HiPo Employee
HiPo Employee
HiPo Employee
• Ability (the
combination of
characteristics and
learned skills),
• Aspiration (the
desire for the
challenges, and
rewards of more
senior roles)
• Engagement (the
Source: Corporate Executive Board – Corporate Leadership
Council, Talent Development – High Potentials
Silzer and Church’s model depicting Key
indicators of potential
Shell’s CAR criteria for high potential
9 Box Talent Matrix
Some challenges of HIPO identification
• Tenure approach
• Manager appraisal approach
• Decision makers consensus approach
• Criteria based approach
Tenure approach
• This approach is characterized by promoting
or identifying employees that have been with
the company the longest. The general theory
is that the person has paid his or her dues and
therefore should be moved into a critical role.
Another rationalization for this approach is
that the employee, because of his/her
longevity with the company, must have
acquired the appropriate knowledge, skill and
ability to be successful in a more critical role.
Manager appraisal approach
• This approach is characterized by having a
manager identify a subordinate for
promotion or special development based on
the manager’s independent judgment of
what high potential means. In this approach,
managers are usually left to their own
devices to develop criteria from which they
base their decisions.
Decision makers consensus approach