Labioskisis Dan Palatoskisis: Pembimbing: Dr. Utama Abdi Tarigan, SP - Bp-Re (K)
Labioskisis Dan Palatoskisis: Pembimbing: Dr. Utama Abdi Tarigan, SP - Bp-Re (K)
Labioskisis Dan Palatoskisis: Pembimbing: Dr. Utama Abdi Tarigan, SP - Bp-Re (K)
P E M B I M B I N G : D R . U TA M A A B D I TA R I G A N , S P. B P - R E ( K )
A cleft lip and palate is a type of birth defect that affects the upper lip and the roof of the
During the 6th to 10th week of pregnancy, the bones and tissues of a baby’s upper jaw,
nose, and mouth normally fuse to form the palate and the upper lip.
If the tissue in the developing mouth and the palate don’t fuse together cleft lip or cleft
Cleft lip and palate are the one of the commonest group of congenital malformations
affecting the head and neck.