Understanding The Self
Understanding The Self
Understanding The Self
(Digital self)
These days, more people are becoming active
in using the internet for research, pleasure, business,
communication , and other purposes. Indeed, the
internet is of great help for everyone. On the other
hand, people assume different identities while in the
cyberspace. People act differently when they are
online and offline. We have our real identity and
online identity.
The number of people who are becoming more
active online continues to increase worldwide. More
than half of the population worldwide now uses the
internet. It has only been 25 years since Tim Berners-
Lee made the World Wide Web available to the
public, but in that time, the internet has already
become an integral part of everyday life for most of
the world’s population. The Philippines is among one
of the countries with the most active Internet users
(We are social and Hootsuite.).
Almost two-thirds of the world’s population has a
mobile phone.
More than half of all mobile connections around
the world are now ‘broadband’
More than one in five of the world’s population
shopped online in the past 30 days.
• Media users in the Philippines grew by 12
million or 25% while the number of mobile
social users increased by 13 million or 32%.
Those growth figures are still higher
compared to the previous years. More than
half of the world now uses aa smartphone.
Selective self-presentation