TV40303 5
TV40303 5
TV40303 5
Descriptive Statistics
Summarize raw data collected from a sample to
describe its characteristics
Inferential Statistics
Make inference/generalisation about the
characteristics of a population based on the
data collected from its sample
Descriptive Stat
Descriptive Stat
Descriptive Statistics
Numerical Method
Measures of Dispersion
(Range, Sd, Coefficient of variation)
- To estimate the population parameters from
sample statistics
Hypothesis Testing
- To test the hypothesis that what is observed
in the sample is a reflection of the actual
phenomena in the population
Estimation – An Example
In a study, you have chosen a random sample (n = 40) and
arrived at the mean score ( x ) of a science test to be 38.2
with a standard deviation (Sd) of 8.52 .
x – 1.96 < µ < x + 1.96
√n √n
Lower limit Upper limit
Lower Limit : 38.2 – 1.96 (8.52/ √40) = 35.56
Upper Limit :38.2 – 1.96 (8.52/ √40) = 40.84
(We can be 95% sure that the interval from 35.56 to 40.84
contains the population mean score of the science test.)
35.56 40.84
n Mean Sd Sd
Stream Score
Science 65 89 4.6 .57
n Mean SD
t = - 5.213 df = 18 p = .000
0.025 0.025
Reject Ho
-5.213 o
-2.101 2.101
n Mean SD
t = .429 df = 9 p = .678
o Acceptance
-1.833 1.833 Region
.429 region
Accept Ho
One-way ANOVA (Between-Subject design)
Table B: Summary of ANOVA for Writing Scores
Total 5119.75 15
7.34 Reject Ho
Pos Hoc Multiple Comparison – Tukey HSD Test
Table C: Results of Tukey HSD Test on Writing Scores
Mean Difference
Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy
Mean W X Y Z
Strategy Z 26.50
In conclusion……..
Data diskriptif dalam Jadual A menunjukkan bahawa Kumpulan Strategi W
(Min = 61.75, sl = 13.817) mencapai skor penulisan yang lebih tinggi
berbanding dengan Kumpulan Strategi X (Min = 57.5, sl = 15.503),
Kumpulan Strategi Y (Min = 37.75, sl = 10.935) dan Kumpulan Strategi Z
(Min = 26.50, sl = 7.141). Begitu juga Kumpulan Strategi X mendapat skor
yang lebih tinggi daripada Kumpulan Strategi Y dan Kumpulan Strategi Z,
dan Kumpulan Strategi Y juga mencapai skor yang lebih tinggi daripada
Kumpulan Strategi Z.
Kesimpulannya, ……….
(4) 2-way ANOVA
Table A: Recall Scores
You have conducted a
Strategy-Present Strategy-Absent
study to examine the
effect of a learning Con Abs Con Abs
strategy X on the recall (n = 5) (n = 5) (n = 5) ( n = 5)
of two types of 17 12 11 12
vocabulary items 20 10 9 9
(Concret & Abstract) 14 14 12 15
16 8 8 11
17 11 13 13
You obtained the data
Mean 16.80 11.00 10.60 12.00
in the form of recall
scores as shown in the SD 2.168 2.236 2.074 2.236
Two-way ANOVA (2 x 2 Factorial Design)
Table B: Summary of ANOVA for Recall Scores by Strategy and Vocab Type
Source SS df MS F p
Reject Ho
5.095 7.116
Main & Interaction Effects: Meaning
Strategy- Strategy- Main Effect
Present Absent
There is interaction
Main & Interaction Effects: Meaning
17 Strategy-Present/Con
Strategy-Absent/Con Strategy-Present/Abs
Concrete Abstract
Table A shows………..
It is thus concluded………………
Main & Interaction Effects: Meaning
Strategy- Strategy- Main Effect
Present Absent
There is no interaction
Main & Interaction Effects: Meaning
Concrete Abstract
(5) ANCOVA With Strategy Without Strategy
You have conducted (n = 10) (n = 10)
a research to 57, 70, 87, 79, 93, 50, 43,
determine the effect Pretest 71, 71, 79, 57, 87, 50, 64,
of Strategy ABC on Score 50, 93, 50, 79, 57
the reasoning ability 57
of college students Mean = 68.50 Mean = 65.90
using the Pretest Sd = 14.97 Sd = 17.37
Posttest Control Posttest 63, 79, 95, 79, 95, 68, 47,
Group Design. Score 89, 79, 89, 63, 89, 58, 74,
58, 89, 68, 74, 53
You obtained the 71
data as shown in the
Mean =78.00 Mean = 70.00
table. Sd = 12.60 Sd = 15.33
Ho : There is no significant difference between the With
Strategy Group and the Without Strategy Group in
their reasoning ability
H1 : There is a significant difference between the With
Strategy Group and the Without Strategy Group
in their reasoning ability.
Table A
Means & standard deviations of the reasoning ability pretest
and posttest scores
Pretest Posttest
n Mean Sd Mean Sd
Source SS df MS F p
Corrected Model 3281.08 2 1640.54 48.01** .000
Intercept 432.31 1 432.31 12.65* .002
Pretest 2961.08 1 2961.08 86.65** .000
df = no. of pairs – 2
r [8] = .938, p<.01
= 10 – 2
= 8
Since r [8] = .938 is greater the critical value
at p = .01 (i.e. .765), we reject Ho. There is a
high possibility that both the scoring methods Critical value
are similar to each other.
p = .05, r [8] = .632
p = .01, r [8] = .765
Correlation: Meaning
r = +.65
r = +1.00
r = - 1.00
r = -.65
(7) Chi-square X2 [Nominal Data]
df = (r – 1)(c – 1) = (2 -1)(2-1)
X2 = 10.5077 p = .001
The Chi-square test suggests that there
is a significant difference in the opinions
between male and female
undergraduates regarding violence on
TV, X2 [1] = 10.508, p <.01, with more
females considering there is too much
df = 1 violence than males.
Reject Ho
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Techniques Techniques
Independent-samples t-test Mann-Whitney test