SEBI (LODR) Regulation 2015
SEBI (LODR) Regulation 2015
SEBI (LODR) Regulation 2015
- KMP, directors, promoters or any other person shall comply with responsibilities and obligations
1. Listed entities shall appoint Company secretary as a compliance officer
2. Compliance officer responsible for
- Compliance with regulatory provisions
- Co-ordination and reporting to SEBI, SE, Depository
- Correct and comprehensive procedure to be followed
- Monitoring grievance redressal
• Regulation 7 :
- Listed entity either appoint STA or manage it in house
- If manage in house then, if no SH exceed 1,00,000 , entity shall reg with SEBI as Category II STA. OR Appoint
“registrar to an issue and STA”
- Submit compliance certificate within one month of end of each half FY signed by 1)Compliance office 2)
Representative of STA
- In case of Change or new appointment of STA enter in tripartite agreement between
1) Existing STA 2) New STA 3) Listed entity
- New appointment of STA shall be intimated to SE within 7 days from the date of Agree.
- Above agreement shall be placed before board in the next meeting
- Entity shall co-operate and submit correct and adequate information to all intermediaries within timeline
- Listed entity shall have policy for preservation of documents
- Which should be approved by the directors
- Classify them in 2 category
1. Permanent
2. Not less than 8 years
Above documents can be kept in electronic form
- Any scheme of arrangement , amalgamation, merger, reconstruction or reduction of capital presented to court
shall not violate any provision of security law
- For redressal of investors complaints , entity shall be registered with SCORES platform
- Entity shall file with SE on quarterly basis, within 21 days of end of quarter details of grievances settled and
• Regulation 15 :
- Applicable to entities listed specified securities on Main board, SME exchange, Institutional trading platform
- Compliance with CG provisions mentioned in 17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27 And clause b to i of regulation
of 2 of 46 and para c,d,e of Schedule V shall not apply to
a) Entity having PC less than Rs. 10 cr & Net worth less than Rs.25 cr as on the last day of the previous year
b) If listed on SME exchange
• Regulation 16 :
- Independent Director: NE director other than Nominee director who
i. In the opinion of board person of integrity, have relevant expertise and experience
ii. Not promoter of Listed company, its holding, subsidiary or associate company
iii. Not related to promoter or director of Listed company, its holding, subsidiary or associate company
iv. Apart from receiving director remuneration , do not have material pecuniary relation with Listed company, its
holding, subsidiary or associate company or its directors or promoters during immediately 2 preceding years.
v. None of his relative has or had any have material pecuniary relation or transaction amounting 2% or more of
its gross turn over or total income or Rs. 50 lakh or such amount (which ever is lower) with Listed company,
its holding, subsidiary or associate company or its directors or promoters during immediately 2 preceding
vi. Neither himself nor his relatives-
a. Hold or has held position of KMP or employee of Listed company, its holding, subsidiary or associate company in
any 3 FY immediately preceding FY
1. Firm of auditor or CS or CWA of Listed company, its holding, subsidiary or associate company
2. Firm of Legal or consulting which had transaction amounting to 10% or more of gross turnover with Listed
company, its holding, subsidiary or associate company
d. Is CEO or director of any NGO or NPO which receive 25% or more of its corpus from Listed company, its holding,
subsidiary or associate company or that hold 2% or more of total voting power
C. Material Subsidiary : whose income or Net worth exceed 20% of conso income or net worth of Listed company &
its subsidiary
• Regulation 17:
a. Optimum combination of Executive and non executive, at least one woman director, non less than 50% NE
b. If Chairperson NE, 1/3rd of board should be ID, If entity do not have regular NE then 50% of ID.
If regular NE Chairman is a promoter or related to promoter or occupy board level position or one level below
board then 50% of ID.
6. a) Remuneration: Board will recommend all fees and compensation for NE & ID, require approval of S.H.
b) Payment of Seating Fees to NE: No O.R. of S.H. required if made within limit without approval of CG
8. CEO and CFO should provide Compliance Certificate to Board as per Schedule II of part B
10. Performance evaluation of ID : by entire board except those whose evaluation is done.
a. Min 3 directors
e. CS is secretary of A.C.
f. At the discretion of A.C. shall invite : Finance head or Head of I.A. or Statutory auditor
2. Conduct of Meeting:
a. At least 3 directors
b. All NE
• Regulation 20 : SRC
2. Chairperson shall be NE
3. Chairperson shall be member of board and senior executives shall be members of committee
Material Transaction: individually or taken together in aggregate exceed 10% of annual consolidated turnover as per
latest audited B/S
- In case of uncertainty A.C. can grant approval of value not exceed Rs. 1 cr/ transaction
2. A.C. of listed comp will review F.S. of unlisted comp( investment made by Unlisted comp)
3. Minutes of board meeting of unlisted company place before board meeting of listed company
4. Significant transactions of the unlisted company shall be place before listed company periodically
(Significant transactions: any individual transaction exceed or 10% of revenue or total expenses or total asset or
total liability of the unlisted company)
5. To dispose of shares to less than 50% or ceases the control over company S.R. in GM is mandatory
1. Person can be I.D. max 7 Listed companies, if a person is WTD in any listed company the max 3 company
4. I.D will : review performance of Board and non ID directors, chairperson of the company, quality quantity and
timeliness of flow of information
5. Vacancy: shall be filled by board within 3 months or next B.M. whichever is earlier
• Regulation 26: Obligation of Directors and Senior Management
1. Membership of directors in committees: max 10 including listed and unlisted public company (for this,
membership of A.C and S.R.C will only be considered)
2. a) Compliance report on CG : quarterly report by listed entity within 15 days of end of quarter
1. Who take : Listed entity, Who give : RSE when: before issuing securities, in following manner
a. If securities are listed on RSE having nation wide terminals: from all
b. If securities are not listed on RSE having nation wide terminals: from all RSE where it is listed
c. If securities are listed on RSE having nation wide terminals as well as not having nation wide terminals: from all
b. Buyback
c. Delisting
e. Dividend related
a) Deviation in the use of proceeds from the object to the notice of General Meeting
b) Category wise deviation form projected object to the notice of General Meeting
2. Above statement should be mentioned till the proceeds are used for specified purpose
4. LE Shall prepare Account Statement Fund utilized other than mentioned in Offer documents certified by
Statutory auditor place before Audit Committee
5. If LE appoint monitoring agency LE shall submit to SE comments of monitoring agency and place report of such
agency on annually basis to Audit committee upon receipt
b) Quarterly and Year to date shall be prepared with recognition and measurement principle (As per AS 25) or Ind
AS 31 (AS 25 / Ind AS 34 Interim Financial Reporting)
c) S.A.F.R and C.F.R shall be prepared as per GAAP, listed entity may submit financial reporting as per IFRS
d) Limited review or audit report submitted to SE on quarterly or annual basis only by auditor subjected to peer
review and hold valid certificate issued by peer review board
a) Quarterly F.R. By Board (before placing it to the board CEO & CFO certify that FR do not contain any
misstatement or do not omit any fact or misleading statement)
b) FR shall be signed by Chairperson or MD or WTD or in the absence them any of the director authorized by
a) Quarterly and year to date stand alone FS to SE within 45 days from end of quarter except last quarter
b) If LE has Subsidiary Clause (a) + LE may submit Quarterly/ Year to date consolidated FR subject to following:
- LE shall intimate SE in the first quarter It opt to submit Additional Quarter/ Year to Date Conso FS such
option shall not be changed during the year.
- In case LE changes its option I subsequent year It shall furnish comparable figures for the previous year
- If LE opt for Unaudited FR It will be subjected to Limited Review by statutory auditor of the company (In
case of Public Sector undertaking by practicing CA)
d) Submission of Annual FR Audited standalone within 60 days of end of FY + A.R. + Statement of impact of
Audit Qualification (Applicable only for A.R. with modified opinion)
If LE has subsidiary Audited standalone + Audited consolidated FR + Statement of impact of Audit Qualification
(Applicable only for A.R. with modified opinion)
e) F.R. for last quarter + FR for entire FY + note (figures of last quarter are balancing figures between 1. FR for Full
FY & 2. published year to date figures up to third quarter of current FY
f) Half year end submission S.A.F.R. or C.F.R. + statement of Asset & liability
• Regulation 34 : ANNUAL REPORT
observation letter before filling it to the court or tribunal.
3. LE will place observation letter or NOC of SE before court or Tribunal for seeking approval( Validity of NOC or
observation letter will be 6 months from the date of issuance)
5. Scheme will approve by court or tribunal company will submit approved scheme to SE
3. On receipts of proper documentations company shall intimate reply (either positive or negative) within 15 days
- Statutory prohibition
- transferor object transfer (Transferor submit prohibitory order of competent authority within 60 working days)
8. If LE could not transfer or communicate reason of not transfer within 15 days LE will provide compensation for
opportunity cost
9. In case of in-house STA: produce certificate from PCS within 30 days of end of half year related with compliance of
share transfer or transmission.
In case of partly paid up only on part of which money is called or payable at fixed time
2. Call on shares paid in advance will carry interest but not dividend or participate in profit
1. To LE and Perpetual debt instruments and perpetual non cumulative preference shares listed by banks