E3D-Everything 3D
E3D-Everything 3D
E3D-Everything 3D
Everything 3D
E3D and it’s related application provides a powerful suit of
facilities for the creation analysis documentation of a real-
life plant in three dimensional representation in a logically
interconnected system.
• Concurrent engineering
• Controlled catalogue database
• Automatic drawing production
• Isometric generation
• Material takeo
• Report generation
• Clash checking
• Interfacing with third party software
• Project progress monitoring
• Customization -PML Programming
• All data is stored in the form of a hierarchy
• a top level, World (usually represented by the
symbolic name /*) and two principal administrative
sublevels, Site and Zone.
• At the top of the tree is WORLD which contains
number of SITES. In each SITE there are number of
ZONES. While modeling the designer shall model in
the correct SITE & the correct ZONE as per the
philosophy decided at the start of the project
o The complete plant area appearing in the Plot Plan or the overall layout
can be considered as “WORLD” for the Project
o there are individual SITES created for different disciplinesi.e. Mechanical
Equipment, Piping, Electrical, Instrumentation, etc. These sub-areas are
used to create SITES
o In each of the SITES created there are different categories of components
which are required to be modeled under each discipline.
Equipment Modeling Using E3D-