Nature and Methodology of Economics
Nature and Methodology of Economics
Nature and Methodology of Economics
Economics is a Science.
Economics is a Art.
Economics is a Positive
Economics is a Normative.
Nature Of Economics
Economics is a Science.
Micro Static
Comparative Microstatic
Micro dynamics
Importance of Micro
Helpful in efficient employment of
Understanding free enterprise economy.
Helpful in development of international
Helpful in understanding the implication
of taxation.
Basis for welfare economics.
Limitation of Micro Economics
What is true in the case of individual unit may
not be true in the case of aggregates.
Micro economics instead of studying the total
economy concentrates only on small parts of
There are certain economic
problem which cannot be analysed with the
aid of micro economics. Example:- important
problem relating to public finance , monetary
& fiscal polices are beyond the purview of
Micro economics
Macro Economics
The word ‘Micro’ is derived from the
Greek word Makos meaning large &
therefore, Macro Economics is
concerned with the economics activity
in the large.
Macro Economics is a study in
Example:- How does change in interest
rate influence national savings.
Types of Macro Economics
Comparative Macrostatics
Economic Problem
Economic is mainly concerned with the
achievement & use of martial
requirement to satisfy human wants.
Human wants are unlimited &
productive resources are scared or
This gives rise to the problem of
how to use scare resource for maximum
satisfaction of the people. This is called
Economic Problem
Economic Problem
Unlimited wants:- The economic
problem arises not merely due to the
limited resource & capacity to produce
alone but also due to unlimited human
Economic Problem
Scarcity of resource:- Wants of the
people are unlimited means to satisfy
those wants are limited or scare. It is
due to the scarcity of the resource
Basic Economic Problem
The scarcity of resources relative to
human wants gives rise to various
basic problem.
Basic problem are:-
1. What to Produce.
2. How to Produce
3. For whom to Produce.
4. What Provision be made for economic
What to Produce
This means that what goods & in what
quantities are produced by a society.
The society has to choose among
thousands of consumer goods
themselves & decide about all allocation
of resource between them.
Special mention in this regard is the
choice between necessities & luxuries.
How to Produce
This means with what method or
techniques a society will decide to
produce goods.
A combination of resource implies a
technique of production.
There are various alternative technique
of producing a commodity & the society
has to choose among them with a proper
combination of resource.
Whom to Produce
It means who will get how much for
It means how much distributed
among the members of the society.
The distribution of national income
should be on the basis of “ from each
according to his ability,to each
according to his needs.”
What Provision should be made
for Economic growth
Unrealistic assumption.
Constant variable.
No use
It is not appropriate.
Economic Dynamics
Economic dynamics refers to that analysis
which considers the relationship between
those relevant variables whose value belong to
different point of time, or different period of
It is also a very comprehensive method.
It is a very realistic method of study or
It is method which picturise the entire series
of adjustment which take place between the
break up of old equilibrium & the
establishment of new.
Merits of Economic
Realistic assumption:- The study of
economic become indispensable to
correct the unrealistic nature of
economic statics.
Considerable amount of elasticity:-
There is a considerable amount of
elasticity in the method of economic
dynamics. Because of its elasticity. It
can be used to investigate all
possibilities concerning a particular
Demerits of Economic
Experimentation approach.
Statistical approach.
Merits of Induction
Less time consuming & Less Expensive.
It is a powerful method.