Structural Steel Design 1
Structural Steel Design 1
Structural Steel Design 1
wc, wAB - in mm
MS, MA, MB - in kNm
L - in m
I - in cm4
It should be noted that when the full plastic moment Mp of the simply supported beam
is reached, the rigid plastic assumption predicts that a two bar mechanism will be
formed by the plastic hinge and the two frictionless support hinges and that the beam
will deform freely without any further increase in load. Thus the ultimate load of the
beam is
Qult = 4Mp/L
Cantilevers and overhanging beams generally collapse as single bar mechanisms with a
plastic hinge at the support. When there is a reduction in section capacity, then the
plastic hinge may form in the weaker section.
Single –span beams generally collapse as two-bar mechanisms, with a hinge (plastic or
frictionless) at each support and a plastic hinge within the span. Sometimes general
plasticity may occur along a uniform moment region.
15 Prepared by: Eng. Chamil Duminda Mahagamage
B.Sc.Eng (Hons), C Eng, MIE(SL)
Multi span beams generally collapse in one span only, as a local two bar mechanism,
with a hinge(plastic or frictionless) at each support, and a plastic hinge within the span.
Sometimes two adjacent spans may combine to form a three bar mechanism, with the
common support acting as a frictionless pivot, and one plastic hinge forming within
each span. Similar mechanisms may form in over-hanging beams.
Potential location for plastic hinges include supports, point of concentrated load, and
points of cross-section change. The location of a plastic hinge in a beam with distributed
load is often not well defined.
Example 02
Determine the section properties Iy and Wel,y of the welded tee-section shown in
figure below.
Example 04
Compare the first yield and fully plastic moments in Example 02
Example 05
The two-span continuous beam shown in Figure below is a 610 x 229 UB 125 of S 275
steel, with 2 flange plates 300mm x 20mm of S275 steel extending over a central length
of 12m. Determine the value of the applied loads Q at plastic collapse.