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Motivation in Millennium: Student's Name

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Student’s Name
Motivation in Millennium
 Millenials are defines as generation Y. These are
the technically savvy group of screen-swipers born
in late 1980s to early 2000s.
 This group of generation gets motivated by
developing the workplace satisfaction and
considering work life balance and monetary
satisfactions as the essential part of motivation.
Motivation In Millennium
 Moreover they are also motivated by explaining
the companies vision in which their role is the larger
plan which provides them the clear sense of
purpose. Hence, helping them in boosting
 For them motivation helps in providing incremental
training and experiences that will helps in
maintaining the larger career advancements
Acquired Needs Theory
 The acquired needs theory of motivation is
developed by David McClelland, which depicts that
the entire individual possesses three types of needs
based on the experiences of their life.
 The three types of need include need for
achievement, need for power and need for
Acquired Needs Theory
 The professor has developed Thematic
Apperception Test to analyse the dominate need of
the employees of the organization.
 The dominant need is determined by the story
written by the particular employee.
 The employee is motivated based on the feedback
drawn from the above test.
Need for Affiliation
 If the employee possess the elements of making
plans of being with friends and family than the
employee has high need for affiliation.
 The employee prefers to be liked and accepted by
others. They prefer to interact with others.
Need For Power
 If the story consist of the elements of influencing
others and has the desire of making impact on the
organization then the employee possesses the need
for power (Fehr, Herz, and Wilkening, 2013).
 The need for the power is considered as the
important element for effective leadership and
management positions.
Need for Achievement
 If the employees possess the need of success,
meeting deadlines or coming up with brilliant ideas
it possesses the need for achievement.
 The need for achievement is different among the
individuals based on their age, gender and
Google Company
Google company is the best example of depicting the
way the company motivates its employees.
 Google provides uncommon yet affordable,

amazing perks and benefits.

 Google provides value and voice to its employees.
Motivating Employees
 It ensures transparency in operations and discloses
all the facts to its employees.
 It provides the freedom to the employees to
complete the work according to their choice
(cleverism, 2018).
 It offers flexibility to employees in choosing their
projects (Vozza, 2018).
Creation of workplace
 Google provides the inspiring work to the
employees to provide challenging opportunities and
attracting more millenials for the company
 It creates the fun environment for its employees .
Synthesis from theory
 The theory depicts that all the employees possesses
different needs for achievement, affiliation and
 The dominant need of the individual describe the
personality of the individual.
 It describe the elements that will help the
management in motivating employees.
Synthesis from case study
 It is analysed that the company Google makes all
the possible efforts to motivate its employees and
recruit more and more millenials.
 The millenials gets attracted from creation of the
working environment that is transparent, offers
flexibility and choice of work.
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