Dr MJP Bilongo
• Definitions
• Types
• Characteristics
• Managements
Key facts
Prior abruption 10 - 25
Preterm ruptured membranes 2.4 – 4.9
Preeclampsia 2.1 – 4.0
Chronic hypertension 1.8 – 3.0
Multifetal gestation 2.1
Polyhydramnios 2.0
Cigarette smoking 1.4 – 1.9
Increased age and parity 1.3 – 1.5
Cocaine use
Uterine fibroids (esp. if behind
placental implantation site)
Hypertension and abruption
Check Hb level and cross match.
less than 10 g/dL, commence blood transfusion and transfer
urgently to a specialist hospital.
At the Specialist hospital
Obtain consent for caesarean section and hysterectomy
(should hysterectomy becomes necessary during the
caesarean section).
If the bleeding is significant, perform a caesarean section
(supervised or done by an experienced doctor or specialist).
if less than 36 weeks, and bleeding subsides, manage
conservatively – keep in hospital, observe vital signs and give
steroids and antibiotics. Deliver electively at 36 weeks.
Labor Passage of blood-tinged mucus plug, not active bleeding Diagnosis of exclusion
Painful, regular uterine contractions with cervical dilation
and effacement
Normal fetal and maternal signs
Abruptio Painful, tender uterus, often tense with contractions Clinical suspicion
placentae Dark or clotted blood Often, ultrasonography, although it is not very
Sometimes maternal hypotension sensitive
Signs of fetal distress (eg, bradycardia or prolonged
deceleration, repetitive late decelerations, sinusoidal
Placenta Sudden onset of painless vaginal bleeding with bright red Sometimes suspected based on findings
previa blood and minimal or no uterine tenderness during routine screening ultrasonography
Transvaginal ultrasonography
Vasa previa Painless vaginal bleeding with fetal instability but normal Sometimes suspected based on findings
maternal signs during routine screening ultrasonography
Often, symptoms of labor Transvaginal ultrasonography with color
Doppler studies
Uterine Severe abdominal pain, tenderness, cessation of Clinical suspicion, usually history of prior
rupture contractions, often loss of uterine tone uterine surgery
Mild to moderate vaginal bleeding Laparotomy
Fetal bradycardia or loss of heart sounds
5. Placenta Accreta
The APT test is a qualitative procedure used to visually detect the pink
color of Fetal hemoglobin present in a stool or gastric specimen
Addition of 2-3 drops of alkaline solution to 1 ml of blood.
Fetal erythrocyte are resistant to rupture and the mixture will remain
If the blood is maternal, erythrocytes will rupture and the mixture will
turn browne.
Vasa previa
Risk factors
Bilobed, succenturiate, or low lying placenta
Multifetal pregnancy
6. Antepartum Haemorrhage Of
Unknown Origin