Fundamentals of Image Processing: Lect # 2 Outline
Fundamentals of Image Processing: Lect # 2 Outline
Fundamentals of Image Processing: Lect # 2 Outline
Lect # 2
• Types of images
• Digital imaging systems
Types of images
Binary image
◦ two valued [0,1] image
◦ Example: used where information about shape or
outline is required
Grayscale image
◦ Monochrome images where no. of bits define no.
of gray-levels (eg. 8 bit image has 256 graylevels)
Color image
◦ 3-band monochrome image where each band
corresponds to a different color (red, Green,
Blue) (8 bits per plane=> 24 bits per pixel)
Types of images
Types of images:
◦ Bitmap or Raster image: 2-D function
◦ Vector image: storing lines, curves and shape
using key points
The 5 formats of Digital Image Files:
Raw Image Files
File Format Full form Property Usage
TIFF Tagged Image File TIFF images are used in photo software (such as Photoshop)
(.tiff or .tif) Format uncompressed and thus and page layout software (such as Quark and
contain a lot of detailed image InDesign)
JPEG Joint Photographic Uses lossy compression • Used for photographs on the web
(.jpeg or .jpg) Experts Group Bad for line drawings or logos • Used by digital cameras
or graphics, as compression
makes them look jagged lines
GIF Graphic Interchange Uses lossless compression • limited color range suitable for the web
(.gif) Format but not for printing.
• Never used for photography, due to limited
number of colors.
• Can also be used for animations.
PNG Portable Network allows for a full range of color • created as an open format to replace GIF,
(.png) Graphics and better compression. • Used for web images, not for print images
• Not for photographs, due to large size
• Better than JPEG for images with some
text, or line art
Raw image files Contain unprocessed data
from a digital camera. (usually).
Each camera company has its
own proprietary format.
Usually they are converted to
TIFF before editing and color-
How human eye works?
Basic principle followed by cameras has
been taken from the way , the human eye
The cornea & lens serve to refract light and form image on retina
Quantitative relationship between
object & image size
Let f be the focal length of lens assembly
Di be the distance of image from lens
Do is the distance of object from lens
Then, from lens equation we have,
1 1 1
= +
𝑓 𝑑𝑖 𝑑𝑜
If height of object and image is ho and hi
respectively, the relationship is
ℎ𝑖 𝑑𝑖
= -
ℎ𝑜 𝑑𝑜
Assume that the cornea-lens system has a
focal length of 1.80 cm (0.0180 m).
Determine the image size and image
location of a 6-foot tall man (1.83 m) who
is standing a distance of approximately 10
feet away (3.05 meters).
f / 5.6
f / 32
Changing the aperture size affects depth of field
◦ A smaller aperture increases the range in which the
object is approximately in focus
Image formation in digital camera
Camera Sensors
Sensors consist of pixels and the main component of a pixel is the
Photodiode which converts the energy of the incoming photons
(light energy) into an electrical charge.
White balance & Bayer’s
Interpolating Green components
R4 R2