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Health Information System

Where Healthcare Meets Policy

The Health Information Highway
All Aboard

Where Healthcare Meets Policy

If There Is a Will for Basic Health Care Reform, It
May Begin with Information Infrastructure
For more than two decades, these factors have made
change a slow process:
• Evolving technology
• Lack of money
• No national standards
• Complexity
• Incompatibility
• Lack of readiness to deal with policy issues
that would be triggered
Current Conditions Are Ripe for Action,
Approaching a Tipping Point
Why Now?

• Advancement of computer systems

– Price : Performance = Reasonable
• Internet has become ubiquitous
– Now in the hands of the people
• Software sophistication and end-point usability
– Patient and clinician use is feasible and realistic
• Different sectors seem newly focused and engaged
• Successful local demonstrations prove it is possible
Consumers Need Health IT
Percent of patients who said…

…they had to wait/reschedule their

appointment because the provider did 32%
not have all their medical information

…their health care provider did not

have all of their medical information 48%

… coordination among their various

health providers is a problem
• Consumers already expect and believe that practitioners are
appropriately sharing clinically appropriate information to take care of
• Consumers believe that practitioners keep all clinical records in a
computer-based system
• Consumers have a high level of trust with doctors and hospitals
managing their data
Electronic Medical Record
• A common Electronic Medical Record system operates in all
participating hospitals, physician offices and clinics, providing one
standardized clinical data structure and presentation
– Visit Histories
– Cumulative Laboratory results
– Radiology exam profile/reports
– Transcription reports including e-Sign
– Patient Demographics
– Computerized Physician Order Entry
– Clinical Notes
Benefits of Regional Approach

• Patient care is improved through better availability of more complete

medical records at all points of care
• Medical errors are decreased through use of innovative technology
including bar-coded medication verification and electronic nursing
• Rural health care is enhanced and health personnel shortages
addressed through video and data connectivity to regional experts
• Hospital operation is more efficient through integrated billing and
clinical information systems
• Overall health system savings are achieved through creative use of
shared services and resources
The Health Information Highway
All Aboard

Hospital Information System

Where Healthcare Meets Policy

Product Overview

iCare Health Information Systems delivers

comprehensive software to help organizations
improve quality across the healthcare continuum.

iCare offers integrated solutions for Health

information management, Database Management
and Network Maintenance effectively meeting the
industry’s changing needs.

With 7 years of healthcare experience and expertise, iCare works as a trusted and
stable business partner to provide reliable implementation, training, and support
iCare Benefits….

 Integrated Hospital information system designed for

medium and large hospitals.
 Addresses clinical, administrative, Personnel and financial
needs of the hospital.
Modular system
 Web-based technology on Microsoft platform
 Uses oracle 10g as database
 Oracle Application Server for client distribution
 Uses Oracle Forms 10g for data input
 Uses oracle reports to display output
 Integrated system with high scalability
 Flexible module options
 Easy to Maintain
 Extremely user friendly Interface
 High level of information security
 Reduced data Input
 Comprehensive Information output
 Extremely fast search of patient information
 Statistical reports & MIS provides holistic information
 Highly advanced Billing System for all type of cases
 Fast Point of sales system for Pharmacy
 Efficient inventory control system for pharmacy and stores
 Designed for a paperless working
Value for Investment

The system gives you higher returns on investment. Some of the benefits
are follows:
 Information on fingertips

 Patient relationship management through dedicated patient databases, waiting

time management, accurate clinical records, faster dispensing of medicines.

 Paperless work environment helps save time and resources.

 Clinical statistics derived from the system helps in medical research.

 Clinical statistics helps, in-house training of medical professionals and staff

 i-Care helps in faster recovery of dues from the insurance and corporate.
Value for Investment
• System alerts prevent wrong billing for a patient

• Helps in financial controlling activities

• Vendor supply history, payment history helps in efficient vendor


• Effective inventory control & reduced material wastages

• Enables greater accountability

• Efficient management of human capital

• Efficient management of hospital assets, and equipment

• Safety and security of information

Product Overview

The hospital information system (H.I.S) is an

easy to install, ready to run, scalable,
affordable and reliable cost saving tool from
Software Associates suited for hospitals and
nursing homes.

H.I.S is integrated into 8 modules to enable

hospitals add new functions as you growth.
H.I.S delivers peace of mind through an
unmatched bundle of benefits to improve
hospital efficiency, deliver patient satisfaction,
multiply profits and save valuable
management time.

We are a comprehensive end-to-end hospital solutions provider specializing in providing advisory

services and ready to use software solutions to our clients. Our strengths include doing process
audits of our clients, providing consultancy through our distinguished panel of doctors and, our
hospital management product - H.I.S. We are widely acknowledged by our clients for our seamless
execution capabilities. Our services have helped our clients achieve unprecedented levels of cost
reduction and have led to highly efficient management of their hospitals, which of course results in
fewer headaches and peace of mind, as many of our existing clients would tell you.
Out patient
Patient Billing
Material Management
Contract Management
Financial Management

Each Module is maintained by its own Customized Setup, online Queries and Reports
Unique User ID and Authentication
Access to information systems should be via user identifiers that uniquely
identify staff and enable activities to be traced to a specific person.

Authenticate persons or entities rights to access particular systems.

• User ID:
– Unique to an individual
– Should NOT give indication of user’s privileges
– Complex “naming” scheme

• Authentication:
– Timely deactivation
– Strong passwords
Transmission Security & Integrity Controls

All transmitted over electronic communications networks must be sent on “no-

need-to-know” basis only. The transmission needs to be sufficiently
protected from interception and alteration.

All transmissions outside of the entities network

must be encrypted and have controls for
safeguarding the integrity of the information.
Front Office - Functions

 Enquiry
 Patient Appointments
 Registrations
 Outpatient Billing
 Corporate,Insurance & TPA Billing
Front Office Module - Features

 Fast registration
 Easy and powerful search of patient database
 Collects vital statistics on demographic and social setup of patients
 Corporate/insurance/TPA patient registration
 Alerts on expiry of terms of engagement with a TPA/insurance
 Faster registration of accident cases & casualty
 Waiting list management

 Easy & fast scheduling of patient appointments

 Eliminated data input for patients with prior appointments
ePHI – Electronic Personal Health Information

The electronic collection, aggregation, and reporting of health-related information

has been a central theme in the effort to improve the quality, safety, efficacy, and
cost of health care in the United States. In the efforts to promote and implement
information technology in health care, variations in common terminology have
created confusion. Below is an attempt to distinguish language used to describe an
electronic database of health-related information.

An EMR (electronic medical record) is generally defined as the set of databases (or
repositories) that contains the health information for patients within a given institution
or organization. Thus, an EMR contains the aggregated datasets gathered from a
variety of clinical service delivery processes, including laboratory data, pharmacy
data, patient registration data, radiology data, surgical procedures, clinic and
inpatient notes, preventive care delivery, emergency department visits, billing
information, and so on.
Electronic Medical Record

View and document your patient’s health experience all in one place

An electronic medical record (EMR), providing a comprehensive view into a patient’s

experience. Built as an innate part of the overall system, the EMR draws from functions
across the organization to consolidate data that tell the complete story of a patient’s
history, condition, and progress.

An Electronic Medical Record system operates in all participating hospitals, physician

offices and clinics, providing one standardized clinical data structure and presentation.
EMR - Features

EMR is a core part of the total hospital information system:

• Visit Histories.
• Cumulative Laboratory results.
• Radiology exam profile/reports.
• Patient Demographics.
• Computerized Physician Order Entry.
• Clinical Notes.
• Information is captured as it is generated, giving continuous insight into a patient’s
health record.
• Treatment is expedited by allowing clinicians to focus quickly on immediate issues.
• Patient throughput can be accelerated by allowing current patient encounters,
documentation and orders to be automated and simultaneously viewed across the

The Outpatient module serves as an entry point to schedule

an appointment with the Hospital Resident Doctor or
Consultant Doctor for Medical Consultations and diagnosis.
This module supports doctors to take better and timely
consultation decisions by providing instant access to
comprehensive patient information. Patient visits are divided
into New, Follow-up and Walk-in.
Appointment Setup
Patient Consultation Appointment
Patient Contract Details
Patient Consultation Invoice
Contract Setup
Patient Billing
Patient Order Enter
Patient Invoice
Lab Setup
Patient Profile
Patient Profile Cont.
Patient Invoice Adjustment
Detail Revenue Analysis
Detail Revenue Report
Insurance By Patient
Insurance By Policy Holder

Pharmacy module deals with the automation of general

workflow and administration management process of a

The pharmacy module is equipped with bar coding

facility, which makes the delivery of medical items to the
patient more efficient
Pharmacy – Features

 Fast generation of sales bills & cash receipts

 Online stock updates and inventory level control
 Quicker purchase orders and inventory receipts from vendor
 Partial and full item receipts from vendors
 Alerts on item expiry and stock out issues
 Integrated with billing module & financial module
 Credit billing for inpatients and corporate patients
 Sales return, purchase return and inventory adjustments options
 All type of payment receipts cash, credit card and cheques
 Indenting & inter department issue
 Statistical reports on item movements
 Reorders levels for the inventory and auto reordering options
 Vendor history
 Purchase history
 Profitability reports
 Multiple node Point of sales options
Pharmacy Invoice
Pharmacy Stock Enquiry
Pharmacy Detail Revenue
Pharmacy Detail Revenue Report

Smooth and efficient clinical operations rely on

having the right supplies when and where caregivers
need them, while minimizing the costs associated
with overstock.

The comprehensive, fully integrated HIS Materials

Management system, made up of Inventory and
Purchasing modules for real-time usage and
Material Management – Features
Records and manages all changes in stock in real time as items are charged to the
patient account or sold through the outpatient pharmacy.
Keeps stock at user-defined levels, automatically enabling direct reorders as needed.
Enables flexible item pricing, including margin calculation for all items and selective or
across-the-board increases.

The system regulates inventory and purchasing by:

• Inventory automatically records and manages all changes in stock levels

throughout the hospital in real time.
• Automatically tracking and managing stock across the hospital, from the
point of care to the warehouse
• Facilitating purchase orders and vendor management
Material Management – Features
• Automatically links receiving status to vendor invoices to track and facilitate
• Online vendor management tools help to evaluate supplier performance and
manage accounts.
• Interactive, bar-code-enabled tracking charts the movement of supplies
throughout your organization in real time.
• Informed by real-time inventory data, Purchasing shows an order to be
generated as soon as the warehouse supply falls to a predefined level.
• A complete master database of purchase orders allows tracking and research of
POs, unit prices and vendor information, individually or cumulatively.
Adding Products In Different Stores
UOM Conversion
Stock Requisition
Stock Requisition Cont.
Stock Transfer
Stock Transfer Cont.
Stock Transfer/ Receive Enquiry
Stock On Hand Enquiry
The art of recording, classifying, reporting and interpreting the financial data of an organization is
called “ACCOUNTING ”. Accounting concept is an abstract idea that serves as a basis in the
interpretation of accounting information.

The management of the enterprises responsible for planning and controlling the operations of the
business. These responsibilities include the maintenance of the effective system of accounts, which
must not provide only the required information for management decision-making in the areas of
planning and control but also the data that are required to the owner of the business and to creditors
and other interested parties.

Accounting serves many groups and faces ever-increasing responsibilities. Although originally
concerned with the demands made by the owners or the creditors of a business for financial data,
the Accountant now finds a number of different groups vitally concerned with his reports.
Management requires accounting data in safeguarding business resources in judging the results of
past polices and in planning future operations. Owner requires reliable financial statement in
evaluating his/her ownership results & appraising the performance of management. The products of
accounting are being used as a basis of economic, political and social polices and actions. Modern
accounting thus, is called upon to meet public as well as private responsibilities.
(1) Documenting (2) Recording
Transaction with source Journal
Documents + vouchers Recording collectively

(3) Classifying

Classified and
Separately in
Various accounts

(4) Summarizing
(6) Reporting (5) Reporting
Accounting Equation P & L A/c or Trial Balance
or Income Balances of A/c of
Balance Sheet Statement Expenses
Assets=Liabilities Revenues
+Owner’s Expenses Vs
Revenue Liabilities
Equity Owner’s Equity


(1)Debit Side Credit Side (4)Debit Side Credit Side
for for for for
Increase Decrease Decrease Increase


(2)Debit Side Credit Side (4)Debit Side Credit Side
for for for for
Decrease Increase Decrease Increase


(3)Debit Side Credit Side
for for
Increase Decrease
As an organization grows, the needs of fast and accurate reporting also increases just to take timely
decisions in time. If expense, revenue and other financial reports are not available in time, the
decisions are delayed and consequently the organization suffers. It is also desired to decrease the
running cost of the existing systems.

PC’s ACCOUNTANT is especially designed to reduce the running cost and to increase the
efficiency of your accounting system. You need not have a team of accountants and clerks, what
you need us just a computer operator who can run the system. The operator feeds the data to the
computer and it is the job of your PC’s ACCOUNTANT to hold that data, to prepare all the financial
reports like accounts ledger, trail balance, balance sheet ,income statement, financial analysis
reports etc. These reports are generated whenever desired. Therefore, use PC’s ACCOUNTANT
• It can hold a bulk of data.
• It produces fast ,accurate and timely reports.
• It reduces the running cost of the system.
• It helps the top management to take timely decisions.
• It helps the top management to control the expenditure by budgeting.
• It gives a clear picture of the expense and revenue by giving the accurate expense &
revenue statements, comparative statements and other statistical statements on screen and on

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