Behavioral Finance: Key Principles of
Behavioral Finance: Key Principles of
Behavioral Finance: Key Principles of
Meera Seshanna
Assistant Professor, Dayananda Sagar
Business Academy
1 Table Of Contents
What is it?
Study that seeks to combine
psychology, sociology, and traditional
Helps explain why people make
irrational financial decision
Why is it important?
It is necessary because “technical analysis” assumes that people act
3 Anomalies
Regular occurring anomalies is a big factor that contributed to the formation of
behavioral finance.
Mental Accounting
Hindsight Bias – believing that past event was predictable and obvious
Gamblers Fallacy
We are programmed to feel that the consensus view must be the correct one
Imitating behavior and actions of others.
Being consciously aware of these biases or irrational behaviour will allow us to make
better investment decisions
One emerging strand of research is the field of neuroeconomics. Medical imaging
technology now allows us to look at brain activity as decisions are being made. This
helps us to understand the nature and reasons for certain behavioural biases
A recent study demonstrated that individuals with brain lesions ( Abrasions) that impaired
emotional decision-making were more likely to behave as rational investors than
individuals with normal brains.
Other imaging studies have confirmed that the rational parts of our brain are in tension
with the emotional or limbic sections of our brain. This line of enquiry offers the possibility
of understanding and improving decision making.
As humans, we are effective decision-makers, but with flaws that can cause problems in
realms such as investing. An understanding of the nature of these flaws can help us
avoid these problems and invest better