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Viv Boiler

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The steam generation plant of Nangal unit has

three coal fired Boilers in addition to one oil-fired
boiler. The coal fired Boilers are of the radiant,
outdoor, bi-drum, high head, non re-heat type
industrial Boilers of the modified “VU-40” type,
suitable for firing pulverized coal as principle fuel.
These boilers have been specially selected to
meet the varying process steam requirements
and to deliver superheated steam at a steady rate
and are arranged for pulverized fuel firing.
The integrated service Boilers of the Nangal
expansion are different from conventional

These Boilers are designed to heat up external

high pressure steam along with generated
steam to the same final superheated steam

External steam is supplied from process steam

waste heat Boilers in Ammonia plant
Boiler has been designed as per rules and
regulation of ISO which is completely acceptable
to the Indian Boilers regulations (1950)
Maximum continuous rating of these pulverized
fuel fired Boilers are 117 MTPH of generated
steam and 65 MTPH of the external import
Final superheated steam conditions in the Boiler
are 91 ATA and 510oC at battery limit.
Boiler is designed for three stages of SH steam
from Boiler drum passes through panel type
radiant PSH located in the high gas temperature
Zone at the exit of the furnace.
General principals of Boiler
All steam generation equipment is designed for a
specific purpose. When supplied with feed water at
a specific temperature. The unit will deliver a
definite quantity of steam at the design pressure
and temperature.
The concentration of solids entrained in the steam
leaving the steam drum will depend to a great
extent upon the quality of the feed water. Suitable
make up water treatment and an adequate blow
down control the boiler water alkalinity, silica,
dissolved and suspended solids in the boiler water.
The quantity of fuel consumed depend
upon the nature of the fuel and quality
of the fuel.

The analysis of the flue gases leaving

the boiler is an index of complete and
economical combustion. The presence
of carbon monoxide (CO) in the flue gas
indicates incomplete combustion.
Normally flue gases contains CO2,O2
and N2
Steam generation Plant of NFL Nangal
was commissioned in 1977 with three
coal fired boilers.

Raw coal is being received in open as

well as covered rail wagons from CCL
and BCCL Dhanbad Jharkhand/Bihar.
This coal is then unloaded at our site
manually, through tippler as well as by
Pocklain machine.
For burning raw coal, fuel oil/low sulpher
heavy stock oil is required as support oil.

This FO/LSHS/HPS oil is being

received from different refineries of IOC,
mostly from Mathura (UP) or from
Koyaly/Bajwa (Gujrat) in rail tank wagons at
our oil unloading site. Oil is then
transported through pumps to storage
tanks and then to Day tank of Steam
generation Plant.
Raw coal is fed to feeding hoppers in
coal yard through dozers, from where
it is fed to crushers through conveyers.

Raw coal is crushed to about 25mm in

size and then transported to concrete
bunkers through another conveyer for
pulverizing in pulverizing unit.
Type of Boiler series – VU - 40
17 54 1 40 24
21 36 2 18 60

TT – Tilting Tangential type burners arranged for corner

17 – width of the furnace in feet
21 – length of the furnace in feet.
54 – steam drum internal dia in inches.
36 – Mud / water drum internal dia in inches.
2 – NB of Boiler bank tubes in inches.]
40 – no. of rows deep Boiler bank tubes ( drum length wise)
18 – no, of rows deep Boiler bank tubes ( drum dia wise)
24 – distance between the bottom water wall ring header
and mud drum centers in feet.
The 65 MTPH of external high pressure
saturated steam first flows through ISSH
located in the low gas temperature Zone of
second path after Boiler Bank Tubes section.

Two different streams after passing through

their respective super heaters are mixed
before the common de-super heater. Total
steam quantity 182 MTPH now flows through
the final super heater located after PSH and
before Boiler Bank tubes to the final super
heated steam conditions.

Boiler design pressure 115 Kg/cm2

Maxi. Continues output t/hr. 182 154
Gen./Evaporated steam t/hr. 117 94
External import steam (sat.) 65 60
Superheated steam(Bat. limit) 91 Kg/cm2
Superheated steam(Bat. Limit) 510 oC
Import steam pressure 103 Kg/cm2
Feed water temp. to boiler 145 oC

Total hardness as Caco3 = 0.3 ppm

Silica = 0.1 ppm
Oxygen = 0.02 ppm
Iron = 0.02 ppm
Calcium = 0.005 ppm
Total Dissolved Solid = 2.0 ppm
pH = 7.5 – 9.0
Alkanility (ammonia) = 1-5 ppm

Its a panel type radiant, pendent super


Total steam quantity (about 117 MTPH)

from Boiler drum is being supplied.
No. of assemblies per Boiler is 17, No. of
coils (Tubes – 34) No. of loops per
assembly – 5
Final super heater

It’s a pendent semi radiant and

connective super heater. It is fed
with total steam from Platen and
No. of Assemblies per Boiler – 31.
No. of coils per Assemblies – 62
No. of loops per Assemblies – 4.5.
Bank tubes of boilers

No. of Bank Tube per 720


Nos. of wide /Row 40

Nos. of wide /Row 18

Material of Construction SA – 192 carbon steel


-No. of front wall tubes – 55

-No. of Rear wall and nose tubes – 55
-No. of side walls (both) – 162.

- Front and rear wall water wall tubes

connected to drum by expansion
however, side wall tubes connected
to side header by welding.

It is fed with only process steam from

Ammonia - II . under all Boiler
conditions. This is a horizontal –
connection type.
No. of loops per assemblies - 77
The material of construction of ISSH
is SA – 209 – T11. carbon ½ mo.

Situated in between ISSH and air

pre-heater in 2nd path. Tubes
arranged in horizontal rows, and of
Plane tubular type.
No. of assembly – 103.
No. loops per assembly – 4.
Air Heater of Coal fired Boilers
It is a tubular type exchanger in two
Each compartment has two blocks, each
block has 5966 tubes. Total tubes= 11932
Gas flow is through tubes and air flow is
through shell side.
Top block is of Carbon steel
Bottom block is of Corten steel (traces of
copper about 0.2%,Cr 1.0% Ni 0.5%)
Proximate analysis of coal being received
Components Design Value Running value
% %
Moisture 6-10 2.5
Volatile Matter 16-20 17-18
Ash 30-35 50-52
Fixed Carbon 39-45 25-28
HCV Kcal/kg 4550-4950 3400-3500
NCV Kcal/kg 4150-4250 3300-3500
G Index 52 48-49

After Combustion in the boiler furnace, ash

along with flue gas then passes through the
electrostatic precipitators for removing the
ash from flue gas, to avoid it to pass
through chimney to atmosphere due to
pollution reasons.
Maximum limit to atmosphere is 150 ppm
as SPM. ( MINAS LIMIT) Minimal National
Electrical field is build up between
emitting electrodes and collecting
electrodes. The corona discharge thus
brought about, ionizes the gas
molecules. When these ionized
molecules colloids, these impart
electrical charge to the dust/ ash
particles. These negatively charged ash
particles get attracted and deposited
on the collecting electrodes having
positive charge.
Rapping mechanism during hammering
operation de-dust the collecting
electrodes. Then this dust/ash gets
accumulated in the fly ash hoppers from
where this ash is removed by the hydro-
vector system as ash slurry and sent to
ash ponds situated out side the factory
on the bank of Sutlej river. Presently,
the ash is being sent to new ash pond
situated South of the factory.
Due to this new pond NFL Nangal has
zero effluent to river Sutlej.
( - ve charge) ( + ve charge)

Flue Gas
Flue Gas

Collecting electrode
Emitting Total=171
Electrode 6 mt*400mm
2.5mm dia

Voltage from Rectifier

Projected collecting area in total

Efficiency =
Flue Gas rate

A.C. Volt=210-230 Current=<20 amps. D.C. volts =<40 KV

Current=<150 m amps. Spark rate =7 to 10 spark/min.

NM1 SH Steam

De super
Steam drum heater



The direct firing system for tangential

firing of pulverize coal involves the use
of vacuum type bowl mills XRS 603 to
pulverize the coal & feed it into the
furnace. The raw coal delivered to the
mill is crushed to 25 mm size max.
Hot air tapped from the hot air duct for
drying & transporting the pulverized
This pulverized coal is transported from
grinding chamber to the burners through
classifier and exhauster. At the exhauster
outlet the mixture of air and coal are
branched off and distributed equally in
each burner by means of riffle distributor.
Size of the mill = XRS 603
Make = BHEL
No. of mills/Blr.= 2
Base capacity = 13.8 te/hr.
Drive motor = 280 Kw of 980 rpm
Coal Burner assembly

Burner assembly located at each corner of

the furnace = 8 coal nozzels (Two / corner)
One oil burner is located in between the
Two coal burners along with tail gas
Tail Gas Firing

The provision of tail gas firing in these

boilers has been provided so that total
quantity of gases supplied could be
fired in these boilers.

Pressure at battery limit =1200mmWC

Quantity of gas received =11630
Tail gas analysis

Hydrogen = 7.00 %
Argon = 3.80%
Nitrogen = 16.10%
Carbon monoxide = 27.90%
Methane = 3.30%
Water = 41.90%
Density = 0.968 Kg/Nm3
Calorific value = 1364 Kcal/Nm3

When the heat transfer surfaces

are kept clean the temp. of the flue
gases leaving the air heater will
remain constant, if this temp.
deviates, then deposited soot
cleaning of heat transfer
equipment is required. For this
cleaning provision of soot blowing
has been given.
Total 27 numbers of soot blowers have
been provided in between the various
heat transfer equipments.
1.Wall soot blowers:-
Location Furnace walls
Nos./Blr. 16
Elevation 02
Cleaning media 20 Kg/cm2
steam at 360 oC
St. consumption 2500 Kg/hr
Operation cycle time 90 Sec.
Travelling length 300 mm
Motor driven 0.56 Kw
2. Long retractable soot blowers:-
Location Super heater suction
Nos./blr. 06, 02 between PSH & FSH
02 between FSH & Bank tubes
St. consumption 4000 Kg/hr
Travel length 5200mm
Operating cycle time 6.46 minutes
3. Rotary blowers:-
Location ISSH & Economizer
Nos./blr. 02 at ISSH & 02 at Economizer
3. Rotary blowers:-
Location ISSH & Economizer
Nos./blr. 02 at ISSH & 02 at Eco.
Steam consumption 6000 Kg/hr
Operating cycle time 0.5 minutes

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