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CAPCO National Science Class Challenge: Katey

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Pilgrim Lutheran School

CAPCO National Science Class Challenge

We are submitting our Power Point
presentation to be judged in the 2005
CAPCO Science Class Challenge.

CAPCO stands for the Consumer

Aerosol Products Counsel, and it is a
non-profit organization working to
promote education about the safety of
aerosol sprays, our world environment
and recycling.
More information can be found at their
web-site: www.nocfcs.org Katey
Our presentation is on Ozone,
CFCs, Atmospheric Pollution,
Current Safety of Aerosol Sprays,
World-wide Interventions
for the Protection of
our Ozone Layer
By the 4th Grade Class
First, what is Ozone?
There is good and bad ozone

Ozone is made of
three oxygen
molecules, O3.

Ozone is good
when it surrounds
the outside of our
www.theozonehole.com Jessica
Lower level ozone is pollution
Ozone is bad
when we have
to breathe it.
The Galveston-Houston
Association for Smog Prevention


This is Houston on a good and a bad day.

Lower level ozone comes from cities.
The Ozone Layer protects our earth
by blocking harmful Ultra-Violet light

Not enough ozone!

Lloyd A. Treinish
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
www.research.ibm.com/people/l/lloydt/ Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
We learn U.V. light can hurt us

U.V. (Ultra-Violet)
light causes
sunburn and
U.V. light burns
plants and

In Computer Class We Watched the Internet Video: “Ozzy Ozone”

We learn our Ozone Layer is failing

Manmade Chemicals Hurt
the Protective Ozone Layer

What is happening to
the Ozone Layer?
We Learn About Pollution

Third and Fourth

Graders at Pilgrim
created colorful
posters for Ozone
Awareness Day


Poster Ideas:www.uneptie.org/ozonaction/events/ozoneday/2003
We learn that CFCs are bad



Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer.

What is a CFC?
C F C =

Chloro Fluoro Carbon

CFC Molecules were
“the choice blowing agent because:

1. it was easy to use,

2. has low toxicity,
3. is not flammable and
4. does not interfere with the (stability
of other chemicals).” quoted from website below:
are a man-made chemical

It takes 10 years,

from the time sprayed,

for the chemical to reach
the Ozone Layer
CFCs are still being used today!

asthma medicine
(spray inhalers) too.
Collin www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/science/costin
How do CFCs
hurt the Ozone Layer?
U.V. light makes Chlorine break
away from the CFC molecule
This is a CFC molecule Chlorine steals oxygen atoms!

We learned how CFC’s destroy the ozone molecule and thus

our protective ozone layer. Each student was assigned
a label for a Chlorine, Fluoride, Carbon or Oxygen.
Knowledge protects our world

Whole Body Ozone Chemistry

activity suggested by www.nocfcs.org
What do molecules look like?
We made models of oxygen,
ozone and the CFC molecule

O3 Ozone


This hands-on activity helps a student

O2 Oxygen
understand the structure of molecules.
Students made atoms from air-dry clay and painted
each before assembly. The destruction of ozone by
Chlorine from the CFC molecule was demonstrated.
Where in our sky
does this chemical reaction
Answer: in the Stratosphere

Our Atmosphere Display

Our Atmosphere Display


Protective Ozone Layer



Smog: Lower Level

Ozone Pollution
We took the CAPCO Science
Class Challenge Tests


What is . . . an Aerosol?
We learn about “aerosol” pollution
“Aerosol” refers to any particle that becomes airborne.

Sahara Dust over Atlantic

Aerosol pollution can occur naturally.

But only people can make smog

Houston Industries: Michael Stravato / AP file

CFC’s and lower-level ozone pollution are

our man-made problem!
We drew pictures of things that
produce aerosol pollution
 Traffic
 Old Cars
 Tractors
 Planes
 Asphalt
 Factories
 Cities
 Animals
 Volcanoes
Fourth grade student drawings combined in Adobe PhotoShop
Do Aerosol Sprays hurt
the Ozone Layer?
U.S. Aerosols are safe to use

The sprayed particles

are too heavy to float
up high into the

Josh www.talmolder.com/products.html
We surveyed our homes to see
what we think and what we use
54 % think sprays are harmful
to the Ozone Layer

Believe aerosols 100%

contain harmful CFC’s 80%
Believe aerosols 40%
use a safe,
government - approved
alternative propellant. 0%
Dangerous Safe
USA 25 years CFC free - since 1978
Why do we use
aerosol sprays?
We Think:
 “It’s easier to use a spray
can for some things.

 “A lot of different things can be sprayed,

like Cheese Whiz, Silly String, hair spray,
paint, air freshener and bug spray . . .
you don’t want to get too close to bugs!

 “A spray is stronger than a pump. The

spray is in smaller drops.” (class answers)
What kind of spray products
do we like to use?
Spray paint Air Freshners
Foam Cleaners Bug Killers
Bug Repellants Hair Spray
Deodorant WD-40
Food Products Fire Extinguisher
Foam Insulation Medical Inhaler
Aerosol cans can be recycled

Most aerosol cans are made of steel.

Please RECYCLE your cans!

But, what is the world doing
about the CFC problem?
We did internet research:

Under the Montreal Protocol:
everyone will phase-out CFC production
by 2010


What is the Montreal Protocol?
Since 1970,
scientists have known CFCs
were thinning
our protective ozone layer.

Countries around the World
Created a Plan

September 16, 1987

They called their plan:

The Montreal Protocol on Substances
that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

“Non-Compliant” countries
are breaking their agreement
to freeze CFC consumption

UN Environmental Protection
Recent News:
Ratified All Ozone Protection Treaties
June 2004

Applied to Join Treaties
November 2004

Ozone Protection Agreements are a


Compliant Non-Compliant No Agreements
Will the Ozone Layer Recover?
Yes, by year 2050

only if
we stop using
ozone-depleting chemicals

We created a rap song

about what we learned

The Ozone Layer Rap
Save the Ozone Layer: that’s our prayer.
Be a team player; save the Ozone Layer!

There’s pollution in the air we breathe;

It makes me wheeze.
It hurts my eyes;
The cities are polluting and telling us lies.

Hey, Listen!
Have you ever heard of a CFC?
That this molecule will bring us to our knees?
Our world was doing good ‘til we made the CFC
Then the Ozone Layer started goin’ crazy!

I’ll tell you what’s a CFC:

A CFC’s a molecule; it’s a molecule that is so cruel.
Our Ozone Layer has to duel
With the Chlorine from this molecule.
The Chlorine kills our Ozone Layer
Without the Layer, we haven’t got a prayer.
Don’t be a fool, stay in school
So you can learn how to stop this molecule!
Save the Ozone Layer: that’s our prayer.
Be a team player; save the Ozone Layer!

In the early days, in the 19 fif-tays,

We invented the spray.
Everyone was sayin,’ “Hey, hey, hey!”
Scientists thought it was just an easy way
To push stuff from cans in a really fine spray.

When they made the cans with the CFCs,
Everybody’s spraying in the breeze.
In the early days, we all thought
This molecule was so hot.
The CFC’s just a chemical tool; we didn’t mind.
How could we have been so blind?

Hey, Whadda ya’ know?

Then the scientists learned that this molecule
Was not so cool.
Those scientists were played the fool;
This molecule played us all for a fool!
But, now that we know, we have to mind;
Now that we know, we need to leave it behind.


Save the Ozone Layer: that’s our prayer.

Be a team player; save the Ozone Layer!

I don’t want to wheeze with the CFCs.

I don’t want to beg on my knees.
All the CFCs are destroyin’ the breeze.
We gotta stop those CFCs.
You gotta have fear for the Stratosphere.
The Layer’s thinning from year to year.
If the Layer thins,
U.V. light burns our skins;
We get cataracts and cancer.
We hav’ta find an answer!

Listen up now!
What’s the key to victory?
Knowledge is the key
That we need to succeed.

I’m in the zone when there’s Ozone!


Save the Ozone Layer: that’s our prayer.

Be a team player; save the Ozone Layer!

The U.S.A. has done it: we made a stop

And help the U.N. be a super cop.
In the U.S.A., our aerosol cans are A.O.K.
It’s our payday
‘Cause our aerosol sprays are safe today.

Thanks CAPCO, you lead the way.

Now our sprays are safe, we can say “Hurrah!”

But, we hope
the Ozone Layer
its decay.
What we are is what we say:
CFCs are NOT O.K.!


Save the Ozone Layer: that’s our prayer.

Be a team player; save the Ozone Layer!
Student Comments:

“What I learned”
 I learned a lot about CFCs and aerosol sprays. I
learned that in America, aerosol cans are “safe” today.
They have no CFCs.
 I also learned how spray cans work. I was surprised
  to learn that CFCs are smuggled into countries.
   I think this CAPCO contest is an opportunity and a
privilege. The Ozone Layer is very, very important.
When I grow up, I hope the Ozone Layer will be better. I
learned that it will take another 25 years for the Ozone
Layer to completely heal.
 I think everybody should stop using CFCs. I learned
that most of the countries in the world are in agreement
about how to save the Ozone Layer. The Montreal
Protocol has really worked and is really good.
 I think everybody should stop using CFCs in all of the
world. I am glad that the U.S. has stopped using CFCs in
their aerosol cans. I want everyone to know that CFCs are
bad for the protective layer of ozone around the world. I
learned how CFCs go in the air and I was surprised to
learn that CFCs break-up the Ozone Layer.
 I think people should use their wits. The Ozone Layer
is good for us. It protects us from U.V. light. People need
to know that CFCs are going to break up the Ozone Layer.
 I learned that world-wide, some countries have
stopped using CFCs and some are still using. The
Montreal Protocol has worked because some countries
have stopped. These are the good countries.
 When I grow up I will be a scientist for real.
 I was surprised to learn that CFCs are still used. I have
learned a lot about CFCs and about how the Ozone Layer
works. I learned that CFCs hurt the Ozone Layer.
 I learned that there is a hole in the Ozone Layer. I am
glad that the Montreal Protocol has really helped countries
stop making and using CFCs.
 I think people should try not to use CFCs. The Ozone
Layer is very helpful to us. People need to know.
 My favorite class time was when we made molecules
out of clay. I also liked learning how aerosol spray cans
 For our atmosphere display, I drew pictures of cars,
tractors, monster trucks and factories because they still use
CFCs and they pollute.
 My two favorite lessons were when we watched a
movie about how we can push out any aerosol substance
from a can, and when we colored the layers of the
atmosphere for a CAPCO test.
I learned how Chlorine hurts the Ozone Layer. This
could give us sunburn. I was surprised to learn how it
 On the Internet, I learned that some countries are
working on stopping CFCs. I think everybody should learn
that CFCs are bad. I am glad that we are learning this. I
want everyone to know about CFCs! People should know
that CFCs are not good.
We need to protect our Ozone Layer from Chlorine.
When I grow up, I would like to save the Ozone Layer.
I liked the lesson where we pretended to be molecules
and we learned about what happens in the stratosphere. I
also liked when we made molecules out of clay. I think
molecules are cool.
I have learned about the CFC molecule. I was surprised
to learn how CFCs are hurting us. CFCs are bad.
CFCs are bad because they put a hole in the Ozone
Layer. People need to know and I think everybody should
stop using CFCs.
I liked learning about the Ozone Layer. My favorite
thing that I have done is when I rapped about what I
When I grow up, I want to be a scientist.
My favorite thing was making molecules out of clay and
I liked the class where we got to watch a movie on the
Internet. It was about the CFC molecule.
I also learned that it takes CFCs 10 years to reach the
Ozone Layer. I hope CFCs will stop for good. When I grow
up, I hope that CFCs will stop hurting the Ozone Layer.
I think the most important thing I’ve learned is that
CFCs hurt the Ozone Layer. I was surprised that CFCs
really put holes in the Ozone Layer.
I learned that the Montreal Protocol has really worked.
Some countries are good and some are bad. The bad ones
are not in compliance.
 I drew pictures of factories and animals for our
atmosphere display because they show that pollution is
hurting the air.
People need to know that CFCs are dangerous. CFCs can
hurt the Ozone Layer which would then let too much U.V.
light get to the earth.
I have learned a lot about the Ozone Layer and how it
protects the earth from the U.V. light so we don’t get
sunburned. I learned that a lot of people around the world
are trying to save the Ozone Layer.
My favorite lesson was when we took pictures of aerosol
cans, because you could see the NO CFCs sign on the can.
I learned about the CFC molecule and that CFCs destroy
our Ozone Layer. I learned that scientists made CFCs. The
scientists made the CFC out of three different atoms:
Chlorine, Fluorine and Carbon. I was surprised that
scientists didn’t know that CFCs would destroy the Ozone.
My favorite lessons were when we looked up
information on the computer and then colored a map. I also
liked the lesson where we looked at an aerosol can.
I am glad that aerosol sprays in the U.S.A. do not use
CFCs. I learned what happens when CFCs get to the Ozone
Layer. The Ozone Layer is very special and helpful to us.
The Montreal Protocol has gotten countries to stop using
CFCs. People need to know that CFCs are dangerous.
When I grow up, I hope the Ozone has no holes.
The lesson that I liked was making those putty
molecules. I liked that we could stick them on the
Atmosphere board to show the Ozone Layer, and I liked
drawing pictures for the display. I liked that the display
showed how we need to care for our Ozone Layer.
I learned that it would be hard to stop people from using
CFCs, because people smuggle them into countries. I
would like to tell people to stop using CFCs because it is
harmful to our Ozone Layer. I learned that powerful
countries are helping poorer countries.
When I grow up, I want the world to be clear of CFCs
and other harmful chemicals. I think the Ozone Layer will
be better off and that pollution in the air will be gone.
If I were a scientist, I would help the people and animals.

Save the Ozone Layer!
www.theozonehole.com/montreal.html; www.ghasp.org
Excellent Video Sources

Streaming Video Format on-line:

OzonAction Programme with “Ozzy Ozone”

“Another Amazing Aerosol Adventure”

Video Cassette
free upon request from www.nocfcs.org
Pilgrim Lutheran School
Houston, Texas – U.S.A
Mrs. Wilkson - Teacher: Darrell Schepmann - Principal
Art, General Music/Rap Our school is accredited with
Computer Technology the Texas District, Lutheran
Church Missouri Synod,
National Accreditation. The
accreditation is through the
Texas Private School
Accreditation Commission,
which is recognized by the
Visit our website at Texas Education Agency.
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Houston, TX 77096
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