Your Big Idea
Your Big Idea
Your Big Idea
History: 35 year old man who developed a harsh, productive cough four days prior to being seen
by a physician.
● WBC 17,000/mm3; neutrophils 70%, bands 15%, lymphocytes 15%.
● Chest x-ray revealed an acute pneumonia in the right middle lobe, the patient was treated with antibiotics
➔ Assessment Nursing Process ➔ Implementation
◆ shortness of breath, cough and
fever, yellow sputum, abnormal ◆ Monitor rr, depth, and ease of
breathing patterns, restlessness, respiration. Watch for use of
accessory muscles and nasal
clubbing of fingernails flaring
(Ackley, 2017).
Therapy for Pneumonia
● Ensure that the patient is receiving adequate oxygen
○ Are they cyanotic?
○ Is there suction nearby to clear their airway?
Medication used
Zithromax (Azithromycin)
● Drug Class: Macrolide Antibacterial Antibiotic
● Azithromycin is indicated for respiratory, urogenital, dermal and other
bacterial infections, and exerts immunomodulatory effects in chronic
inflammatory disorders
● Long-term administration of azithromycin must be balanced against
the potential for increased bacterial resistance.
● Treatment with azithromycin achieved a success rate (cure plus
improvement) of 78% for the treatment of community-acquired
pneumonia in a clinical study
(Micromedex, 2018)
(Ackley, 2017)
(Vallerand, 2019).
Drug action
● Inhibit protein synthesis at the level
of the 50S bacterial ribosome
● Know effectiveness by monitoring
vital signs, CBC - specifically WBC
count, and bacteria growth from
Be cautious - may
temporarily sputum samples
increase other ● First dose can be given before
values, such as receiving results of sputum bacteria
PPT, BUN, and
serum creatinine growth
Order Therapeutic Follow-up
Azithromycin extended action Monitor patient’s O2 saturation
release formula: 2g PO to ensure effective oxygen
Reduction in the number perfusion.
one time only
of microorganisms
causing the pneumonia. Monitor lung sounds for a
("Azithromycin Dosage reduction in crackles/ronchi.
Guide with Precautions",
2018) (Ackley,2017) (Ackley, 2017)
Special considerations
Side effects of azithromycin include: Diarrhea, nausea,
abdominal pain, loose stools, and flatulence.
Pregnancy category: B
Taking the drug with food reduces both the rate and
extent of GI absorption.
(Ackley, 2017)
Ackley, B., & Ladwig, G. (2016). Nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide
to planning care (11th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby/Elsevier.
Lilley, L.L., Collins, S.R, & Snyder, J.S. (2016). Pharmacology and the nursing process,
8th Ed. St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby.
Azithromycin Dosage Guide with Precautions. (2018, October 31). Retrieved from
McCance, K. L., & Huether, S. E. (2014). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease
in adults and children. St. Louis, MO: Mosby.
Vallerand, April Hazard, et al. Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses. F.A. Davis Company,
Parnham, M. J., Haber, V. E., Giamarellos-Bourboulis, E. J., Perletti, G., Verleden, G. M.,
& Vos, R. (2014). Azithromycin: Mechanisms of action and their relevance for clinical
applications. Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 143(2), 225-245.