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WHAT DOES IT MEANS TO BE “GLOBAL”? • Organization considered as global if: – they exchange goods and services with consumers in other countries. – It uses financial sources and resources its home country known as financial globalization.
• One factor affects talent globalization is:
– Immigration laws and regulations DIFFERENT TYPES OF ORGANIZATIONS • Multinational Corporation (MNCs) – any type of international company that maintains operation in multiple countries. • Examples: Coca-cola, Avon, Procter & Gamble. • Types: i. Multidomestic corporation ii. Global corporation iii. Transnational (borderless) organization MULTIDOMESTIC CORPORATION • Which decentralizes management and other decisions to the local country in which it is operating. • Doesn’t replicate domestic success, but hired local employees to manage business and marketing strategies tailored to its countries. • For example: Nestle GLOBAL CORPORATION • Which centralizes its management and other decisions in the home country. • Treat the world market as a whole and focus on the need for global efficiency. • For example: Sony TRANSNATIONAL (BORDERLESS) ORGANIZATION • A structural management for global organizations that elimination artificial geographical barriers. • Organization choose this to increase efficiency and effectiveness in competitive global marketplace. • For example: Ford and IBM. HOW DO ORGANIZATIONS GO GLOBAL? GLOBAL SOURCING • Also known as global outsourcing. • Purchasing materials or labors from around the world whichever is the cheapest. • The goal: take advantage of lower costs in order to be more competitive. • For example: Dell and Apple scaled back some of their offshore customer service operations. EXPORTING AND IMPORTING • Exporting – Making products domestically and selling them abroad. • Importing – Which involves acquiring products made abroad and selling them domestically. LICENSING AND FRANCHISING • Licensing and franchising are similar approaches involving one organization giving another organization the right to use its brand name, technology, or product specification and in return for a lump sum payment or a fee that is usually based on sales. • Difference is: – Licensing primarily used in manufacturing organizations that make or sell another company’s products. LICENSING AND FRANCHISING (cont…) • Difference is: – Franchising primarily used in service organization that want to use another company’s name and operating methods. • For example: KFC and McDonalds GLOBAL STRATEGIC ALLIANCE • It is a partnership between an organization and a foreign company partner or partners in which both share resources and knowledge in developing new products and facilities. • Happen when organization has been doing business internationally for a while and has gained experience in international markets. • For example: Honda Motor and General Electric teamed to produce new jet engine. TYPES OF GLOBAL STRATEGIC ALLIANCE • Joint venture – Which partners form a separate, independent organization for some business purpose. – For example: Hewlett-Packard has numerous partners with various suppliers around the globe to develop different components for its computer equipment. TYPES OF GLOBAL STRATEGIC ALLIANCE (cont…) • Foreign subsidiary – Separate and independent facility or office. – Can be managed as a multidomestic organization (local control) or as global organization (centralized control) – Greatest commitment of resources and poses the greatest amount of risk. HOW CAN ORGANIZATIONS DEMONSTRATE SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE ACTIONS? • Social responsibility/corporate social responsibility (CSR) – Business firm’s intention beyond its legal and economic obligations to do the right things and act for the good of the society. • Social obligation – Activities a business firm engages in to meet certain economic and legal responsibilities. • Social responsiveness – Characteristics of a business firm that engages in social actions in response to some popular needs. WHAT IS SUSTAINABILITY AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT? • Sustainability – A company’s ability to achieve its business goals and increase long term shareholder value by integrating economic, environmental and social opportunities into its business strategies. • Important because: – Affects many aspects of business from the creation of products to services to their use and subsequently disposal by consumers. – One way an organizations can show their commitment to being responsible. WHAT FACTORS DETERMINE ETHICAL AND UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR? • Ethics – Set of rules or principles that defines right and wrong conduct. • View of ethics – Utilitarian view of ethics: ethical decisions are made solely on the basis of their outcomes or consequences. WHAT FACTORS DETERMINE ETHICAL AND UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR? (cont…) • View of ethics – Right view of ethics: individuals are concerned with respecting and protecting individual liberties and privileges such as the right of free consent, the right to privacy, the right of free speech, and so forth. – Theory of justice view of ethics: an individual imposes and enforces rules fairly and impartially. FACTORS ON ACT ETHICALLY OR UNETHICALLY • Factors include an individual’s morality, values, personality, and experiences; the organization’s culture; and the ethical issues being faced. • People who lack a strong moral sense are much less likely to do the wrong things if they are constrained by rules, policies, job descriptions, or strong cultural norms that discourage such behaviors. ENCORAGING ETHICAL BEHAVIOR • Codes of ethics – Formal document that states an organization’s primary values and the ethical rules it expects managers and non-managerial employees to follow. – Effectiveness depends on whether management supports them and ingrains them into the corporate culture, and how individuals who break the codes are treated. – Management regular reaffirms their content, follows the rules themselves, and publicly reprimands rule breakers, ethics codes. ENCORAGING ETHICAL BEHAVIOR (cont…) • Ethical Leadership – Doing business ethically requires a commitment from managers – Because they are the ones who uphold the shared values and set the cultural tone. – Managers also show their commitment through reward and punishment practices. ENCORAGING ETHICAL BEHAVIOR (cont…) • Ethics Training – Setting up seminars, workshops, and similar ethics training programs to encourage ethical behavior. – Training can increased individual’s level of moral development and this helps increases awareness of ethical issues in business. WORKFORCE DIVERSITY • As the ways in which people in the organization are different from and similar to one another. • Not only focuses on the differences but also the similarities of the employees. TYPES OF DIVERSITY • Age – Aging population caused critical shift in the workforce. – Malaysia retirement age moved from 55 to 60 years old. • Gender – Gender diversity still happens in organizations such as gender pay gap, career start and progress, and misconceptions about whether women do better jobs than men. TYPES OF DIVERSITY (cont…) • Race and ethnicity – Race: the biological heritage including physical characteristics such as one’s skin color and associated traits that people use to identify themselves. – Ethnicity: related to race, but it refers to social traits such as one’s cultural background or allegiance that are shared by a human population. TYPES OF DIVERSITY (cont…) • Disability/Abilities – Discrimination against person with disabilities is prohibited and also requires employers to make reasonable accommodations so their workplaces are accessible to people with physical and mental disabilities and enable them to effectively perform their jobs. – Managers need to create and maintain an environment in which employees feel comfortable disclosing their need to accommodate. TYPES OF DIVERSITY (cont…) • Religion – Law prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion as well as race/ethnicity, country of religion, and sex. – Managers need to recognize and be aware of different religions and their beliefs, paying special attention to when certain religious holidays falls. TYPES OF DIVERSITY (cont…) • GLBT- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity – Racial and ethics stereotypes are off-limits unfortunately it happens all the time. – However European Unions required all its members to introduce legislation making it unlawful to discriminate based on sexual orientations. – In US, only several states and municipal introduces to the same law. OTHER TYPES OF DIVERSITY • Socioeconomic background such as social class and income related factors. • Different functional teams or organizational units. • Physical attractiveness • Obesity/thinness • Job seniority • Intellectual abilities MANAGERS ADAPTING TO A CHANGING WORKFORCE • Work-life balance programs – Factors of blurring between work and personal life: • In a world global business, work never ends. • Communication technology allows employ to do their work at home, in their cars, or on vacation. • When organizations had lay off employees during economic downturn, surviving employees working longer hours. • Fewer families today have a single wage earner. MANAGERS ADAPTING TO A CHANGING WORKFORCE (cont…) • Today’s organization are offering family- friendly benefits – On site child care – Summer day camps – Flextime – Job sharing – Time off for school functions – Telecommunicating – Part time employment MANAGERS ADAPTING TO A CHANGING WORKFORCE (cont…) • Contingent Workers – Part time, temporary, and contract workers who are available for hire on an as needed basis. – Disadvantages of hiring temp: • They lack stability and security of permanent employees. • They may not identify with the organization. • They are not as committed or motivated. MANAGERS ADAPTING TO A CHANGING WORKFORCE (cont…) • Generational Difference – Challenges especially between baby boomers and Gen Y. – In terms of appropriate office attire • The key is flexibility – Technology • Gen Y grown up with cell phones, e-mails, computers, and Internet. If they need information, they turn to the Internet. They are okay with meetings through online, and multitasking while baby boomers prefer in person meeting and do one task at a time. MANAGERS ADAPTING TO A CHANGING WORKFORCE (cont…) • Generational Difference – Management Style • Gen Y want bosses who are open minded, expert in their field, organized, teachers, mentors, trainers, not authoritarian or paternalistic, respectful, understanding their needs, providing constant feedback, communicating in strong and high drive force, and providing stimulating and novel learning experiences.