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Unit No. 06

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Unit No V

Controller Modes

Prof. R.G.Mahajan
Asst Prof.
Mech. Engg Dept.MMIT,Pune
1. Introduction to Controller Modes, Types of controller modes.
2. On- Off Controller Definition, equation, block diagramme, Characteristics,
3. Proportional Controller Definition, equation, block diagramme, Characteristics,
4. Integral Controller Definition, equation, block diagramme, Characteristics,
5 . Derivative Controller Definition, equation, block diagramme, Characteristics,
6. Propotional+Integral Controller Definition, equation, block diagramme,
Characteristics, Application,numericals
7. Propotional+Derivative Controller Definition, equation, block diagramme,
Characteristics, Application,numericals
8. Propotional+Derivative+Integral Controller Definition, equation, block diagramme,
Characteristics, Application,numericals
9.Comparision of different modes of controller.
10. Numerical.
Controller Modes
In closed loop system , controller compares output of a system with desired
condition then convert the error in to control action designed to reduce the error.
There are several ways in which controller can react to error signal , these are
referred as controller modes.
There are two type A) Discontinuous control B) continuous control C) Composite
Controller Mode
A)Discontinuous control
i) On- Off Controller Mode
ii) Mutliposition
iii) Floating
B) continuous control
i) Proportional Controller (P) Mode
ii) Integral Controller (I) Mode
iii) Derivative controller (D) Mode
C) Composite Controller Mode
i) Proportional +Integral (P+I)
ii) Proportional + Derivative (P+D)
iii) Proportional + Integral +Derivative (P+I+D)
On- Off Controller Mode
Principle : Systems has only two states: fully on and fully off.
Description : Two-step control ( on / off or two position). This equipment simply
operates between two extremes. It may comprise a single pole single throw switching
for on / off control or a single pole double throw switching for open or closed control
or a valve or damper motor

Block Diagramme:

Equation: P = 0% ; for ep<0

=100% for ep>100
ON/OFF (eg. Boiler)

Operates on Ring Main.
2 - 10V. DC
Can control up to 5 independent outputs in 1.6V steps.
Easy wiring - safe.
0 - 20mA or 4 - 20mA
Simple two core wiring.
Proportional Controller (P) Mode
In the proportional (throttling) mode, there is a continuous linear relation between value
of the controlled variable and position of the final control element. In this control mode,
the output of the controller is proportional to error e(t). The relation between the error e(t)
and the controller output p is determined by a constant called proportional gain constant
denoted as Kp
The output of the controller is a linear function of e(t).
p(t) = Kpe(t) + p(0) Where: Kp = Proportional gain constant P(0) = Controller output
with zero error or bias.
If the controlled variable i.e. input to the controller increases, causing increase
in the controller output, the action is called direct action. For example the output valve is
to be controlled to maintain the liquid level in a tank. If the level increases, the valve
should be opened more to maintain the level. On the other hand if the variable decreases,
causing increase in the controller output, the action is called reverse action. Conversely,
increase in the controlled variable, causing decrease in controller output is also a reverse

Functional Block Diagramme:

Characteristic of controller:
The various characteristics of the proportional
mode are:
1. When the error is zero, the controller
output is constant equal to p0.
2. If the error occurs, then for every 1 % of
error the correction of Kp % is achieved. If
error is positive, Kp % correction gets added
to p0 and if error is negative, Kp % correction
gets subtracted from p0.
3. The band of error exists for which the
output of the controller is between 0 to 100%.
4. The gain Kp and error band PB are
inversely proportional to each other.
2. Proportional controller outputs 4 to 20mA .DC to motor the motor from 0
r.p.m. to 1440r.p.m The proportional gain is 5 & controller output at zero
error is 50% of the full range & set point is 720r.p.m.If the motor speed is
650r.p.m. then calculate: i) The error in % corresponding to 650 r.p.m.
ii)The controller output corresponding to this error.
3. A proportional controller is used to control temperature within 50°C to
130°C A set point is 73.5°C The Set point is maintained with 50 as output
of controller . Find the proportional offset which requires 55 % of
controller output when proportional gain is i)0.1 ii) 10
Integral Controller (I) Mode
With integral action, the controller output is proportional to the amount of time the error is
present. Integral action eliminates offset that remains when proportional control is used. In
such a controller, the value of the controller output p(t) is changed at a rate which is
proportional to the actuating error signal e(t).
Mathematically it is expressed as:
Where Ki = constant relating error and rate
The constant Ki is also called integral constant. Integrating the above equation, the actual
output at any time t can be obtained as

Where p(0) = controller output when integral action starts i.e. at t = 0.

Functional Block Diagramme:

Ki Integrator Controller Process

Feedback element
Characteristic :
Characteristics of integral mode
1. If error is zero, the output remains at a
fixed value equal to what it was, when the
error become zero.
2. If the error is not zero, then the output
begins to increase or decrease, at a rate Ki %
per second for every 1 % of error.
3. The inverse of Ki is called integral time
and denoted as Ti.

Application : Electronic Integral Controller

Numerical on I controller:

2. An Integral controller is used for speed control with a set point of 10rpm within range of
10rpm to 15 rpm .the controller output is 22% initially. The constant KI= -0.15% controller
output per second per percentage error. If the speed jumps to 13.5r.p.m., calculate the
controller output after 3 sec for constant ep.
Derivative controller (D) Mode
In this mode, the output of the controller depends on the rate of change of error. Hence, it
is also called rate action mode or anticipatory action mode.
The mathematical equation for the mode is:

Where Kd = Derivative gain constant

The derivative gain constant indicates by how much % the controller output must change
for every % per second rate of change of the error. Generally Kd is expressed in minutes. The
important feature of this type of control mode is that for a given rate of change or error signal,
there is a unique value of the controller output. Derivative control thus anticipates the actuating
error, initiates an early corrective action and tends to increase stability of the system,
improving the transient response.
Functional Block Diagramme:

Kd Differentiator Controller Process

Feedback element
Numerical on D controller:

1.How would a derivative controller with Kd= 5 sec . Respond to an error that varies as
ep = 2.2sin (0.04t) assume t= 1.5 sec.

2. A derivative controller has initial , controller output Po= 55% & derivative constant
Kd = 0.5 % /sec% . What will be the controller output , when the error.
a)Changes at 1.5% sec.
b) Is constant at 4%.
Characteristic: Characteristics of derivative control mode
For a given rate of change of error signal, there is
a unique value of the controller output. When the
error is zero, the controller output is zero. When
the error is constant i.e. rate of change of error is
zero, the controller output is zero. When the error
is changing, the controller output changes by
Kd % for even 1 % per second rate of change of
When the error is zero or a constant, the
derivative controller output is zero. Hence, it is
never used alone. Its gain should be small
because faster rate of change of error can cause
very large sudden change of controller output.
This may lead to instability of the system.
Application : Electronic Derivative Controller
Composite Control Modes
Due to offset error, proportional mode is not used alone. Similarly, integral
and derivative modes are not used individually in practice. Thus, to take the advantages
of various modes together, the composite control modes are used. Composite modes of
controller operation combine advantages of each pure mode. The various composite
control modes are:
1. Proportional + Integral mode (PI)
2. Proportional + Derivative Mode (PD)
3. Proportional + Integral + Derivative Mode (PID)

1. Proportional + Integral mode (PI)

Provides initial rapid response of proportional action followed by fine tuning with
integral action to eliminate offset.
This is a control mode that results from a combination of proportional mode and
integral mode.
Equation: The analytical expression for this is:
p(t) = Kp e(t) + Kp Ki ∫ e(t) dt + p(0)
Functional Block Diagramme:-


Kp Ki Integrator + Controller Process


Feedback element

Procedure for solving numerical on Composite controller mode i.e. (P+I,
P+D, & P+I+D modes)
1. From given error vs time graph define interval & observe the nature of graph ,
Find out generalized equation for curve
For Ex. In Given fig .3 There are 3 time interval
a) 0<t<1 b) 1<t<3 c)3<t<5
For interval 0<t<1 graph is straight line
Therefore ep= t is generalized equation for that
2.Find out values of controller output m for different values of t for specific interval by
using characteristic equation for mentioned type of controller in numerical

3. But remember , when integral control is involved (i.e. for P+I & P+I+D controller mode)
as per the property of integral controller as it reset initial point , find out value of controller
output Mo at the end of each interval by neglecting other controller mode action. For ex. For
P+I controller , equation is M=kp. ep + Kp Ki ∫ ep dt+ Mo
Initially some value of Mo is given , that value is applicable to only first time interval i.e.
0<t<1, for next interval 1<t<3 value of Mo is given by Kp Ki ∫ ep dt+ Mo at time t=
highest value in previous interval (i.e. here it is 1 sec.)Similarly , repeat for all interval

4. Finally plot graph of controller output M v/s T ( Time ) in sec.

2. Proportional + Derivative Mode (PD)

This involves the series or cascade combination of proportional and derivative modes.
The controller output could be expressed as:

This system cannot eliminate the offset of proportional controllers. However, it

can handle fast process load changes as long as the offset error is acceptable.

Functional Block Diagramme:-


Diferentiat Process
Kp Kd Controller

Feedback element

Electronic P+D Controller:
3. Proportional Integral Derivative Controller (Three Mode Controllers)

The three mode controller uses proportional, integral and derivative (PID)
action and is the most versatile of all controller actions. The proportional part of this
controller multiplies the error by a constant. The integral part integrates the error.
Finally, the derivative part differentiates the error. The functions of the individual
proportional, integral and derivative controllers complement each other. If they are
combined it is possible to make a system that responds quickly to changes (derivative),
tracks required positions (proportional), and reduces steady state errors (integral).
The output of the controller is the sum of the previous three signals as given in the
following equation:

Functional Block Diagramme:-

Characteristic: Advantages
1. This mode eliminates the offset of proportional mode.
2. It provides the most accurate and stable control of the
three controller types.
3. It is recommended in systems where compensation is
required for frequent changes in load, set point, and available
4. It can help achieve the fastest response time and smallest

Electronic P+I+D Controller:
Procedure for solving numerical on Composite controller mode i.e. (P+I,
P+D, & P+I+D modes)
1. From given error vs time graph define interval & observe the nature of graph ,
Find out generalized equation for curve
For Ex. In Given fig .3 There are 3 time interval
a) 0<t<1 b) 1<t<3 c)3<t<5
For interval 0<t<1 graph is straight line
Therefore ep= t is generalized equation for that
2.Find out values of controller output m for different values of t for specific interval by
using characteristic equation for mentioned type of controller in numerical

3. But remember , when integral control is involved (i.e. for P+I & P+I+D controller mode)
as per the property of integral controller as it reset initial point , find out value of controller
output Mo at the end of each interval by neglecting other controller mode action. For ex. For
P+I controller , equation is M=kp. ep + Kp Ki ∫ ep dt+ Mo
Initially some value of Mo is given , that value is applicable to only first time interval i.e.
0<t<1, for next interval 1<t<3 value of Mo is given by Kp Ki ∫ ep dt+ Mo at time t=
highest value in previous interval (i.e. here it is 1 sec.)Similarly , repeat for all interval

4. Finally plot graph of controller output M v/s T ( Time ) in sec.

Numerical on Composite controller Mode
1. Fig shows an error vs time graph. Plot controller o/p vs time
graph. For a)P+I controller b) P+D controller
Assume, kp=5,Ki=1,Kd=0.5 & Po=20%

2. Fig. shows as error time graph .Sketch the PID controller o/p w.r.t. time. Assume
Kp=10, Ki=2& Kd=0.5 & Po=0 i.e. controller o/p is zero when error is zero.

3.From fig. que. 2 For P+D controller Sketch controller output M v/s T .
Assume kp=5, Kd=0.5 sec, & Mo= 20% initially.
4. 4
A propotinal controller has a gain Kp=
2, Plot M vs T If Mo= 50%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

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