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Chapter 1: Nature and Scope of Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Sport

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Chapter 1: Nature and Scope of Physical

Education, Exercise Science, and Sport

What is “contemporary physical education?”

How do different areas of physical education
relate to the field overall?
What is the importance of creating your
personal philosophy of physical education,
exercise science, and sport?
Goals for Physical Educators
Access to physical education and sport for all,
regardless of: age, gender, race, ethnicity,
sexual orientation, disability status, income,
educational level, geographic location and
Prevent disease and positively contribute to
health and well-being of all participants.
Expansion of Physical Education,
Exercise Science, and Sport
Moved from the
traditional school setting
Commercial & Medical
Who says Physical Activity is Good?
National Reports:
“Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the
Surgeon General”
“Healthy People 2010”
“Promoting Better Health for Young People
through Physical Activity and Sports”
Our Physical Activity Challenge:
Improve Participation of Populations with Low Rates of Physical Activity

Current Participation Patterns:

Women are generally less active than men at all ages.
African Americans and Hispanics are generally less active than whites.
People with low incomes are typically not as active as those with high incomes.
People with less education are generally not as active as those with higher levels of
Adults in the Northeast and South tend to be less active than adults in the North Central
and Western States
People with disabilities are less physically active than people without disabilities.
Participation in physical activity declines with age. By age 75, one in 3 men and one in
two women engage in no physical activity.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Healthy People 2010: Understanding and
Improving Health. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, November, 2000.
Definitions: Physical Education
Physical education….
An educational process that uses physical activity as
a means to help people acquire skills, fitness,
knowledge, and attitudes that contribute to their
optimal development and well-being.
Contributes to the development of the whole
An on-going process that occurs throughout our
Definitions: Exercise Science
Exercise Science…
The scientific analysis of exercise or physical
activity through theories from many different
disciplines such as biology, biochemistry,
physics, and psychology.
Definitions: Sports

Organized competitive activities governed

by rules that standardize the competition
and conditions so individuals can compete
Competition against oneself or opponent(s).
Strategy and skill play a significant role in
the determination of the outcome.
Definition: Athletics
Highly organized, competitive sports
Skillful participants
The Field (More than a playing surface!)

Field…. “a combination of a well-established

discipline and one or more professions that deliver
a social service and are focused on common
goals.” (Corbin)

Discipline …“organized body of knowledge

embraced in a formal course of learning.” (Henry)
Physical Education, Exercise
Science and Sport: The Profession
An occupation requiring specialized training in an
intellectual field of study that is dedicated to the
betterment of society through service to others.
Some examples of professional organizations:
Organizing The Profession
With developing technologies, knowledge,
and methods of inquiry from other
disciplines in the 1960s, physical education,
exercise science, and sport broadened its
horizons to incorporate the fields of
psychology and sociology.
The result:12 subdisciplines
Exercise physiology Motor development
Sports medicine Motor learning
Sport biomechanics Sport sociology
Sport philosophy Sport pedagogy
Sport history Adapted physical activity
Sport psychology Sport management
Exercise Physiology (Chapter 7)
Impact of exercise and physical activity on
the human body.
Short- and long-term adaptations of the
various systems of the body.
Effects of physical activity and exercise on
the health status of different populations.
Sports Medicine (Chapter 12)
Medical relationship between physical activity,
sports-related injuries, and the human body.
Prevention - the design of conditioning programs,
fitting of protective equipment, and counseling
regarding proper nutrition.
Treatment and rehabilitation - the assessment of
injuries, administration of first aid, design and
implementation of rehabilitation program and
Sport Biomechanics (Chapter 6)
Applies the methods of physics to the
study of human motion and the motion
of sport objects.
Study the effects of force on the body
and sport objects.
Mechanical analysis of activities
(production of power, leverage, and
Analysis of effectiveness and
efficiency of movements
Sport Philosophy (Chapter 1)
Study of the nature of reality and values of movement
for all participants.

Debate critical issues, beliefs, and values relative to

physical education and sport (i.e.What is the
relationship between the mind and the body?).

Influences thoughts, actions, and decisions in our

professional endeavors and personal lives.
Sport History (Chapter 5)
Critical examination of the past with a focus on events,
people, and trends that influenced the direction of the
The “who, what, when, where, how, and why of sport”
is examined within the social context of the time.
Looking into the past provides greater understanding of
present events and insight with respect to the future.

NASSH: North American Society for

Sport History publishes the Journal
of Sport History.
Sport and Exercise Psychology (Chapter 9)
Uses principles from psychology to study
human behavior in sport to enhance
Sport areas: achievement motivation,
arousal regulation, goal setting, self-
confidence, leadership, and team cohesion
Exercise areas: exercise addiction,
adherence, motivation, and satisfaction
Sport and Exercise Psychology (Chapter 9)
Uses principles from psychology to study
human behavior in sport to enhance performance.
Sport areas: Exercise areas:
achievement motivation exercise addiction
arousal regulation adherence to
goal setting exercise
self-confidence motivation
leadership satisfaction
team cohesion
Motor Development (Chapter 9)
Interaction of genetic and environmental
influences on movement and lifespan motor
Use theories of development to design
appropriate movement experiences for
people of all ages and abilities.
Motor Learning (Chapter 9)
Study of factors that influence an
individual’s acquisition and performance of
skills, such as practice, experience, use of
reinforcement, and condition of learning
Progression through stages of learning from
a beginner to a highly skilled performer.
Sport Sociology (Chapter 8)
Study of the role of sport in society.
“What is the influence of society on sport?”
“What is the influence of sport on society?”

Center for the Study of Sport in

Society at Northeastern University
publishes the Journal of Sport and
Social Issues.
Sport Pedagogy (Chapter 11)
Study of teaching and learning.
Creation of effective learning
environments, instructional strategies,
outcome assessment, and relationship of
instructional process to learning.
Development of effective practitioners
through the analysis of the behaviors of
teachers/coaches and students/athletes.
Adapted Physical Activity (Chapter 11)
Providing individual programs and services
that encourage participation to the fullest
extent by those with disabilities.
Sport Management (Chapter 13)
Encompasses the managerial aspects of
sport and sport enterprise.
Facility and personnel management,
budgeting, promotion of events, media
relations, and programming.
The Journal of Sport Management
is the official journal of the North
American Society for Sport
Management (NASSM).
A New Name for the Field
Physical Education- traditional, but too narrow; does
not reflect the expanding nature of the field.
Kinesiology- study of human movement, but the
public is not familiar with the term.
Exercise and Sport Science- reflects the broad
emphasis of the field and easy to understand.
Physical Education and Sport- traditional, familiar,
and includes sport as a vital part.
No common agreement as to the name of the field, but
there is a growing central focus: Physical Activity.
Allied Fields
Health Instruction
Health Services
Environmental Health
These fields share many purposes with physical education,
exercise science, and sport, but the content of the subject matter
and methods to reach their goals are different.
Definition of Terms
Health: a state of positive well-being
associated with freedom from disease or
Wellness: a state of positive biological and
psychological well-being that encompasses
a sense of well-being and quality of life.
Definition of Terms
Holistic Health: the physical, mental,
emotional, spiritual, social, environmental,
and genetic factors’ influence on an
individual’s life. (similar to wellness)
Quality of Life: overall sense of well-being
that has a different meaning for each
Definition of Terms
Physical activity: any bodily movement
produced by the contraction of the skeletal
muscles that increases energy expenditure
above the baseline level.
Exercise: physical activity that is planned,
structured, and repetitive with the purpose
of developing, improving, or maintaining
physical fitness.
Definition of Terms
Physical Fitness: the ability to perform
daily tasks with vigor and without undue
fatigue, and with sufficient energy to
engage in leisure-time pursuits, to meet
unforeseen emergencies, and the vitality to
perform at one’s fullest capacity.
Health-related and Performance-related
physical fitness: what are the components
of each?
Physical Fitness
Health-related Fitness  Performance-related Fitness
Cardiovascular endurance – Agility
Body composition – Speed
Flexibility – Coordination
Muscular endurance – Power
Muscular strength – Reaction time
– Balance
“The love of wisdom” (Greek)
A set of beliefs relating to a particular field.
A system of values by which one lives and
Helps individuals address the problems that
confront them through the use of critical
thinking, logical analysis, and reflective
Branches of Philosophy
Metaphysics- the ultimate nature of reality;
what is real and exists.
Epistemology- the nature of knowledge
Logic- Examines ideas in an orderly manner
and systematic way.
Axiology- the nature of values
Ethics: issues of right and wrong, responsibility,
and standards of conduct.
Aesthetics: the nature of beauty and art.
General Philosophies
Idealism: The mind interprets events and creates reality; truth and
values are absolute and universally shared.
Realism: The physical world is the real world and it is governed
by nature; science reveals the truth.
Pragmatism: Reality and truth is determined by an individual’s
life experiences.
Naturalism: Reality and life are governed by the laws of nature;
the individual is more important than the society.
Existentialism: Reality is based on human existence; individual
experiences determine what is true.
Humanism: Development of the full potential of each individual.
Emphasized meeting the needs individuals’ needs.
Philosophical Approaches
“Education of the Physical”
Focus on fitness development and acquisition
of skills; the development of the body.
“Education through the Physical”
Focus on the development of the total person:
Social, Emotional, Intellectual, and Physical
Sport Philosophy
Study of the true meanings and actions of
sport and how sport contributes to our lives.
Eclectic philosophy of education (1875-1950)
Comparative Systems Approach (1950-1965)
Disciplinary Approach (1965-present)
Sport philosophy offers us guidance in
addressing inequities in physical activity
opportunities experienced by underserved
Why develop your own philosophy?
Assists in the development and
clarification of beliefs and values
that guide your behaviors.
Aids in decision-making.
Helps determine goals, objectives,
and methods of instruction and
evaluation used in physical
education programs

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