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Spin Thermoelectric: Spincaloritronics: Gaurav Kumar Shukla (P.HD) Supervisor:Dr. Sanjay Singh

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Spin Thermoelectric: Spincaloritronics

Gaurav Kumar shukla
Supervisor:Dr. Sanjay Singh


Spin current

Spin seebeck effect

In spintronics we add spin degree of freedom i.e spintronics deals with spin
dependent property of electron instead of charge dependent properties.
Introduction cont..

Spin is quantum mechanical concept.

Electron has spin motion and orbital motion around nucleus

results spin and orbital angular momenta which create
magnetic field .So electron trated as tiny magnet.

The Key point in spintronics is control of spin .

Heat current also interract with spin this spawned the field of

Spincaloritronics concerned with non equilibrium

phenomenon related to spin , charge , entropy ,and energy
transport in in magnetic structural devices.
Spin hall effect

A net spin accumulation occurs on opposite sides of a material

when charge current is passed through a material with strong spin
orbit coupling.As this strong coupling results in a spin-dependent
transverse detection of the charge carriers.

Stephen R. Boona ,Royal society of chemistry 2014.


The spin Hall effect refers to the appearance of a nonzerospin

current in the direction transverse to the applied chargecurrent.

In presence of spin orbit interraction a scattered electron acquire

spin polarization withPolarization vector.

Js = θHσ × Jc
Spin current

Let us consider the following definition of a spin current : Js

There are two type of spin current-

1. Conduction electron pure spin current: which carry by conduction electron only.From
above expression it is clear that asymmetry in spin up and down population is necessary
for spin current.
2. Magnon spin current: Magnons or spin wave that transport heat and spin
through perturbation of the magnetization that reside on atom in the lattice ,
which typically arises from magnetic moment on core d electrons.

Asymmetry between the left moving population and the right moving population is
necessary to obtain a non zero magnon spin current.
Cont ….

Pure electronic spin current : The flux of spin occur without an

accompaying net flux of charge.

Spin polarized charge current: Which result from an imbalance

between the population of spin and spin down conduction electron
in material.This type of imbalance can occur spontaneously in
metallic ferromagnet.

The stoner model assume that charge carrier in a ferromagnetic metal

can be seprated into spin up and spin down electron with different DOS.
Spin dependent seebeck effect

The SDSE, which occurs in bulk metallic ferromagnets, is a direct result of the spin-
split electronic band structure of FM materials, as this splitting leads to inequalities
in the magnitudesof jc1 and jc2.

In practice, this effectcan be realized by connecting a piece of ferromagnetic

metal(e.g. bulk iron) in a closed electrical circuit, and then subjecting the material to
a temperature difference.

As result there is a charge current and due to spin dependent transport

there is spin flux . Alternatively if the charge current is not allowed to
circulate ,the net charge that accumulate on the hotter and colder ends.
Spin seebeck effect

The spin seebeck effect refer generation of spin voitage

caused by temperature gradient in a ferromagnet . Spin
voltage means a potential for Electron .
When a nonmagnetic metal is attached on top of a material with
a finite spin voltage ,a non zero spin injection is obtained.

Fig:Schematic of the experiment set up for observing the spin seebeck effect
In this experiment we have a magnetic insulator LaY2Fe5O12. A Pt strip is
attached on top of this insulator in a static magnetic field in Z direction, which
align the localized magneticmoment in z direction.

A temperature gradient is applied along z axis which induces a spin

voltage across both interface .Due to which a spin current inject into
platinum strip.

A part of injected spin current converted into charge voltage through inverse hall

Despite the absence ofconduction electrons, the spin Seebeck effect can be
observedin magnetic insulator.It suggest that spin current can also be
conduct by magnons.

If we replace Pt wire by Cu wire which has weak spin orbit interraction the
voltage signal disappears.
Ref : Review Theory of spin seebeck effect “Report on progress in physics”
Inverse spin hall effect

When the NM described in the previous paragraph has sufficiently

strong spin–orbit interactions , the injected spinflux generates a
perpendicular electric field as a result relativistic spin–orbit
interactions and or magnetic skew scattering.

This process of converting a spin current into a perpendicular

electric field is known as the inverse spin Hall effect.
Longitudinal and transverse spin seebeck effect

LSSE occurs between a ferromagnetic insulator and a Normal metal.

it consists of applying a temperature gradient in an electrically insulating

ferromagnetor ferrimagnet in this case along the z-direction, and a magnetic feld
along the x-direction.

The magnetic field gives the spin-polarization and the net magnetic moment along
the x-axis.

The temperature gradient results in a magnon heat flux from magnon conductivity
and thus a spin flux along z.
Fig:Local thermal injection from a magnon system.

Ref : Spincaloritronics Energy and Environmental science 2014

Cont …..

TSSE in contrast is suitable for SSE measurement on all system including metal .

In TSSE the applied field direction and temperature gradient should be same.

fig:Transverse spin seebeck effect

Apllication of spincaloritronics

1. Tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR), which carries the application for data

storageand data processing.

2. Heat produce in electronic system can be significantly reduce by taking spin into

3.The speed of electronic integrated chip will be fast by spintronics.

4. Recent technique advances have made spintronic and spin caloritronic sensor a
promising alternative to traditional microwave sensors for microwave application.

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