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Paleolithic Sites Absent in Alluvial Pains of Indus and Ganga

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Chapter -1

Chapter 2
• People are not considered civilized unless they know
wrinting Modrn histroriens of ancient india

• Aryan –vedic and Sanskrit culture • Paleotiuic period – 2million Bc-10000 yr bc

• Pre-aryan Dravidian and tamil culture • Mesolithic-10k-7k year BC

• Ealistest tamil text-sangam liteture (300-600ad) • Neolithic -7k-2800yrbc

• Pre-aryan esat –munda and kolarian language

Paleolithic sites absent in alluvial pains of indus
• Chokravantins –Ashoka and sanmuragupta and ganga
• Prakrit was mostly spoeken 3 cenBC,ashoka inscrpit
(prakrit and Brahmi script

• A peculiar typoes of social system dev in the country –

cast/varna system

• It prevailed all the over india evern =========muslim and


• There exit in the morden times the ancient social

prejudices like cast system male domiatnt socity monual
labour religion sectarianism

Paleolithic 3 parts Middlle 50kbc-40kbc Upper 40k-10kbc

Early or lower 5000kbc- • Industries maily base on • Less humid

5okbc flakes • Coincide with last ice age phase
• Cover grater paert of • Shows regional material • Flint industries modern men (homo sapiens
ice age
• Balesd paints bares • Use blades and burins
• Use of hond axes scraper made of flakes
,cleovers choppers • Cause of rockselter in bhimbettka
• Geographical horizon of
• Axes fnd in inida lower and middle • Aso Gujrat dunes ,flakes blades and burin
• More or ess india asia coincides
eu af • Crude pubbe and 3rd
• Found soon in himoayan glacier
sohan(Panjab)pak • Artefacts found river
several in rohini thar narmada and
desart belon vally (up) tungabhadra
• Belon and narmada
couse of Bhimbetka
100,000bc old
Mesolithic (hunter and herders)
Paleolithic Neolithic (food producers
• No further drastic human evolution
Human evolution took place ,small • House of seen dry bricks
population , no community life • Due to warmer climate & dry ,population
lived in cave grew community life emerged • Agriculture stated (rice wheat barley)-
sedentary life>village
Depend on huntiong and • Huts,hunting fishing fodd gathering later
gathering and food gathetering domestication • Pottery for grain storage –wheel for
pottery making –evolved into carts
Basic and unrefined tools • Domestication of animals land clearing for
(axe,chooper etc) animals (microlithic tool) • Dead body buried properly

No religion followed • Knolege of fir ,arrow head ,projectiles • Mehargarh more advanced pple
motion (Baluchistan)onLY site of neo
Ex- Narmada valley
• Sites-raj ,central e india,south Krishna • Initial stage didnoty use pottery
Chalocolithic farming culture
,Refined and polished tool used (stone
• Rural selter • Adamgarh (mp)bagar(raj)-earlist axe)
evidence of domestication 5000bc
• End of neo –use of metal • There are 3 neo dsites
• Plant cult(7000-6000bc)despite I sabhar
• First metal copper, settlement se lake (raj) • n-w-rect eith curved cutting
raj,mp mh,s&e india
• Paved way for rise of Neolithic culture • n-e-polisded stone red butt ,shouldered
• Malwa ware –richest among hoes)
chalocolithic econo • Mural paintings (Bhimbetka Lakhudiyar)
• southeren-based on type of axes use
• Most extensive excavaton –mh(w( • Use of natural colors (belon and oval slides and pointed butt
narmada-polo -neo
• Jorwe culture-left bank of • KASHMIR-DWELLING PIT CARRMIC
paravora river (ahnadanagar) • Men trees bird animals etc RONGR, VARITt of stonre &hoe tool
abences of microliths
• jorwe=malwa+soutjjj neolthic • Scence of hunting ,riding, dancing etc
cultue • Burzahom
• Inialy lager and greater painting later got
• Jorwe clutre-Moharoshtra area more refined • Pple lived in lake side pit
(except vidarbha &Kankan coastal
• No religion as such but dead bodies buried • Settlment possible bez area joing 4 river
propely eg-narmada valley ganga sones gandak ghaggra
• Daimabad &inamgoan-urban
• Gray potery –burzohom,burz –dog
_a;lmost )
buried along master
• Stone blade industriesnera hills
• bone implemented –chirond
• Ahar&Gilund –raj,ahar practiced
• 2nd phase neo pple live in south of
smelthing ,metallurgy
godawari, 3rd hill assam
• Balck red pottery,practiced
• Also near garo hill ,up
agriculture,hourse was not there

• Varity of cereals in novdotali(mh) Allahada cultivated rice lived circular on

rect housing –mud&reed, produce ragi
• Not acquainted burnts black grame (krlolhi)
brick,house mud brick made
Hand made firt later weel ,black burnished
• Lagerst jorwe site-doimonbad gray ware –impressed
godawadri vally
Neo began in india 6 milibc
• Lary no og bronge gods
discovered –dimobad Setted near the stone bez of stone
,subsistence period
• Goneshwar people –
manufactured cu objects

• Calcolithic phase-jhum
Theories of origin
Harappan civilization
• Theory of foreign origin (Mesopotamian/summerion)
• Also called induas vally civilization
• But not like that (differences in uraban structure seal .script)
• But civilization has extended for all in
• Sutkongendor west • Theory of indigenous and gradual origin
• Doimabad souyh • Gradual tarsfomation since -3500bc
• Alamgirpur east
• Initial communitices of mehargarh etc moved near fertile land
• Manda (jammu) land of indus
• Mohanjodaro (great bath) • Calcolithic phase helped in unbernaiation
• Harappa
Political life
• Chonhudaro

Might be governed by some centralized authority

• Kalibangan Reason

Features of civilaization  Proper town planning blide and right angle road
 Wells and proper drainage system
• Indigenous ,urban.presence of urban  Standerd and measure used everywhere
instituteions like modern time (citadel found)
• Literature (script) 2. secondary activites

• Envoloveed socity (entaintainment ,toys chess a. Art and crafts

found) Seal(trade),toys(entertainment),pottery (storage )
,beads (ornamentation )terracotta (various fig) making
• Materialistic out look (trade &commerce
industries,brick manufationg (house making)
Metallurgy metal used –copper gold silver bronge
• Extensive area covered
b. trade and commerce
• Advace mater manegemnt system
good exchanged for food grains
• Multiclased _artisions proto austroloids)
seal for authentication
• No iran and bronge age
both land (shortughai)and sea trade (lothal)
• Presence of centrileed admin (uniform town
balance of external trade was favorable (connection
plannig ,brick size. Common standard for with Mesopotamia)
wight /measures
science and tech copper-khetri mines –rajastha
Economic life
• use bringe and other gold –kolar karnataka
1 primary activates
timber-monda via Chenab
 Surplus argriculture social life
• textiles (women
1. Grain storge in harapa
cottahn piece found  mother goddess found
2. Secondary economic
in mohanjodaro) indicates higher status of
activites flourished
 Aware of crop rotation
• drainage stystm  multiclass
multiple cropping
 utilitarian and materialistic
practiced • standed weight and  various beed and
 Domestication of animal measures ornamaents indicates
• ciy laid from east-
 literate classs
west to ulize the sun
light ‘
religion life Decline of civilization-

‘practice nature worship (water fire peepla) Thorey-1due to forenign invasion

Animal worshiped (bull seal ) Literary references in Rigveda (indra as Purandar),fight

against evil spririts.
Belived god and gaddess (female figfound,seal of proto shiva –
pasupati) Vedic Aryan entered around 1500 bc and civilzedation
around 1750
Belived in amulets-found
Due to flood (mohohajodaro hit 7 times)
Used to do aarti sort of things (block monks on fig)
Due to change in course of river (Harkra-ghaggar at
Private affair( no public temple found),burial practices –belif in kalibangan)

Graveyards located away form habitation area (indicates civic

Truth behind decline
 Ecological embalance (agri surplusredued >affected
Various type og barial
everthing which followd )
Indicates differenc b/w rich and poor  Flooding inundation earthquack change in course of
 It failed to envolved with time .couldnot lean superior
tecjhnology form contemporary Mesopotamia
 But it was decline of urban phase only
 It survived in gujarati and mahrastrrahtra even during
 nature worship
 amulets
 pronto Shiva and phallus worship
socal life
 multiclass
 Multiethnic
Economical life
Knowledge of agriculture ,art and craft, trade and
Concept of life after death and hell and heaven

Tec for bronze ,standared measasure,colours for
• Emerged in peninsular india
• Evidence of grave covered
Copper +stone,Formed 280-
700bc,Various culture existed with big stone boulders
depending upon charactristics • Iron implements found
and area,Ahar culture (river • Roman coins and pottery
banas)Udaipur,Malwa indicates indo-roman trade
culture(kalisindh vally)-darlpur • Ex-Brahmagiri
murena ,maski(Karnataka)
Jorwe culture

Economic aspects Chapter 3

Agriculture and • South-stone temple
domenstication of animals • East –brick monostries
• Age calculate by radiocarbon dating (c14)
Ad knowlwge of crops roration
• Ancient coins made- gold silver copper lead
• Bead body buried with there belongings encircled with big stone –megalithic
Religious aspects • Most coins mould –kushan perod (mode of burnt clay )
Female fig of clay ,rare • largest no of coins-post ,mouryan
indication of male god • Largest no of gold coin –gupta period
Burial practices ,terracotta bull • Study of inscription-epigraphy
shows symbol of religious cult • Study of old writing in old record- paleography
Social aspect • Soureces-seals cpoins bricks stone pillar rocks copper plate temple wall image
Large settlement surrounded by • Earlist inscription-stone
small suggests that larger • Christion era-copper plate inscription
• Earlist inscrpt-written in prakrit 3rd cen bc
dominationg small
• Corpus inscri indicarum –hitry of mouryan post mouryan and gupta
Inequality suggested from
• Harappa inscription –pietographic scrpt
burial • Ashokan inscription
Importance brahim whole india
Know art and smelting copper kharosht
First use painted pottery found greek &Aramaic script (afgn)
mainy place peninsular • Brahim till end of gupta time
• Manusript wittenbirch and palm leaves
Limitations • Cental asia prakrit from india
• Domasticated animal were • Sanskrit manuscript mostly found south india Kashmir Nepal
slaughtered and not milk • Jataka stories of rebirth of Buddha buddhuist text –pali
• Large burial of children • Jain text prakrit ,compt-vallabhai Gujarat
• No art of writhing known • Megasthaese-indiaka
• Did not take advantage • Pliny- naturaolis historia (trade b/w india Italy )
from the advanced indus
people Chapter 4
• Max. rain south west mansoon9JUN –Oct)
Chapter 2
• Tamilnadu south east mansoo(oct-dec)
• Morden reasraches I ancient history begon from the
• Traders travelled with s-w mansoon form
second half of 18 cen
• A code of Gentoo laws –English translation of western asia and Mediterranean area
monumusriti • Returned witn north east monsoon
• Asiatic socity-a result of effert of understanding
• setup by civil servent by williom jones
• Traslaated abhijonana shakuntalam –english\

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