Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Declaration of Policies and
As provided in the Constitution of the Republic
of the Philippines, it is the declared policy of the
State to promote a just and dynamic social order
that will ensure the prosperity and independence of
the nation and free the people from poverty
through policies that provide adequate social
services, promote full employment, a rising standard
of living and an improved quality of life. In the
Declaration of Principles and State Policies in Article
II, Section 10 and 11, it is furthered declared that
the State shall provide social justice in all phases of
national development and that the State values
the dignity of every human person and guarantees
full respect for human rights (RQ 9994).
"Article XIII, Section 11 of the Constitution
provides that the state shall adopt an integrated
and comprehensive approach to health
development which shall endeavor to make
essential goods, health and other social services
available to all the people at affordable cost. There
shall be priority for the needs of the underprivileged,
sick, elderly, disabled, women and children. Article
XV, Section 4 of the Constitution Further declares
that it is the duty of the family to take care of its
elderly members while the State may design
programs of social security for them.
The Department of Education (DepED), the
Technical Education and Skills Development
Authority (TESDA) and the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED), in consultation with
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and
people's organizations (POs) for senior citizens, shall
institute programs that will ensure access to formal
and non-formal education
The DOH, in coordination with local government
units (LGUs) , NGOs and POs for senior citizens, shall
institute a national health program and shall provide an
integrated health service for senior citizens. It shall train
community-based health workers among senior citizens
and health personnel to specialize in the geriatric care
health problems of senior citizens. The national health
program for senior citizens shall, among others, be
harmonized with the National Prevention of Blindness
Program of the DOH. Throughout the country, there shall
be established a "senior citizens' ward" in every
government hospital. This geriatric ward shall be
confinement by reason of their health conditions.
However, when urgency for emergency purposes so
require, such geriatric ward may be uses for emergency
purposes, after which, such "senior citizens' ward" shall
be reverted to its nature as geriatric ward.
Aleast fifty percent (50%) discount shall be
granted on the consumption of electricity, water,
and telephone by the senior citizens center and
residential care/group homes that are government-
run or non-stock, non-profit domestic corporation
organized and operated primarily for the purpose
of promoting the well-being of abandoned,
neglected, unattached, or homeless senior citizens,
subject to the guidelines formulated by the DSWD.