Irvin Marcel 2016061002
Irvin Marcel 2016061002
Irvin Marcel 2016061002
Irradiation Electrocautery
Curretage Cryotherapy
153 patients
Resection margin
underwent Resection
tumor at 0.5–1 cm for
complete resection
basal cell
and reconstruction
after excision of
Bowen’s disease,
facial skin cancer
1–2 cm for
from January 2010
squamous cell
to December 2014
; Clinical
information were Local flap or skin
researched such as Dividing faces into graft
patient’s age, sex, 8 area ; compare reconstruction
location, and size patients’
satisfaction with 5
points as the full
score, the
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion Exclusion
There were 42 men and 111 Basal cell carcinoma was the most
women, age of the patients common type of facial skin cancer,
ranged from 37 years to 95 years, which was found in 87 cases (56.8%),
and the average age was 70 years squamous cell carcinoma was found in
57 cases (37.2%), bowen’s disease was
found in 9 cases (5.8%)
Method Cheek Nose Temple eyelid Lip Periauricle Forehead Chin Total
Flap 40 41 13 10 5 3 5 2 119
FTSG 9 12 6 2 0 5 0 0 34
Total 49 53 19 12 5 8 5 2 153
In this study, the location of the defect were found to be mainly reconstructed
by using Limberg flap / V-Y advancement flap / full thickness skin graft
Comparison of flap and skin graft
Subjective satisfaction