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Structural Steel Design 1

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Structural Design in Steel

Elastic & Plastic Analysis

Elastic Analysis of Beams

The design of a steel beam is often preceded by an elastic analysis of the bending of the
beam. One purpose of such an analysis is to determine the bending moment and shear
force distribution throughout the beam, so that the maximum bending moments and
shear forces can be found and compared with the moment and shear capacities of the
beam. An elastic analysis is also required to determine the deflections of the beam so
that these can be compared with the desirable limiting values.
The data required for an elastic analysis include both the distribution and the
magnitudes of the applied loads and the geometry of the beam. In particular, the
variation along the beam of the effective second moment of area I of the cross section
is needed to determine the deflections of the beam, and to determine the moments
and shears when the beam is statically indeterminate.
The bending moments and shear forces in statically determinate beams can be
determined by making use of the principles of static equilibrium. The conditions of
statics are not sufficient to determine the bending moments and shear forces in
statically indeterminate beams, and the conditions of compatibility between the various
elements of the beam or between the beam and its support must also be used.
Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage
1 B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)

wc, wAB - in mm
MS, MA, MB - in kNm
L - in m
I - in cm4

2 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage

B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)
Bending stresses in elastic beams

3 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage

B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)

4 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage

B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)

5 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage

B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)

6 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage

B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)
Shear stresses in elastic beams
A vertical shear force Vz acting parallel to the principal axis z of a section of a beam
induces shear stresses τxy, τxz in the plane of the section. In solid section beams, these
are usually assumed to act parallel to the shear force (i.e τxy = 0), and to be uniformly
distributed across the width of the section. The distribution of the vertical shear
stresses τxz can be determined by considering the horizontal equilibrium of an element
of the beam as shown below. Because the bending normal stresses, σ vary with x, they
create an imbalance of force in the x direction, which can only be compensated for by
the horizontal shear stresses τzx = τv which are equal to the vertical shear stresses τxz.

7 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage

B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)

8 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage

B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)

9 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage

B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)

Plastic Analysis of Beams

As the load on a ductile steel beam is increased, the stresses in the beam also increase,
until the yield stress is reached. With further increases in the load, yielding spreads
through the most highly strained cross section of the beam until it becomes fully plastic
at a moment Mp. At this stage the section forms a plastic hinge which allows the beam
segments on either side to rotate freely under the moment Mp. If the beam was
originally statically determinate, this plastic hinge reduces it to a mechanism, and
prevents it from supporting any additional load.
However, if the beam was statically indeterminate, the plastic hinge does not reduce it
to a mechanism, and it can support additional load. This additional load causes a
redistribution of the bending moment, during which the moment at the plastic hinge
remains fixed at Mp, while the moment at another highly strained cross-section
increases until it forms a plastic hinge. This process is repeated until enough plastic
hinges have formed to reduce the beam to a mechanism. The beam is then unable to
support any further increase in load, and its ultimate strength is reached.
In the plastic analysis of beams, this mechanism condition is investigated to determine
the ultimate strength.

10 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage

B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)
The plastic hinge 1/21/2018
The bending stresses in an elastic beam are distributed linearly across any section of the
beam and the bending moment is proportional to the curvature. However once the
yield strain (εy) of a steel beam is exceeded, the stress distribution is no longer linear.
Nevertheless, the strain distribution remains linear, and so the inelastic bending stress
distributions are similar to the basic stress-strain relationship, provided the influence of
shear on yielding can be ignored (which is a reasonable assumption for many I-section
beams). The section becomes elastic-plastic when the yield moment My= fyWel is
exceeded, and the curvature increase rapidly as yielding progress through the section.
At high curvatures, the limiting situation is approached for which the section is
completely yielded at the fully plastic moment Mp = fyWpl .

11 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage

B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)
The Wpl/Wel ratio called the ‘Shape Factor’ which is = 1.5 for rectangular sections 1/21/2018
and for rolled I sections 1.1<Wpl/Wel <1.2
Rigid-plastic assumption
The consequences of the rigid-plastic assumption on the theoretical behavior of a
simply supported beam with a central concentrated load are shown in figures below. In
the real beam there is a finite length of the beam which is elastic plastic and in which
the curvatures are large, while the remaining portions are elastic, and have small
curvatures. However, according to the rigid plastic assumption, the curvature becomes
infinite at mid span when this section becomes fully plastic (M=Mp), while the two
halves of the beam have zero curvature and remain straight. The infinite curvature at
mid-span causes a finite change θ in the beam slope, and so the deflected shape of the
rigid plastic beam closely approximates that of the real beam despite the very different
curvature distributions.

12 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage

B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)

It should be noted that when the full plastic moment Mp of the simply supported beam
is reached, the rigid plastic assumption predicts that a two bar mechanism will be
formed by the plastic hinge and the two frictionless support hinges and that the beam
will deform freely without any further increase in load. Thus the ultimate load of the
beam is

Qult = 4Mp/L

13 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage

B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)

Moment redistribution in indeterminate beams

14 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage

B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)

Plastic collapse mechanism

A number of examples of plastic collapse mechanism in cantilevers and single and multi-
span beams shown in figure below.

Cantilevers and overhanging beams generally collapse as single bar mechanisms with a
plastic hinge at the support. When there is a reduction in section capacity, then the
plastic hinge may form in the weaker section.
Single –span beams generally collapse as two-bar mechanisms, with a hinge (plastic or
frictionless) at each support and a plastic hinge within the span. Sometimes general
plasticity may occur along a uniform moment region.
15 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage
B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)
Multi span beams generally collapse in one span only, as a local two bar mechanism,
with a hinge(plastic or frictionless) at each support, and a plastic hinge within the span.
Sometimes two adjacent spans may combine to form a three bar mechanism, with the
common support acting as a frictionless pivot, and one plastic hinge forming within
each span. Similar mechanisms may form in over-hanging beams.
Potential location for plastic hinges include supports, point of concentrated load, and
points of cross-section change. The location of a plastic hinge in a beam with distributed
load is often not well defined.

Methods of plastic analysis

The purpose of the methods of plastic analysis is to determine the ultimate load at
which a collapse mechanism first forms. Thus, it is only this final mechanism condition
which must be found, and any intermediate load conditions can be ignored.
The basic method of plastic analysis is to assume the locations of a series of plastic
hinges and to investigate whether the three conditions of equilibrium, mechanism and
plasticity are satisfied. **The equilibrium condition is that the bending moment
distribution defined by the assumed plastic hinges must be in static equilibrium with the
applied loads and reactions. This condition applies to all beams, elastic or plastic. **The
mechanism condition is that there must be a sufficient number of plastic and
frictionless hinges for the beam to form a mechanism. This condition is usually satisfied
directly by the choice of hinges. **The plasticity condition is that the full plastic
moment of every cross section must not be exceeded.
16 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage
B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)

17 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage

B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)

18 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage

B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)
Use of the methods of plastic analysis - discussion

19 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage

B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)

20 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage

B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)
Example 01
The 610 x 229 UB 125 section shown in figure below is strengthened by welding a
300mm x 20mm plate to each flange. Determine the section properties Iy and Wel,y.

Example 02
Determine the section properties Iy and Wel,y of the welded tee-section shown in
figure below.

21 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage

B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)
Example 03
Compare the full plastic moments of the un-plated and the plated sections in Example

Example 04
Compare the first yield and fully plastic moments in Example 02

Example 05
The two-span continuous beam shown in Figure below is a 610 x 229 UB 125 of S 275
steel, with 2 flange plates 300mm x 20mm of S275 steel extending over a central length
of 12m. Determine the value of the applied loads Q at plastic collapse.

22 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage

B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)

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