Acute Coronary Syndromes: Acute MI and Unstable Angina: Tintinalli Chapter 50 September 20, 2005
Acute Coronary Syndromes: Acute MI and Unstable Angina: Tintinalli Chapter 50 September 20, 2005
Acute Coronary Syndromes: Acute MI and Unstable Angina: Tintinalli Chapter 50 September 20, 2005
Acute MI and Unstable Angina
Tintinalli Chapter 50
September 20, 2005
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Ischemic heart disease accounts for
500,000 deaths annually in the U.S.
CAD and myocardial ischemia contribute
to > 5 million ER visits yearly for chest
15% of pts with chest pain will have
acute MI and 25-30% will have unstable
a term used to describe pts with acute CP
and other symptoms of myocardial
During the initial exam, often not possible to
determine whether permanent damage to
the myocardium has occurred
– Only in retrospect after serial ECGs or cardiac
markers can the distinction b/w AMI or UA be
ACS is caused by secondary reduction
in myocardial blood flow due to
– coronary arterial spasm
– disruption of atherosclerotic plaques
– platelet aggregation or thrombus formation
at site of atherosclerotic lesion
Thrombus formation
Atherosclerotic plaque formation occurs
through repetitive injury to vessel wall
When plaque ruptures, potent
thrombogenic substances are exposed to
These platelets respond by adhesion,
activation, and aggregation thus initiating
thrombus formation in the coronary vessels
The extent of O2 deprivation and thus
clinical presentation of ACS depend on
the limitation of O2 delivery by thrombus
adhering to fixed, fissured, or eroded
Stable Angina
Ischemia occurs only when activity
induces O2 demands beyond the supply
restrictions imposed by a partially
occluded coronary vessel
occurs at a relatively fixed and predictable
point and changes slowly over time
atherosclerotic plaque has not ruptured
thus there is little superimposed thrombus
Atherosclerotic plaque rupture and
platelet-rich thrombus develop
Degree and duration of O2 supply-
demand mismatch determines whether
reversible myocardial ischemia w/o
necrosis (unstable angina) or
myocardial ischemia w/ necrosis
(myocardial infarction)
Clinical Features
Main symptom of ischemic heart
disease is chest pain
– need to characterize its severity, location,
radiation, duration, and quality
– ask about associated symptoms: N/V,
diaphoresis, dyspnea, lightheadedness,
syncope, palpitations
Reproducible chest wall tenderness is
not uncommon
Patients with ACS may complain of easy
Usually an AMI is accompanied by more
prolonged and severe chest discomfort
and more prominent associated
Angina Pectoris
Exercise, stress, or cold environment
classically precipitates angina
duration of symptoms typically < 10
minutes, occasionally lasting up to 20
usually improves within 2-5 minutes
after rest or nitroglycerin
Up to 30% of patients with AMI are
clinically unrecognized
– Some of these patients have had atypical
symptoms for which they didn’t pursue
medical advice
– Worse prognosis for pts who have atypical
symptoms at the time of their infarction
– women and elderly most likely to have
atypical symptoms
Cardiac Risk Factors
Age over 40 High cholesterol
male truncal obesity
postmenopausal sedentary lifestyle
females diabetes
family history previous cardiac hx
cigarette smoking
Cardiac Risk Factors
Risk factors are modestly predictive of
CAD is asymptomatic patients
In the ER, risk factors are poor predictors
of cardiac risk for MI or other ACS
– In males, only DM and family history are
weakly predictive
– Cardiac risk factors are not predictive of ACS
in female ER chest pain pts
Physical Examination
Not helpful in distinguishing pts with
ACS from those with non cardiac
Pts may appear deceptively will without
distress or be uncomfortable, pale,
cyanotic, and in respiratory distress.
Vital Signs
Bradycardic rhythms are more common
with inferior wall MI
– in the setting of anterior wall MI,
bradycardia or heart block is very poor
prognostic sign
Extremes of blood pressures are
associated with worse prognosis
Heart Sounds
S1 and S2 are often diminished due to poor
myocardial contractility
S3 is present in 15-20% of pts with AMI
– implies a failing myocardium
S4 is common in pts with long standing HTN or
myocardial dysfunction
Presence of new systolic murmur is an ominous sign
– signifies papillary m. dysfunction, flail leaflet of mitral
valve, or VSD
12 lead is single best test to identify pts
with AMI upon presentation to ER
Current guidelines state that the initial 12
lead ECG must be obtained and
interpreted within 10 minutes of patient
Yet ECG has a relatively low sensitivity
for detection of AMI
ST segment is elevated on the initial
ECG in approximately 50% of pts with
– most other AMI pts will have ST depression
and/or T wave inversions
Only 1-5% of pts with AMI have an
entirely normal initial ECG
ECG criteria and AMI
Anteroseptal --> QS deflections in V1-
V3, possibly V4
Anterior -->
rS defection in V1, Q
waves V2-4 or decr
in amplitude of initial
R wave in V1-V4