Ada Health
Ada Health
Ada Health
Symptom Checker
Order Medicine
About Competition
Web MD offers several information based services like drug information. Common causes of illness and a huge database of diseases
1 where symptom checker is a small part of the whole WebMD site.
2 Buoy & HealthTap offer consultation services available by 100s of provider available on request.
Orderly Health offers several options on diet, supplement programs and live health monitoring options which are a major attraction for
3 consumers.
Current Challenges
1 ADA is primarily focused on consumers for symptom checker which is just a small part of the same consumers medical needs.
2 Ada has space for improvement in terms of functionality besides checking symptoms and providing a diagnosis.
Current consumer base is mostly positive about ADA and has very less negative remarks on what ADA currently does. Which
3 should motivate ADA to expand.
4 Has been in business since 2011 and still with only one purpose, to check symptoms and provide diagnosis.
1 To create a premium version of the app and provide Medical assistance through app above and beyond diagnosis
2 To allow patients to chat, Call or video call a doctor by paying a premium subscription fee.
3 In India, Mfine, DocsApp, Practo are the major rivals for ADA that provide similar services but lack a interface as good as ADA.
Several services that even the rivals in India don’t have. – On Call, Chat, Video consultation, Live body vitals monitoring, Diet Programs and
4 drug knowledge database along with Drug interaction charts . Can Include drug variants to allow users to opt for cheaper better variant of a
• Poorly managed medical data/No centralized EHR systems, AI based health systems in place.
• If ADA can analyse medicinal/surgical outcomes, we can be the voice in the industry (Pricing Power)
• $135 Billion Health & $21 Billion Wellness market size of India.
Discussion on Indian rivalry
Indian rivals are already providing similar and better functionality. Rivals include Mfine, Docs App and Practo who are serving about 300 patients per day
Per one spokes person from Mfine. Charging as much as $5.69 to $7.11 per consultation utilizing a tie up with over 50 Hospitals nation wide.
To impact Indian consumers with a new product that outruns every other option available to them for the past few years, there are only a few factors that
would compel them to try the new ADA, there must be target points pre decided.
Social Media –
Indian population is severally active on social media. Mainly 5 platforms which are Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram and YouTube.
-Create videos to viralize on WhatsApp and YouTube.
-Create Banner ads for Facebook twitter and Instagram.
Corporate Sector -
Create deals for corporate offices. We can start offering offices with package deals that will create a buzz in the market. These deals will be relatively
cheaper than commercial deals.
Drug Variants-
India struggles with lack of knowledge in drug variants. Which is why they end up buying a more advertised and expensive variant of a drug. We can offer a
tool that allows to search for a better option of a drug available in drug store near them
Doctor Connect- Establishing connection between patient and the doctor. Thus, completing the medical cycle.
Current and Proposed flow of action – “AI Based”
How it is now and how it should be…
Drug Research to
look for best Scheduling of
available drug Follow ups
Input Multiple
Symptom Diagnosi
s s
Incomplete Cycle
New ADA Patient Handling
tive &
Fitness Disorders
Individual Drug
Lab Tests
Medicine Consulta
Orders tions
Opthal Dental
Services Service
New ADA’s Moto
• Your visit info, is kept confidential
and only available to you and your
Confidential • Symptoms/Diagnosis – Are kept
highly confidential
Need to develop subscriber dependency on ADA when it comes to Health & Wellness needs.
India For Business
490M Smart
Phone users by
year 2022
125M English
500M Hindi
ADA – The UBER of healthcare
Currently ADA only works till Diagnosis. The proposed action flow provides a vision of further expansion of
Indian market at current stage lacks such an application with all the listed features in one place. All rivals
provide some of the out lined features but not all in one place.
This will change every thing and ADA will become the only app that allows AI assistance along with all
possible health assistance features with cheaper price than the rivals.
• The federal government spent over $35 billion on the effort to get doctors to useEHR/EMR .
• New technology is reducing their efficiency and causing more physician burden.