Gramatika Engleskog Jezika
Gramatika Engleskog Jezika
Gramatika Engleskog Jezika
TO BE- Present Simple
potvrdan i upitan oblik
1. I am ( Am I?) 1. We are ( Are we?)
2. You are( Are you?) 2. You are( Are you?)
3. He is( Is he?) 3. They are ( Are they?)
She is ( Is she?)
It is (Is it?)
TO BE- odričan oblik
1. I am not (I’m not) 1. We are not (We aren’t)
2. You are not ( You aren’t) 2.You are not(You aren’t)
3. He is not ( He isn’t) 3.They are not (They aren’t)
She is not ( She isn’t)
It is not ( It isn’t)
To Be- Past Simple`
1. I was ( Was I?)\ I wasn’t
2. You were ( Were you?)\ You weren’t
3. He was ( Was he?)\ He wasn’t
She was ( Was she?)\ She wasn’t
It was ( Was it?)\ It wasn’t
1. We were ( Were we?)\ We weren’t
2. You were ( Were you?)\ You weren’t
3. They were ( Were they?)\ They weren’t
Do- Present Simple
1. I do ( Do I do?) 1. We do ( Do we do?)
2. You do( Do you do?) 2. You do ( Do you do?)
3. He does( Does he do?) 3. They do ( Do they do?)
She does ( Does she do?)
It does ( Does it do?)
1. I don’t do 1. We don’t do
2. You don’t do 2. You don’t do
3. He\ she\it doesn’t do 3. They don’t do
Have got- Present Simple
1. I have got ( Have I got?)\ I haven’t got
2. You have got( Have you got?)\ You haven’t got
3. He has got ( Has he got?)\ He hasn’t got
She has got ( Has she got?)\ She hasn’t got
It has got ( Has it got?)\ It hasn’t got
1. We have got ( Have we got?)We haven’t got
2. You have got( Have you got?)\ You haven’t got
3. They have got ( Have they got?)\ They haven’t got
Have- Present Simple
1. I have( Do I have?)\ I don’t have
2. You have ( Do you have?)\ You don’t have
3. He has ( Does he have?)\ He doesn’t have
She has ( Does she have?)\ She doesn’t have
It has ( Does it have?)\ It doesn’t have
1. We have ( Do we have?)\ We don’t have
2. You have ( Do you have?)\ You don’t have
3. They have ( Do they have?)\ They don’t have
Vreme može biti:
Prošlo (Past)
Sadašnje (Present)
Buduće (Future)
Vremena po trajanju mogu biti:
Simple (glagol)- DO
I didn’t go to school
Glagol/-3. glagol+s Will + glagol
glagol + ed ili II kolona
I was going to school when I am going to school now. The teachers will be sitting
the car broke down. Are you going to school now? in school tomorrow.
Were you going to school I am not going to school now. Will the teachers be sitting in
when...? school tomorrow?
I wasn’t going to school am The teachers won’t be sitting
when... is + glagol + ing in school tomorrow.
Will + be +glagol+ing
Was/were + glagol + ing
I had been to England before I have been to school recently. I will have written my
you went there. Have you been to school homework by tomorrow.
Had you been to England recently? Will you have written your