Report Writing 2018
Report Writing 2018
Report Writing 2018
Daren Mansfield
Academic Subject Librarian
most common complaints
about reports include…
badly structured
inappropriate writing style
incorrect or inadequate referencing
doesn’t answer the brief
too much/too little/irrelevant material
expression not clear
doesn’t relate results to purpose
unnecessary use of jargon
Essays Reports
Argumentative and idea- Informative and fact-based
Formally structured
Usually written with a
Not written with a specific specific purpose and reader
reader in mind (except the
marker) in mind
Usually do not include sub- Written in style appropriate
headings to each section
Always include section Written in single narrative
headings style throughout
Usually do not include bullet Often use bullet points
Often includes tables or
Usually no tables or graphs graphs
Offer conclusions about
question Offer recommendations for
(University of Reading, 2017)
your objectives
Briefly explain:
who will read the report
why it was written (purpose)
how it was written (methods).
May form a subtitle or a single
summary (Abstract)