Evaluation of Health Services
Evaluation of Health Services
Evaluation of Health Services
services +NHP2002
Dr Sanjeev Gupta
Presentation Outline
Monitoring and Evaluation
of health services
NHP 2002
Definition and
Types Definition and
Designs concept
Methods Process: Evaluation
FIVE phases of challenges Monitoring
Evaluation versus evaluation
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
• Monitoring progress and evaluating results are key functions
to improve the performance of those responsible for
implementing health services.
So what do you think?
• When is evaluation desirable?
It is the final step of planning cycle. It should be both concurrent and
P l a n the methodology
Co l l e c t information
Taking action
Determine what is to be evaluated:
There are types of evaluation
• Structure evaluation- evaluation of the resources used
in the programme like personnel, money, materials or
buildings etc.
• Process evaluation- the way in various activities of the
programme is carried out is evaluated by comparing with
the predetermined standard. How the inputs are utilized
to produce an output of a service.
• Outcome evaluation – this is concerned with the end
result of the programme. The types and quantities of
goals and services produced by the programme.
Evaluation can also be classified as
a) terminal evaluation
b) continuous evaluation
c) periodic evaluation
based whether evaluation is planned at the
end of the programme or along with the
programme continuously or periodically.
Establishment of standards and criteria:
Establishment of standards and criteria are
necessary to determine how well objectives have
to be attained.
Structure criteria: physical facilities, personnel and
Process criteria: no. of antenatal visits to be made, no.
of blood smear to be collected.
Outcome criteria: no. of death to be prevented no of
patients cured.
Methodology: methodology of evaluation should
be based on the purpose of evaluation.
• Control or eradication of major communicable diseases
• Strengthening of basic health services through establishment
of PHC & SCs.
• Population control
• Development of health manpower resources
Five year Plan
– Family Planning
• Establishing E-health
• Improving access to and utilization of
essential and quality health care.
• Focus on health human resources
• Focus on excluded/ neglected areas
• Enhancing efforts at disease reduction
• Health system and Bio-medical research
Achievements during the plan periods
ACHIEVEMENTS 1st plan (1951-56) 12th plan (2012-17)