Graphical Analysis of Motion: AP Physics C
Graphical Analysis of Motion: AP Physics C
Graphical Analysis of Motion: AP Physics C
AP Physics C
Slope – A basic graph model
A basic model for understanding graphs in physics is SLOPE.
Using the model - Look at the formula for velocity. slope Rise v x
Run t
Who gets to play the role of the y-axis or the rise? Displacement
Who get to play the role of the x-axis or the run? Time
What does all the mean? It means that if your are given a Displacement
vs. Time graph, to find the velocity of an object during specific time
intervals simply find the slope.
Displacement vs. Time graph
What is the velocity of the object from 0
seconds to 3 seconds?
The velocity is the slope!
Displacement vs. Time graph
What is the velocity of the object from 7 seconds to 8
seconds? Once again...find the slope!
Who gets to play the role of the y-axis or the rise? Velocity
Who get to play the role of the x-axis or the run? Time
What does all the mean? It means that if your are given a Velocity vs.
Time graph. To find the acceleration of an object during specific time
intervals simply find the slope.
Velocity vs. Time Graph
What is the acceleration from 0 to 6s?
A Bh v ta
v (3)(6) 18m / s
There are 3 types of MOTION graphs
Displacement(position) vs. Time
v (m/s) a (m/s/s)
x (m)
area = v
area = x
t (s)
v (m/s)
How could you translate what
the SLOPE is doing on the
graph ABOVE to the Y axis on
the graph to the right?
t (s)
v (m/s)
x (m)
t (s)
t (s)
3rd line
• The slope is “+”
• The slope is constant
Example – Graph Matching
What is the SLOPE(a) doing? a (m/s/s)
The slope is increasing
v (m/s)
a (m/s/s) t (s)
t (s)
a (m/s/s) t (s)
t (s)