Vertically Horizontally
Type of overhead line
a) Low and medium voltage 2.50 mt. 1.20 mt.
lines and service lines
b) High voltage lines upto and 3.70 mt. 1.20 mt.
including 11,000 volts
c) High voltage lines above 3.70 mt. 2.00 mt.
11,000 volts and upto and
including 33,000 volts
d) Extra high voltage lines Plus 0.3 mt. for every additional Plus 0.3 mt. for every additional
additional 33,000 volts 33,000 V of part or part thereof. 33,000 V or part thereof.
• It is a line usually parallel to the plot boundaries or centre line of a
road beyond which nothing can be constructed known as setback or
front building line laid in each case by the local authority as per
recommendations of master/zonal plan.
• Increased set back known as control line needed where large
number of vehicles are expected (cinema halls ,factories etc).
• Normally the distance of building ctrl line is taken as 11/2 times the
distance of building line.
• For buildings facing state highways in urban area is taken as 30m-
45m and for buildings facing major roads as 15m-24m.
• As per N.B.C the minimum frontage for any building is 6m on any
• Uses :Widening of street, prevents formation of blind corners at the
intersection of streets, reduces impact of sound noise smoke etc,
used as parking.
• As per N.B.C for buildings up to a height of 7m
Front open space(min) Width of street fronting the plot
3m 7.5-18m
4.4m 18-30m
6m >30m
<7.5m 5m
• REAR OPEN SPACE : 3m at no place measuring 1.8m.
• If back to back site 3m throughout
• Plot depth < 9m rear space may be reduced to 1.5m
• SIDE OPEN SPACE: Detached buildings – 3m(min) on both
• Semidetached buildings – 3m (min) on one side
3m 3m
Provision of Exterior Open Spaces Around the Buildings
Sl. No. Height of the Building Upto (mt.) Exterior open spaces to be left out
on all sides in mt. (front rear and
sides in each plot)
2 15 5
3 18 6
4 21 7
5 24 8
6 27 9
7 30 10
8 35 11
9 40 12
10 45 13
11 50 14
12 55 and above 16
Combined Bath Area 1.80 sq. mt. Area 2.80 sq. mt.
& W.C.
Width 1.00 mt. Width 1.20 mt.
Height 2.20 mt. Height 2.20 mt.
Store Area No restriction Area No restriction
Width No restriction Width No restriction
Height 2.20 mt. Height 2.2 mt.
Projections Permitted within Permitted
the setbacks within the
upto 0.75 mt. setbacks upto
width 0.75 mt. width
For buildings above 15.0 mt. mechanical ventilation system shall be installed besides the provision of
minimum ventilation shaft.
• To be provided as per recommendations . If not given Provision of
area for car spacing
Basement 35sq.m
Stilts 30sq.m
Open 25 sq.m
• It should be provided with adequate vehicular access to street.
Note: Where only one water closet is provided in a dwelling, the bath and
water closet shall be separately accommodated.
Sanitation Requirements for public Buildings (Cinema, Theaters, etc.)
Sl. No. Sanitary For Public For Staff
Unit Male Female Male Female
1 Water Closet One for 100 Two per 100 One for 15 One for 1-12
persons upto persons upto persons. persons.
400 persons. 200
For over 400 persons. For
persons, add over 200
Two for 16- Two for 13-
at the rate of persons add
35 persons 25 persons
1 per 250 at the rate of
persons or 1 per 100
part thereof persons or
part thereof
2 Ablution Taps One in each One in each One in each One in each
3 Urinals One for 50 _____ Nil upto _____
persons or
part thereof 6 persons