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Object-Oriented Modeling and Design

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Modeling and Design

Object-Oriented models are useful for :

•understanding problems

•communicating with application experts

•modeling enterprises

•preparing documentation
What is Procedure-Oriented
Programming ?

•Emphasis is on doing things (algorithms)

•Large programs are divided into smaller programs
•Most of the functions share global data
•Data move openly around the system from fn.. to fn
•Functions transforms data from one form to
•Employs top-down approach in program design
Relationship of data and functions
in Procedural Programming
What is Object-Oriented Programming ?

•Emphasis is on data rather than

•Programs are divided into Objects
(Abstracted into classes)
•Data is encapsulated in the objects
•Objects communicate with each other
through functions
•Follows bottom-up approach in program
What is Object-Oriented Programming ?
Characteristics of Object-Oriented Model

•Focus is an what an Object is and does
before deciding how it should be implemented.

•Use of abstraction preserves the freedom

to make decisions as long as possible by
avoiding premature commitments to details.

•Separates the external aspects of an object,

which are accessible to other objects, from
the internal
implementation details of the object.
•Prevents a program from becoming so
inter-dependent that a small change has
massive ripple effects.

•The same operation may behave

differently on different classes.
•An operation is an action or transformation

that an object performs or is subject to.

Example : 'move' operation may behave
differently on the Window and
Chess Piece Classes.
•Is the sharing of attributes and operations
among classes based on a hierarchical
•The properties of a Superclass need not
be repeated in the subclass.
Example : Scrolling Window and
Fixed Window are subclasses of
Superclass Window.
An Object Model
•captures the static structure of the system
shows the objects, the relationship
between them,
•the attributes and operations that
characterize each class of objects.
is a concept, abstraction, or thing with crisp
boundaries and meaning for an application.
promotes understanding of the real
world provides a practical basis for computer
Objects have identity and are
Example : Two apples with the same color,
shape and texture are still individual entities.
It describes a group of objects, with common
attributes, operations and semantics.
Example : Fruit is a class.

Objects in a class have the same attributes

and behaviour patterns.
A object's class is an implicit property
of the object.
•Object Diagrams provides a formal graphic notation
for modeling objects, classes and their
relationships to one another.
•They are concise and easy to understand.

OMT symbol for a class in a box.

CLASS Person

•is a property of the objects in a class

•is a data value held by the objects in a class

•different Object instances may have the same

or different values for a given attribute.

• Each attribute name is unique within a class.

• An attribute should be a pure data value, not an
• An operation is a function or transformation that
may be applied to or by objects in a class.
• Same operations may apply to many different

classes (Polymorphic Operation).


is the implementation of an operation for a class.

Example : Operation 'Print' in class 'File'

can be implemented for printing ASCII
files, printing binary files are for printing
digitized picture files.
Links and Associations

A link is a physical or conceptual connection

object instances i.e. represents the relationship
between them.

Example : Joe Smith works for Simplex Company

Links and Associations
• An association describes a group of links with
common structure and common semantics.

Example : A persons works for a company.

• Association and links often appear as verbs in the

problem statement.
Representation of Links / Associations

Associations may be binary, ternary or higher order.

Representation of Links / Associations

used to represent ternary and n-ary association.

Multiplicity of an Associations

• Specifies how many instances of one class

may to a single instance of an associated

• Usually described as "one" or "many".

Multiplicity of an Associations

In OMT notation,
* Solid Ball => "many" meaning zero
or more
* Hollow ball => "optional" meaning
zero or one
* A line without balls => one-to-
one association.
Multiplicity of an Associations
Link and Association Concepts
Link Attribute is a property of the links in an
In OMT notation, it is represented by a
box attached to the association by a loop.
Link and Association Concepts
Role Names

* Role is one end of an association.

* Role name is a name that uniquely

identifies one end of an association.
Qualified Association
Qualifier is a special attribute that reduces the
effective multiplicity of an association.

This reduces the effective multiplicity of this

association from one-to-many to one-to-one.
* Is the relationship between a class and one
or more refined versions of it.
• The class being refined is called the Super Class.
• Each refined version is called the Sub Class.
• Is also called the "is-a" relationship.

In OMT notation, generalization is represented by a

triangle connection a superclass to its subclass.

• Each subclass is said to inherit the

features of its superclass.

• Each subclass not only inherits all the features

of its ancestors but adds its own specific

attributes and operations as well.

A subclass may override a Superclass

features by defining a feature with the same
Multiple Inheritance
• A class may have more than one superclass
and inherits features from all panels

• Such a class is called a "Join Class".

Generalization as Extension and
Extension : When a subclass adds new
Generalization as Extension and
Restriction : When a Subclass constrains
the ancestor attributes.
Generalization, Inheritance and
Generalization and Inheritance:

• Generalization is the relationship among


• Inheritance is the mechanism of sharing

attributes and operations using the
generalization relationship.
Generalization, Inheritance and Specialization
Generalization and Specialization:
(Basically they are two different viewpoints
of the same relationship)

•Generalization => Superclass generalizes

the subclass.

•Specialization => Subclass refines or

Specializes the

• Is the "part-whole" or "a-part-of" relationship

• Objects representing the components are

associated with an object representing the entire

• Aggregation is a special form of association.

In OMT notation, aggregation is represented by a
small diamond at the assembly end of the
Aggregation Versus Generalization
Aggregation relates instances

• two distinct parts are involved, one is a part of

the other.

Generalization relates classes

• Subclass inherits the properties of the

Aggregation Versus Generalization
Aggregation and Generalization
• An abstract class is a class that has no direct

instances but whose descendent classes have direct

A Concrete class is a class that is instantiable.
• Is data that describes other data

• Many real-world applications have metadata such

as pats catalogs, blueprints and dictionaries.

Example : The definition of a class is metadata.

• In RDBMS, a data table may store information
such as capital of India is New Delhi.

Capital of Japan is Tokyo. And so on .…

A meta table will store the fact that a

country has a Capital City.

• Is the mapping between two associations.

• A frequent usage is the mapping between

a descriptor and a part tree
Homomorphisms Contd..

• Homomorphisms mostly occur for complex

applications that deal with meta data

• It is an special type of relationship between

Dynamic Modeling
• examines changes to the objects
and their relationships overtime.

• represents control information : The sequence of

events, states and operations that occur within
a system of objects.

• describes the sequences of operations that occur in

response to external stimuli.

• represents the control structure of a system.

Events and States

• State is the attribute values and links held by an object

•An event results in a series of changes to the

object states.

•The pattern of events, states and state

transitions for a given class can be abstracted
and represented as a state diagram.
• Is something that happens at a point in time

• Is a one-way transmission of information from one

object to another.

• Events may be simple signals, or may convey data


• Events with common structure and behaviour can be

grouped into an Event class.

• Events includes error conditions too.

Events Contd..

•airplane flight departs

• mouse button pushed

• input string entered

• phone receiver lifted

• Scenario is a sequence of events that
occurs during one particular execution
of a system.

• Scenario can be the historical record of executing

a system.

• Scenario can be a thought experiment of

executing a proposed system.
Scenarios Contd..
Example : Scenario for making a telephone call.

•caller lifts receiver

•dial tone begins
•caller dials digits
•called phone begins ringing
•called party picks up the receiver
•phones are connected
•caller hangs up
•phones are disconnected.
Events and Traces:
• Event trace is the representation of the sequence
of events and the objects exchanging events as an
augmented scenario.

• Sender and Receiver objects of each event is


• Object is represented as a vertical line and each

event as a horizontal arrow from the sender to the
receiver object.

• Sequence of events is important.

Events and Traces:Contd..

Event Trace For a Phone Call

•Is an abstraction of the attribute values and
links of an object.

•A state specifies the response of the object to

input events.

•The response of an object to an event may include

an action or a change of state by the objects.

Example : After the receiver is lifted and before the first

digit is dialed, the phone line is in state Dial
State Diagrams
• It relates events and states

• It is a graph whose nodes are states

and whose directed arcs are transitions
labelled by event names.

• Describes the behaviour of a single

class of objects

• Example : State diagram for phone line

Figure 5.5 Page 90 (Rambaugh)

Relationship between Object and Dynamic
• The dynamic model structure is related
to and constrained by Object model structure.

•A sub-state refines the attribute and link

values that the object can have.

• The dynamic model specifies allowable

sequences of changes to objects from the
object model.
Relationship between Object and Dynamic
• The dynamic model structure is related
to and constrained by Object model structure.

•A sub-state refines the attribute and link

values that the object can have.

• The dynamic model specifies allowable

sequences of changes to objects from the
object model.
Functional Modeling
•Describes computations within a system.

•It shows how output values in a computation are

derived from input values, without regard for the
order in which the values are computed.

•Consists of multiple DFD's, which show the flow of

values from external inputs, through operations
and internal data stores, to external outputs.
Data Flow Diagrams (DFD's)
•Shows the functional relationships of values
computed by a system, including input values and
output values and internal data stores.

•A data flow diagram is a graph showing the flow

of data values from their sources in objects
through processes that transform them to
their destinations in other objects.

•It does not show central information.

DFD's Contd..
A DFD contains

• processes, that transform data

• data flows, that move data

• actor objects, that produce and consume data

• data store objects that store data passively.


• A process transforms data values.

• The final model only indicates the possible

functional paths, it does not show which path will
actually occur.
•The results of such a process depends on the
behaviour of the system, as specified by the
dynamic model.

•Process may or may not have side effects on the

non-functional components such as data stores and
external objects.
Processes Contd..
•Representation in DFD is as an ellipse, containing
a description of the transformation.

•Each process has a fixed number of input and

output data arrows.

•Input and Outputs are labeled.

Processes Contd..
Data Flows
•A data flow connects the output of an object or
process to the input of another object or process.

•It represents an intermediate data value within a


•The value is not changed by the data flow.

Data Flows Contd..
Representation in DFD's is by an arrow between
the procedure and consumer of the data value.

•The arrow is labeled with a description of the


•The same value can be sent to several objects,

this is indicated by a fork.

•Output arrows if not split into its components,

may be unlabeled.
Data Flows Contd..
•An actor is an active object that drives the data
flow graph by producing or consuming values.

•Actors are attached to the inputs and outputs of a

data flow graph.

•Actors act as sources and sinks of data, so also

called as terminators.

•Actors lie on the boundary of the data flow graph

but terminate the flow of data.
Actors Contd..

•Representation in DFD's is by a rectangle

•Arrows between the actor and the diagram are

inputs and outputs of the diagram.

•Actions of actors are a part of the Dynamic Model.

Actors Contd..

•Representation in DFD's is by a rectangle

•Arrows between the actor and the diagram are

inputs and outputs of the diagram.

•Actions of actors are a part of the Dynamic Model.

Actors Contd..
Data Stores

• A data store is a passive object within a data

flow diagram, that stores data for later access.

• A data store does not generate any operations on

its own but merely responds to requests to store
and access data.
Data Stores Contd..

• A data store allows values to be accessed in a

different order, than they are generated.

• Aggregate data stores, such as lists and labels,

provide access of data by insertion order or index

• Representation of a data store is by a pair of

parallel lines containing the name of the store.
Data Stores Contd..
• Input arrows indicate information or operations
that modify the stored data (like adding,
modifying, deleting elements)

• Output arrows indicate information retrieved from

the data store the data store
Data Stores Contd..
Relationship between Object, Dynamic and
Functional Models
•Functional model shows what "has to be done" by a

•Object model shows the "doer" - the objects of the


•Dynamic model shows the sequence in which the

operations are performed.

•Processes in the final model shows objects that

are related by functions.
Relative to the Functional Model

• The Object Model shows the structure of the

actors, data stores, and flows in the functional

• The Dynamic Model shows the sequence in

which processes are performed.
Relative to the Object Model

•The final model shows the operations in the

classes and the arguments of each operation.

•The Dynamic Model shows the states of each

object and the operations that are performed
as it receives events and changes state.
Relative to Dynamic Model

The final Model shows the definitions of the leaf

actions and activities that are undefined with the
dynamic model.

The Object Model shows what changes state

and undergoes operations.

Stages in OOA

Problem / Requirement is stated

•Problem / Requirement is understood

•Essential features are abstracted

into an analysis model (Object,Dynamic
and functional Models)
OOA Contd..

• Iterate the analysis, refine the analysis model

and Restate the requirements if required.

Goal of OOA

Is to fully specify the problem and application

domain without introducing a bias to any particular

Goal of OOA Contd..
Problem or Requirements Statements
•Problem scope

•What is needed

•Application context


•Performance needs
Problem or Requirements Statements

The analyst must work with the request

to refine the requirements, so they
represent the requestor's true intent.

Page 151 include Fig. 8.3 + explanation of paragraph.

Object Modeling

• Object Model shows the static data structure of

the real-world system, as object classes and

relationship between classes.

Object Modeling Contd..
•Information for the Object Model comes from

the problem statement

the expert knowledge of the application

domain, and

the general knowledge of the real world.

Steps for construction of an Object Model
1. Identify Objects and Classes
•Identify all possible Objects and classes

Eliminate Redundant classes

Eliminate irrelevant classes

•Eliminate operations that are applied to


•Eliminate Implmentation Constructs.

ATM Example
ATM classes identified from knowledge of
problem domain :
iminating unnecessary Classes.
Good Classes
2. Preparing a Data Dictionary
Write a paragraph precisely describing
each object class

Describe the scope of the class within

the current problem

Mention any assumptions or restrictions

on its membership or use

Briefly describe associations, attributes

and operations
3. Identifying Associations
•Identify all possible associations between the
•Eliminate associations between eliminated classes.

•Eliminate Irrelevant or Implementation associations

•Eliminate Actions that describe a transient event.

•Convert Ternary associations into Binary

associations (But without loss of information)

•Eliminate Derived associations.

ATM Example
Some possible Associations from ATM
problem Statement
•Banking network includes Cashiers and ATMs
•Consortium shares ATMs

•Cashier enters transaction for account

•Bank provides Bank Computer

•Bank owns Cashier station

ATM Example Contd..
•ATMs communicate with Central Computer
about transaction

•Central Computer clear transaction with bank

•ATM accepts Cash Card

•ATM interact with user

•ATM dispenses Cash

ATM Example Contd..

•ATM prints receipts

•System handles concurrent access

•Consortium consists of banks

•Bank holds account

•Consortium owns Central Computer

ATM Example Contd..

•Cost apportioned to banks

•Bank employs Cashier

•Cash Card Accesses account

Eliminating Unnecessary and Incorrect Associations
4. Identifying Object Attributes

•should describe the properties of

individual objects

•Identify link attributes too.

•Eliminate unnecessary and incorrect

ATM Example
Some classes in ATM object model with attributes
5. Refining the Classes with Inheritance
•Bottom UP approach

By Generalizing common aspects of existing

classes into a superclass.

•Top Down Approach

By defining existing classes into specialized

ATM Example
6. Grouping Classes into Modules
•Group classes into sheets and modules

•Tightly coupled classes should be grouped


•Diagrams may be divided into sheets of uniform

size for convenience in drawing, printing and

ATM example for grouping classes into

6. Grouping Classes into Modules Contd..
Possible Modules :

Tellers - Cashier, entry station, Cashier Station, ATM

Account - account, Cash Card, Customer, Cashier,


Banks - Consortium, Bank.

Dynamic Modeling
•It shows the time-dependent behaviour of the
system and objects

•This model is important for interactive systems


•Look for externally visible stimuli and responses.

•Summarize permissible event sequences for

each object with a state diagram.
Steps for construction of an Dynamic Model
1. Preparation of a Scenario

•Scenarios show the major interactions, external

display formats and information exchanges

•Scenario is a sequence of events

•Event occurs whenever information is exchanged

between an object in the system and an outside
agent, such as a user, a sensor or another task.
ATM Example : Possible Scenario

•The ATM asks the user to insert a Card

•The user inserts a Cash Card.

The ATM accepts the Card and reads serial number

•The ATM requests the password

•The user enters the 'password’

•The ATM verifies the serial number and password
with the consortium and so on .........
2. Identifying Events betwwn Objects

•Events include all signals, inputs, decisions,

interrupts, transitions and action to or from user
or external devices.

•Show each scenario as a event-trace or event-flow

ATM Example:
"Enter Password" is an event sent from
external agent User to application object ATM.
3. Prepare a State Diagram

• for each Object class with retrieval

dynamic behaviour

• showing the events the objects receives and sends

• Early scenario or event trace corresponds to a

path through the state diagram.
ATM Example :
4. Matching Events between Objects

•Check for completeness and consistency at

the system level

•Every event should have a sender and a receiver

4.Matching Events between Objects Contd..

ATM Example:

An "account" can potentially be accessed

concurrently by more than one machine.
Access to account needs to be controlled
to ensure that only one update at a time
is applied.
Steps for Construction of Functional Model
1. Identify Input and Output Values

•List all the input and output values.

•It is the interaction between the system and the

outside world.
2. Building Data Flow Diagrams

•Show how each output value is computed from

input values.

•Construct the DFD's in layers.

•DFD's specify only dependencies among

2. Building Data Flow Diagrams
3. Describng Functions
• Refine the DFD's

• Describe each function

What it does

Not flow to implement it

• Description can be declarative or procedural.

ATM Example
Update-account-function ()

If amount on withdrawal > the current account balance

reject transaction.

If amount on withdrawal < the current account balance

debit the account and dispence the

amount request and so on ......…
4. Identify Constraints between Objects
•Constraints are functional dependencies
between objects that are not related by an
input-output dependency.

•Constraints can be on two objects at

the same time.

•or between instances of the same

object and different times
4. Identify Constraints between Objects
•or between instances of different objects and
different hours.

•Constraints are the preconditions on the


ATM Example:

A possible constraint

'No account balance may ever be negative'

5. Specifying Optimization Criteria

Specify values to be maximized, minimized or


In case of conflict, indicate the trade-off.

5. Specifying Optimization Criteria
ATM Example:

Possible Optimization Criteria

•Minimize the number of physical messages sent

between different sites.

•Minimize the time an account is locked for

concurrency reason.
Final Stage :
• Refine the analysis model

• Restate the Requirements if required.

• Verify the analysis model.

• Final verified analysis model serves as the basis

for system architecture, design and
• Purpose of OOA is to state and understand the
problem and application domain, so that a correct
design can be constructed

• A good analysis captures the essential features of

the problem without introducing implementation

During analysis, the focus is on what is to be

done, independent of how it is done. During design,

decisions are made about how the problem will be

solved, first at high level, then at increasingly

detailed levels.

System Design is the high level strategy for

solving the problem and building a solution.

The overall organization of a system into

components is called the System Architecture.

The system designee must make the following
decisions :
• Organise the system into sub-systems

• Identify concurrency inherent in the problem

• Allocate sub-system to processor and tasks

• Choose an approach for management of

data stores
The system designee must make the following
decisions : Contd..
•Handle access to global resources

•Choose the implementation of control in software

•Handle boundary conditions

•Set trade off priorities


There are a number of architectural styles suitable

for various applications. They differ in placing

emphasis on the three models - Object, Dynamic and

Breaking System into sub-systems
The first step in system design is to divide the system
into a small number of components called subsystem.

A subsystem is not an object nor a function but a

package of classes, associations, operations, events
and constraints that are inter-related and that have
a reasonably well-defined and small interface with
other systems. It defines a coherent way of looking at
one aspect of the problem.
Breaking System into sub-systems
To identify the sub-systems in a system, the
following should be observed :

• Each subsystem should encompass the aspects

of a system that share some common property,
similar functionality or
same physical location or
execution on the same kind of hardware, etc.
Breaking System into sub-systems
• Subsystem can be identified by the services it
provide. A service is a group of related functions
that share some common purpose.

• Each subsystem should have well-defined interface

to the rest of the system.

• Subsystem should be defined so that most

interactions are within subsystems, rather than
across the subsystem boundaries, in order to
reduce the dependencies among the subsystem.
A system should be divided into small (reasonable)
number of subsystems. The lowest level subsystems
are called modules.

The relationship between two subsystems can be

client-supplier or peer-to-peer.

The subsystem should have simple topology

(pipeline as preferred to star)

The decomposition of system into subsystem can be

organized as a sequence of horizontal layers or
vertical partitions.
The system is divided into subsystems as a

horizontal layer where each layer knows about

the layers below it but has no knowledge of

layers above it. A supplier client relationship

exists between lower layers and upper layers.

Layers Contd..
Layer architecture comes in two forms;
closed open

• a layer uses features • can use features of any

only of immediately lower lower layer to any depth

• reduces need to redefine

• reduces dependencies
layers and allows easier operations at each level
changes and results in more
efficient and compact
Layers Contd..
Layer architecture comes in two forms;
closed open

• does not observe

information hiding so it
is less robust.
Partitions vertically divide a system into several

independent or weakly-coupled subsystems,

each providing one kind of service

e.g. Subsystems in OS.

Layers and partitions can be used in combination.

• Layers can be partitioned

• Partitions can be layered

For example, simulation of application

and interactive graphics
Hybrid Contd..
Identifying Concurrency
System design needs to identify which objects

must be active concurrently and which objects

have activity that in mutually exclusive.

The later objects can be folded together

into a single thread of control or task.

Identifying Concurrency Contd..
There are two ways of identifying concurrency.

1. Identify inherent concurrency

The dynamic model is the guide to identifying

concurrency. Two objects are inherently concurrent
if they can receive events at the same time without
interacting. If the events are unsynchronized, the
objects can not be folded into a single thread
of control.
Identifying Concurrency Contd..
2. Defining Concurrent tasks

By examining the state diagrams of individual

objects and the exchange of events among them,
many objects can be folded together onto a single
thread of control. On each thread of control, only
a single object at a time is active. Thread of control
are implemented as tasks in computer

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