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Seminar On Search Engine Optimization

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Seminar On

Search Engine Optimization





 Introduction

 History
 Search Engine Basics
 Why you should use SEO
 How it Works
 Architecture of seo
 Types of SEO
 Advantage
 Disadvantage
 Key concepts
 Conclusion
 References

 Whenever you enter a query in a

search engine and hit 'enter' you
get a list of web results that
contain that query term. Users
normally tend to visit websites
that are at the top of this list as
they perceive those to be more
relevant to the query.
 If you have ever wondered why
some of these websites rank
better than the others then you
must know that it is because of
a powerful web marketing
technique called Search Engine
Optimization (SEO).

 1995 - Yahoo Launches its Web Directory

 1998 – Google Launches, DMOZ launches this same year
 2000 – Yahoo Drops AltaVista, Uses Google’s Algorithm instead
 2001 – Page Rank is revealed to users through the toolbar
 2005 – No Follow Tag Introduced
 2009 – Google Introduces Caffeine Algorithm, a major shift in SEO.
 2009 – Bing and Yahoo Merge
 2011 – Panda Algorithm Update. A major step in the history of SEO
 April 24th 2012 – Penguin Algorithm Update
 September 27th 2012 – EMD Update (Exact Match Domain)
 October 4th 2012 – 65 Pack Rollout
Search Engine Basics

 Processing queries: When a request for information comes into the

search engine, the engine retrieves from its index all the document
that match the query.
 Ranking results: Once the search engine has determined which
results are a match for the query, the engine's algorithm (a
mathematical equation commonly used for sorting) runs
calculations on each of the results to determine which is most
relevant to the given query.
Why you  Brand awareness – A web site

should use
having a high ranking means
more people see the name of the
SEO company and become familiar
with the company and its
products, even if they haven’t
made a purchase.
 Targeted traffic – Search
engine optimization brings
paying customers to your door
 Your competitors – Keeping
ahead of your competition in the
organic search results can help
boost the perceived position of
your company in your 6
7 How it Works

 Search engines, such as Google

 Google, Yahoo!, and Bing, scour the World Wide
Web. Their automated "robots" (also called
"spiders") move from page to page and site to site
by following links.
 Along the way the read the code for the pages they
visit. The information from the page code is
incorporated into the search engine's vast
knowledge base.
Paid and Unpaid

of SEO

Types of SEO

 White Hat SEO

White hat SEO is ethical SEO. It's SEO techniques
that search engines accept. White hat SEO techniques
are beneficial for site visitors as well as for search
engines. The goal of white hat SEO is to improve
search engine result positions via methods that won't
cause search engines to penalize the site.
Successful white hat SEO is slower than black hat
SEO and is an ongoing process.

Types of
Black hat SEO

Black hat SEO is the use of

techniques that are unacceptable to

engines to boost a page's position in

search results. These techniques are
intended to trick search engines into
giving pages higher positions in search
results, and they have no benefit to
site visitors. The goal is to improve
search engine result positions no
matter what it takes to do it.

Black hat SEO techniques are used for

two reasons:

They work — until search engines find

out about them and they don't work.

Some people don't understand that

black hat SEO techniques can get their
sites penalized by or banned from
search engines.
Types of SEO…

 Gray hat SEO

Gray hat SEO is SEO techniques
that take more risks than white
hat SEO techniques but aren't
likely to get your site banned
from search engines (although a
search engine penality could
result). They're questionable SEO
techniques but not in the same
category as black hat SEO
techniques. However, what's
considered gray hat SEO today
might be black hat SEO next year.
On Page

Title Optimization
Site Loading Page time
Meta keyword
Internal Linking
URL Optimization etc.


 Press Release Submission

Article Directory Submission
Web 2.0 posting
Social Bookmarking
Directory Submission etc.

1 2 3
The Principle of Resource
The Principle of Search Engagement The Principle of Message
The optimizer must leverage Engagement
links by providing them with
The optimizer must choose context, recognition, and an
The optimizer must take
which search engine(s) for active framework in which responsibility for shaping
which content will be people find the links to be the message that people
optimized. part of useful resources. see about a given site on
other Websites.

Fundamental Principles of Off-site SEO


1. it’s cost-effective. You don't have to pay the search engine to be "advertised". At this point in
time is when you have to pay for almost everything; it's good to know that there are still some
things which are free.
2. If well ranked, has your company greater chance at becoming visible around the world, while
you stay at home. Internet is an effective marketing tool. It is actually the marketplace itself with
numerous potential clienteles.
3. Once your website gets a good place, you somehow your reputation as one of the best. This
implies that somehow you are properly valued in the SEO community.

1. Your position in the search engine is unpredictable. Everything depends on the
algorithm. As a result, you know not when the return of the investment will happen.
2. This is time consuming. It takes a long time before you see your standing improve a
notch. Sometimes you have to wait for months or even a year to be in the spotlight.
3. Participants can make use of the black hat tactics. These unfair practices hinder the
tree of your company.

Key Concepts
 Target audience
 Keyword choices
 Directory submission

 Accessibility
 Flash
 JavaScript
 SSL – authentication
 Firewalls and closed ports
 Databases & query string URLs
 Forms


While nobody can guarantee top level positioning in search engine organic results,
proper search engine optimization can help. Because the search engines, such as
Google, Yahoo!, and Bing, are so important today it is necessary to make each page
in a Web site conform to the principles of good SEO as much as possible.
To do this it is necessary to:
 Understand the basics of how search engines rate sites
 Use proper keywords and phrases throughout the Web site
 Avoid giving the appearance of spamming the search engines
Any query…..


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