Abap On Hana
Abap On Hana
Abap On Hana
• Creation of CDS with parameters, with Joins, with Association and direct CDS view à Hands on for one end to end example
• AMDP procedures and working methods
• Row/Column storage
• Compression and technics
• HANA CDS view existence
• Annotations and Exposing data
• DB Procedures usage
• Consumption of OData directly from CDS
• AMDP and Development Steps
• Explain Old and new ABAP syntax and their usage
ABAP Development Tools for Eclipse - The Basic Idea
SAP GUI Eclipse
ABAP Server
Dynpro-based UI Service-enabled API
Transport Runtime/Debug
Enqueue …
Tools Envrironment
ABAP Development Tools for Eclipse: Overview
o UI Development Tools for Web Dynpro, Floor plan Manager and SAP UI5
www.eclipse.org https://tools.hana.ondemand.com
Dictionary View Editor in Eclipse
View Editor enables ABAP developers to quickly define powerful Dictionary Views based on a newly
defined Data Definition Language (DDL)
ABAP Managed Database Procedures in Eclipse
ABAP managed database procedures enables ABAP developers to define stored procedures
in SAP HANA within the ABAP class editor in Eclipse
Data Preview in Eclipse
Data Preview enables ABAP developers to quickly preview the records in the
ABAP Dictionary tables and views
ABAP Codesearch in Eclipse
ABAP Codesearch enables ABAP developers to quickly find arbitrary code snippets
in their ABAP code
ADT Shortcut Reference Card
Ctrl+Shift+A Open development object
Ctrl+F2 Check development object
Ctrl+F3 Activate development object
Ctrl+Shift+F3 Activate all inactive objects
Ctrl+Space Code completion
Ctrl+1 Quick fix proposal
Alt+F2 Show method information
Ctrl+7 Toggle comment
Shift+F1 Format source aka pretty printer
F1 ABAP keyword documentation
F2 Show code element information
Ctrl+3 Search for commands & views
Ctrl+Shift+L List all keyboard shortcuts
ADT Shortcut Reference Card
F3 Open definition
Alt+Left Backward history
Alt+Right Forward history
Ctrl+T Quick hierarchy
F4 Open Type Hierarchy
Ctrl+O Quick outline
Ctrl+Shift+G Where-used list
Run, Debug
F8 Run current ABAP object
Alt+F8 Select & run ABAP application
Ctrl+Shift+B Toggle breakpoint
F5, F6, F7, F8 Step into, over, return, resume
Ctrl+Shift+F10 Execute ABAP unit tests
Alt+F9 Profile development object
Developers Guide for CDS
Developer Guide for CDS
This will clearly explains Old and new ABAP syntax and their usage
AMDP Development