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Chapter4 SKEU2003 Week12-13 C4

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Contents of Week 12-13

Chapter 4
(Magnetic Circuit)

1- Magnetic Circuit
2- Series Magnetic Circuit
3- Parallel Magnetic circuit
4- Analysis & Examples
– 2 meter watt
ConcepTest on
Chapter 4

Magnetic Circuit
ConcepTest on Chapter 4 Follow-up 1: Which one is the
Magnetic Circuit series magnetic circuit?
(i) (ii) (iii)
There are 3 types of magnetic

 2
circuit, namely as series, i

N lg N 
parallel and combination
between series and parallel
(composite) magnetic circuit. (iv) (v) (vi)

If the magnetic circuit has 2 or i

iron steel

more different material in one cobalt

flux path, what is the type of

this circuit? A) i, iv B) ii, v C) iii, iv

D) i,ii,iv E) ii,iv,v F) all

A) Series
Follow-up 2: So, how about (iii) & (vi)?
B) Parallel
(iii) Parallel magnetic circuit
C) Series + Parallel (vi) Composite magnetic circuit
ConcepTest on Chapter 4 Follow-up 1: Now, can you guess
Magnetic Circuit what is the definition of composite
magnetic circuit ?
Can you guess what is the
definition of parallel magnetic The combination of Series and
circuit? Parallel magnetic circuit

A) The magnetic circuit with

different flux path
 2
B) The magnetic circuit with
reluctances that connected N 
in parallel

C) A and B
ConcepTest on Chapter 4 Follow-up 1: Do you know how to
Magnetic Circuit draw the electrical circuit analogy
based on the magnetic diagram?
Which electrical analogy representing
the magnetic diagram below? (1) Electrical (2) The core type is just
source 1 type. So, we name it as

= mmf= F core Reluctance, Score.


N lg


i Since the
N lg core and
A B the airgap
are in
, they
share the
same Flux.


(3)Then, between the magnetic surfaces at

the right limb, there is an air gap. So,
another reluctance involved is Sairgap.
Do you know what is Reluctance?

ConcepTest on Chapter 4
Magnetic Circuit

Which one is WRONG about Reluctance?

A) Reluctance can be analogized as Resistance in

electric circuit

B) Reluctance is a measure of the opposition the

magnetic circuit offers to the flux

C) The unit of reluctance is the

Ampere per Weber (A/Wb)

D) The reluctance of a magnetic circuit is not related to

its length, cross sectional area, and permeability.
ConcepTest on Chapter 4 Follow-up 1: Do you know how to
Magnetic Circuit draw the electrical circuit analogy
based on the magnetic diagram?
Which electrical analogy representing
the magnetic diagram below? (1) Electrical (2) There are 3 core
source types. First type is iron.
= mmf= F o, we name it as Siron.

A B (4) Type 3:

(3) Type 2:

ConcepTest on Chapter 4 Follow-up 1: Do you know how to
Magnetic Circuit draw the electrical circuit analogy
based on this magnetic diagram?
Which electrical analogy representing
this parallel magnetic diagram below?

 2

N 

(1) Determine how many limbs? 3
(2) What are the limbs?

Limb 1: abcd
Limb 2: afed
Limb 3: ad
(3) Replace each limb
with Reluctance analogy Sc1,Sc2,Sc3
Follow-up 2: Do you know how to draw the electrical circuit
analogy based on the parallel magnetic diagram?

Limb 1: abcd: Sc1

Limb 2: afed : Sc2
Limb 3: ad : Sc3

(1) Electrical (2) Reluctance (3) Reluctance (4) Reluctance

source core 1 series with core 3, S3. parallel core 2, S2.
= mmf = F F, S1. with (F and S1) parallel with S3
ConcepTest Summary 1

There are 3 types of magnetic circuit:

(1) Series (2) Parallel

(3) Composite
ConcepTest on
Chapter 4

Equations in Series
Magnetic Circuit
ConcepTest on Chapter 4 A
Magnetic Circuit S total  S1  S 2  S 3
If this series magnetic core is S total  l abcd  r Acore  l agf  r Acore  l def  r Acore
made from 3 different parts, which
one is correct about the way how
S total  S1  S 2  S 3
we can calculate the reluctance?
l l agf l def
S total  abcd  
 r Acore  r Acore  r Acore

S total  S1  S 2  S 3
S total  l abcd  r  o Acore  l agf  r  o Acore  l def  r  o Acore

S total  S1  S 2  S 3
l abcd l agf l def
S total   
 r  o Acore  r  o Acore  r  o Acore

Summary 1: Reluctance, 𝐒 =
𝝁𝒓 𝝁𝒐 𝑨
where 𝒍 = length of the each path
A = core area
ConcepTest on Chapter 4
Magnetic Circuit Summary:
Reluctance, 𝐒 =
There are other ways how to 𝝁𝒓 𝝁𝒐 𝑨

calculate the reluctance, which F

relating with the magnetic flux, 
S1  S 2  S 3
using equation in A, B C and D,
S1  S 2  S 3
Limb 1: abcd: Sc1
Limb 2: afed : Sc2 l
Limb 3: ad : Sc3 Ni
S1  S 2  S 3
𝒍 = length of the each path
A F B Hl A = core area
   = Flux
S1  S 2  S 3 S1  S 2  S 3
F = m.m.f
H = Magnetic intensity or
Ni Bl
C   D   magnetic strength
S1  S 2  S 3 S1  S 2  S 3 l= length
ConcepTest on Chapter 4
Magnetic Circuit (A) 5488230.78 x 106
(B) 6896714.2
Calculate the total reluctance for (C) 4.2217156 x 106
this circuit, if the relative (D) 5305164.769
permeability of the core is 30000
and the square area of the core is Answer steps:
0.1cmx0.1cm. 𝒍
Reluctance, 𝐒 =
𝝁 𝒓 𝝁𝒐 𝑨

𝒍 = (5+2) x2 + 6x2 = 14+ 12 = 26 cm

= 26 x 10-2 m

A = 0.1x 0.1 x10-4 m2 = 1x10-6 m2

Sa 𝝁�𝒓 = 30000 , 𝝁�o = 4 x 10-7
 𝒍
+ Reluctance, 𝐒 =
𝝁𝒓 𝝁 𝒐 𝑨
- 26 x 10−2
S = =
Sc 𝟑𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎( 4 x 10−7 )(1x10−6)
ConcepTest on Chapter 4 Answer steps:
Magnetic Circuit
In series circuit, the flux in the core is equal
Calculate the current i if the flux with the flux in the air gap. So
flows in the core is 0.02mWb. The airgap  core. mmf  NI  Hl
core length of the core lc is equal core.  Bcore . Acore NI  H core lcore  H airgap l airgap

to 100 mm and the air gap length

lc  100 x10 3 m H core  ?
is 0.1mm. N=1000 H airgap  ?
l airgap  0.1x10 3 m

B  H ...........H 
 Bo  ?
H airgap  H o 
Bo  airgap. 0.02 x10 3
o Bo  .  0.5T
Aairgap 40 x10 6

Bo 0.5
Ho    397887.36 At / m
o 4x10 7

H core  350 At / m Directly gathered from the Table,

when Bcore= 0.5T, Hcore= 350 At/m
H(At/m) 20 80 350 480 800 1000
H c lc  H airgap l airgap
B(Tesla) 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25
(350 x100 x10 3 )  (397887.36 x0.1x10 3 )
I  0.0748 A
ConcepTest on
Chapter 4

Equations in Parallel
Magnetic Circuit
 
Can you draw the
magnetic circuit for this
N magnetic diagram? Can
you write the magnetic
equation involved?

 
 Kirchoff Laws :
S3  3  1   2
S1 1
2 S2 loop 1: NI  H 3l3  H1l `
F loop 2 : NI  H 3l3  H 2 l 2
  Can you draw the
magnetic circuit for this
i magnetic diagram? Can
N you write the magnetic
equation involved?

 
Sg Kirchoff Laws :
S1  3  1   2
1 S3 2 S2
+ loop 1: NI  H 3l3  H1l `
- loop 2 : NI  H 3l3  H 2 l 2
Final Exam Previous
Example on Chapter 4

Analysis on Series
Magnetic Circuit
1) In series circuit, the flux in the core is
equal with the flux in the air gap. So
airgap  core. Bcore  core. . Acore
Bcore  core. . Acore   airgap. . Acore
 airgap  Bairgap . Aairgap  3 x10 5.(40 x10 6 )
 airgap  0.75(40 x10 6 )  0.75Wb

 airgap  3x10 5 Wb
Question 1 2) The intensity in the core and the airgap is
different due to different permeability, μ.
H(At/m) 20 80 350 480 800 1000
B  airgap   o  4x10 7
B  H ...........H 
  core   o  r
Bo 0.75
B(Tesla) 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 H airgap  H o    596.831x10 3 At / m
o 4x10 7

H core  480 At / m Directly gathered from the Table,

If the flux density in the air gap is when Bcore= 0.75T, Hcore= 480 At/m
0.75T, and core a and b was made 3) mmf=NI=Hl
from similar type, find: lc  (60  50) x10 3
mmf  NI  Hl
1) Flux density in the core a and b. lc  110 x10 3 m
NI  H core lcore  H airgap l airgap
l airgap  0.4 x10 3 m
2) The magnetic intensity in the core
a,b, and airgap. H c lc  H airgap l airgap
3) The produced current
(480 x110 x10 3 )  (596831x0.4 x10 3 )
I  0.0583 A
Question 2 = 0.3 x 1.5 x 10-4
= 0.45 x 10-4 Wb
A magnetic circuit comprises three parts
in series , each of uniform cross-sectional F=ФxS
area, A. They are: = Ф x l / (µo µr A)

Fa = Ф x Sa
(a) a length of 80 mm and A = 50 mm2 = 44.1 Ampere-Turn
(b) a length of 60 mm and A = 90 mm2
Fb = Ф x Sb
(c) an air gap of length 0.5 mm and A = = 18.4 Ampere-Turn
150 mm2
Fc = Ф x Sc
A coil of 4000 turns is wound on part (b) = 119.3 Ampere-Turn
and the flux density, B in the air gap is 0.3 FTotal = Fa + Fb + Fc
T. Assuming that all the flux passes
through the given circuit, and the relative = 181.8 Ampere-Turn
permeability,  r is 1300, estimate the coil I = FTotal / N
current, I to produce such a flux density. = 45.4 x 10-3 Ampere

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