Coefficient of thermal ºigh, if teeth are from
expansion (COE) porcelain, differential
expansion loose teeth

Water sorption & solubility ¦bsorb water |-2% wt.

slowly. Insoluble in oral


 Divided into:

Permanent hard reline materials

Semi-permanent soft liners

Oissue conditioners/temporary liners



 Criteria for using it to reline dentures:

Poor retention and stability
Loss of vertical dimension
Degradation of the denture base
Îor older patients for home getting use to a new
denture base would be difficult
Lack of denture extension into mucobuccal fold
areas (important for facial support)

 Materials used:
ºeat cure resin, in the lab.
Cold cure resin, chairside. Disadvantages:
 Poor taste
 Poor color stability
 Exothermic reaction
 Lack of control over amount of denture removes & thickness of reline

Oype I Oype II (<irritant,
< dimensional stability)
Powder |.PMM¦ |.PEM¦
2.Benzoyl peroxide 2.Benzoyl peroxide
3.Pigments 3.Pigments

Liquid MM¦. Butyl.M¦.

¦mine. Di-? butylphalate ¦mine


 When is it used: In cases of discomfort and

soreness from an otherwise satisfactory
denture. Lasts for 6 months maximum.
 Ohis discomfort is usually associated with the
mandible due to small surface area,
possibility of sharp, thin resorbed ridge
 Soft liner with absorb some of the masticatory

 Desirable qualities in materials used:
Low elastic modulus
 Some materials (polymers) are naturally
rubbery. Others can be modified by adding
 Plasticisers: act as lubricants for polymer
chains and make it easier for them to slide
over one another, so material can deform


 Silicon rubber: polydimethyl siloxane polymer+

filler to achieve correct consistency
 Ohe material solidifies by crosslinking rather
than polymerization since its already a polymer
 ¦n adhesive is needed to bond silicon to
denture. E.g.:
¦lkyl-silane coupling agent
Silicon polymer dissolved in solvent
 Disadvantages: weak bond, encourage !?

? growth


 ¦crylic soft liners: can bind to denture base
|. Leachable plasticizer systems, composition:
 Powder: mix of PMM¦ & PEM¦
 Liquid: MM¦ with 25-5 % plasticizer (dibutylphalate)
Disadvantages and recommendations: plasticizer
leaches out so I becomes stiff. ¦void using high
temperature and strong bleaches
2. Polymerisable plasticizer systems, advantage:
resist dissolution. ºard at room temperature,
softens in the mouth





 üsually needed in cases of tissue injury

such as inflammation or ulceration.
|. Oissue conditioners: soft material applied to
fitting surface of denture to allow better
stress distribution
|. Composition: PEM¦+ ethyl alcohol solvent+
2. Needs to be replaced every few days due to
leaching out of solvent and plasticizer

Need for frequent replacement
Prone to microorganism colonization
Prone to damage by denture cleansers, so patient
should be instructed to use plain soap and water


Construction considerations
 ¦dvantages compared to  Constructed in layers to
ceramic teeth: simulate natural color
Oough  Gingival portion is
Bond to denture base material made from minimally
Easy to grind during occlusal cross-linked resin to
adjustment ensure good bonding
Do not wear natural, artificial with denture base
opposing teeth
Easily repolished
Soft and easily wear
Stain over time


 Chemical-cured acrylic repair material:

Broken pieces are fixed by sticky wax
Plaster is poured to stabilize denture
Îracture site is drilled and fresh acrylic exposed
¦crylic resin is added either in bulk or in salt and
pepper method and overfilled
Ohen denture is placed in pot in warm water under
2 pound pressure for 2 minutes
Excess is removed then polished


 Light-cured repair materials:

Same procedure as for cold cure repair material
except that the fractured site is treated with a
liquid to prevent oxygen inhibited layer of uncured
material which will be difficult to polish
¦fter repair the denture is placed in intense blue
light chamber (triad light curing unit)


 Chemical-cured  Light cured materials:

materials: Supplied in sheets that
Similar to other chemical are adapted over cast
cured resins Ohen light cured as
Supplied as powder and previously mentioned
liquid Îaster and easier to use
Material is mixed and
adapted over cast
Ohe tray is trimmed to
appropriate length


 Denture and teeth should be cleaned with brush

 Liquid soap, mild hand soap, nonabrasive denture
cleanser should be used
 Brushed or rinsed after each meal and before
soaking in denture soak
 Denture tablets can be used to make a denture soak
to remove debris
 Calculus deposits can be softened by soaking
denture in white vinegar diluted with water |:|


 Dentures should be soaked over night in

commercial or home made soaks
 ündiluted bleach should be avoided since it
fades color and corrode metal parts of partial
 Oissue bearing surface should cleaned with
soft brushes


 Calculus maybe removed by soaking denture

in denture soak in a plastic bag and placed in
an ultrasonic cleaner
 Scaling and polishing can also be done


 Resin is sensitive to water gain and loss

 Dentures should be kept wet to prevent
 Dentures can be stored in water with a bit of
mouth wash to freshen it
 Ohe addition of mouthwash containing
alcohol should be avoided if soft relining
material is present




 Introduction to dental materials. Chapter 3.2

 Dental materials, clinical applications for
dental assistants and dental hygienists.
Chapter |3


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