FM-Ch.1 Van Hone
FM-Ch.1 Van Hone
FM-Ch.1 Van Hone
Chapter 1
After studying Chapter 1, you
should be able to:
1. Explain why the role of the financial manager today is so important.
2. Describe "financial management" in terms of the three major decision
areas that confront the financial manager.
3. Identify the goal of the firm and understand why shareholders' wealth
maximization is preferred over other goals.
4. Understand the potential problems arising when management of the
corporation and ownership are separated (i.e., agency problems).
5. Demonstrate an understanding of corporate governance.
6. Discuss the issues underlying social responsibility of the firm.
7. Understand the basic responsibilities of financial managers and the
differences between a "treasurer" and a "controller."
Why should I care about
Financial Management ?
• Prepare for the workplace of tomorrow.
• Broadening expectations of financial knowledge
and skills.
• Use and understand financial terminology and
concepts in team communication.
• Developing cross-functional capabilities.
• Critical thinking.
The Role of
Financial Management
Maximization of
Shareholder Wealth!
Modern Corporation
Shareholders Management
Board of Directors
(Chief Executive Officer)