Class 11 - Bioenergy-Thermal Conversion: Green Technology - 12G6E02
Class 11 - Bioenergy-Thermal Conversion: Green Technology - 12G6E02
Class 11 - Bioenergy-Thermal Conversion: Green Technology - 12G6E02
H2- 13-19%
CH4 – 1-5%
CO2 – 9-12%
N2- 45-55%
Water vapour – 4%
Thermal Gasification of Biomass
Updraft Gasifier
Downdraft gasifiers
Air enters at the combustion zone and the gas produced
leaves near the bottom of the gasifier
The volatiles and the tars produced from the descending
fixed bed have to pass through the reaction zone where
mostly they are racked and gasified
Also a constriction provided an the heart, i.e. the throat
ensures that the gaseous products pass through the
hottest zone,
The gas produced contains less of tar and more of ash
Suitable for fuels like wood and agricultural wastes
Types of Gasifiers
Downdraft Gasifier
Crossdraft gasifiers
In this type, the gas produced passes upwards in the
annular space around the gasifier that is filled with
The charcoal acts as an insulator and a dust filter
Air enters the gasifier through a water cooled nozzle
mounted on one side of the firebox
The gas is produced in the horizontal zone in front of the
nozzle and passes through a vertical grate into the hot gas
port on the opposite side
Not very commonly used
Types of Gasifiers
Thermo-Chemical reactions
The conversion process revolves around the
combustion reaction which supplies heat to the
neighboring zones in the reactor
i) Carbon constitutes the major portion of the
feed and the main reaction is
C+ O2 +3.79 N2 → 3.79 N2 +CO2
Exothermic reaction: 395, 000 KJ/kg atom of
Chemistry of the gasification process