Vidhyadhar Nagar
Vidhyadhar Nagar
Vidhyadhar Nagar
Submitted by-
Meha Nair(16)
Paridhi Kedia(32)
Rachit Rawat(43)
About the Project
Vidhyadhar Nagar, is a satellite town in New Jaipur, designed by
the architect B V Doshi and established in 1984-1986.
The brief was to plan the new city of Vidhyadhar Nagar, about
3.5 kms, North West of the parent city of Jaipur, to accommodate a
population of over one hundred thousand people on a 400 hectare
The project was named Vidhyadhar Nagar after the architect of the old
Jaipur city Vidhyadhar Bhattacharya.
Therefore the project took another significance i.e to link the site with
the old city and reforest the erstwhile forests on the hills. In short,
reversing the whole cycle of development.
Site Location and connectivity at city level
• One of the chief inspirations has been old Jaipur itself. The city was
founded in the early 18th century by jai Singh and laid out according
to ancient Hindu town planning prescriptions by Vidhyadhar
• The geometry of the plan relies upon a mandala for. Jai Singh
constructed the Jantar Mantar observatory close to his palace, and
the city as a whole is guided by its connection to the cosmic order.
• The secrets work in a hierarchy: broad avenues down to courtyards
reached through gates, and there is harmonious relationship
between built form and open space.
• Centuries of traditional vernacular wisdom are reinforced by high
cultural ambition and a strong intellectual structure.
• The result is a city memorable for its clarity of form.
Planning of the city of Jaipur
Sector plans according to town planning Priciples laid down
in Vastu Shastra
History and storyline of the project
• Like his 18th century predecessor, Doshi also based his plan upon a nine
square geometry derived from the Vastu purusha mandala, that ancient
diagram which determines the principles of the ancient Hindu architecture
both sacred and secular.
• The broad central avenue and the necklace of greenery recall Chandigarh,
while the tight street patterns and protective approach roads reflect ancient
indo Aryan practice as gleaned from a reading of the scriptures.
• His monumental fountain on the slopes above the town will supply
irrigation channels in a reforestation project, and will also feed into conduits
which flow down the main boulevard and into small parks and green spaces
Concept derived from nine square geometry derived from the Vastu Purusha mandala
Vision and Strategies of the architect
The aims of the master plan as prepared by the design firm were as follows:
• If one is concerned about energy then one must carefully plan the
transportation network, because if the bus frequency is adequate,
the tendency to use personal vehicles would be discouraged.
• A network was established based on the man as the measure such
that nobody is more than 250 m from a bus stop.
• Harvesting and recycling of waste as well as natural resources, to
reforest the hills-
- all the water used by more than 100,000 inhabitants of Vidyadhar
Nagar was to be collected at the sewage plant and treated to green
the hill range and also green the city itself.
- An estimate showed the daily availability of 6.5 million litres of
water for recycling.
• The built form took inspiration from the principles of courtyards and
open spaces and trees and gardens.
- One idea was to create a variety of open spaces, such as the
courtyard, the terraces and balconies over looking the gardens to
evolve a street as a cluster of houses with courts, gardens and public
Layout of sewage disposal of
Vidhyadhar Nagar
Impact on Economy and People
• The planner supplies a strong rationale and hierarchy, and then the
city continues to evolve over this armature.