Financial Statements do not provide
The term ‘flow’ refers to changes or transfer and therefore the ‘flow of funds’
means transfer of economic values from one asset to another, from one liability
to another, from one asset to liabilities or vice-versa or a combination of these. So
flow of fund refers to increase or decrease in net working capital.
The increase or decrease in net working capital will take place only when one
account, out of two accounts to be affected in a transaction ,is a current account i.e.
current asset or current liabilities and the other account is non current account i.e.
fixed asset or long term liability or capital.
• Flow of Funds:
The term flow means change and therefore the term flow of funds means
“changes in funds” or “changes in working capital”. In other words, any
increase or decrease in working capital means “flow of funds”.
Current assets
Cash in hand and bank Fixed assets
Marketable investments Goodwill
Accounts receivables Land and building
Stock Plant and machinery
Prepaid exp. Long term investment
Fixed liabilities
Current liabilities Share capital
Bank overdraft Reserve and surplus
Outstanding expenses Debentures
Accounts payable Long term loans
Cash Flow Statement
It is the statement depicting change in cash position from one period to another. It explains
the reasons for inflows or out flows of cash.
Steps in preparation
•Statement of cash from operation in this we will find out the cash profit of the company
•Preparation of cash flow statement in which it will explain various in flows and out flows
of cash.
•Here we will take the opening cash balance of the company and add various inflows to it
and deduct various outflows. Finally we will get the closing cash balance of the company.
• Operating activities
• Investing activities, and
• Financing activities
Operating Activities :
Operating activities are the principal revenue-producing
activities of the enterprise and other activities that are not
investing or financing activities.
Operating Activities
Cash Inflow Cash Outflow
Cash Sales Cash Purchases
Cash received from debtors Payment to Creditors
Cash received from Commission Cash Operating Expenses
and Fees Payment of Wages
Royalty Payment of Income Tax
Investing Activities :
Investing Activities
Cash Inflow Cash Outflow
Sales of fixed Assets Purchase of Fixed Assets
Sale of Investments Purchase of Investments
Interest Received
Dividends Received
Financing Activities :
Financing activities are the activities that result in change
in the size and composition of the owners’ capital and
borrowing of the enterprise.
Financing Activities
Particulars Rs.
Opening Cash Balance 10,000
Closing Cash Balance 12,000
Decrease in Debtors 5,000
Increase in Creditors 7,000
Sale of Fixed Assets 20,000
Redemption of Debentures 50,000
5684.13 5684.13
Funds Flow Statement vs. Cash Flow Statement
1. The fund flow statement is based on the concept of working capital, whereas the
cash flow statement is based on cash which is only one of the elements of working
2. The fund flow statement provides the details of funds movements, whereas cash
flow statement provides the details of cash movements.
3. Fund flow statement considers the movement of the funds as defined in terms of
net working capital, whereas the cash flow statement considers only the actual
movement of cash funds.