Exchange Rate Forecasting
Exchange Rate Forecasting
Exchange Rate Forecasting
The first type of forecasts works within the sample at hand, while the
latter works outside the sample.
In-sample forecasting does not attempt to forecast the future path of
one or several economic variables. This sample forecast method uses
today's information to forecast what today's spot rates should be. Thus
the forecast will be within in the sample. The fundamental approach
generates an equilibrium exchange rate. The foreign exchange rate in-
sample fundamental forecasts are interpreted as equilibrium exchange
rates. Equilibrium exchange rates can be used to generate trading
On the other hand, out-of sample forecasting
attempts to use today’s information to forecast the
future behavior of exchange rates. That is, we
forecast the path of exchange rates outside of our
sample. In general, at time t, it is very unlikely that
we know the inflation rate for time t+1. That is, in
order to generate out-of-sample forecasts, it will be
necessary to make some assumptions about the
future behavior of the fundamental variables.
Technical Approach