Skills To Pass The Exams, Skills To Win in Your Academic Life
Skills To Pass The Exams, Skills To Win in Your Academic Life
Skills To Pass The Exams, Skills To Win in Your Academic Life
• What are EAP, EGAP, how do they correspond with study skills and
what is their role in IELTS, TOEFL and TOEIC preparation?
Language Skil s
English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP) English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP)
New Headway Academic Skills covers
all English for General Academic
Purposes (EGAP)
1. Academic writing skills;
2. Academic reading skills + vocabulary development;
3. Lectures and note-taking skills;
4. Speaking for academic purposes skills;
5. Reference / research skills;
6. Examination skills.
New Headway Academic Skills
complete EGAP preparation for
official EAP = ESAP + EGAP
proficiency tests:
• Academic IELTS
(International English Language Testing System, UK);
(Test of English as a Foreign Language: Educational Testing
Service, USA).
• TOEIC (The Test of English for International Communication) –
business English test
New Headway Academic Skills
• all EGAP skills;
• involving academic material;
• the Headway
quality assistance.
New Headway Academic Skills
Level 1: High Elementary-Pre-Intermediate
Level 2: High Pre-Intermediate-Intermediate
Level 3: Intermediate-Upper-Intermediate
Lessons: 10 lessons at each level. Length: 6-8 hours per lesson
New Headway Academic Skills
Reading and Writing Pack:
1. Course book;
2. Teacher’s book + photocopiable material
on Writing +Testing CD-ROM (tests in pdf
and Word (text can be changed) format).
Listening and Speaking Pack:
1. Course book;
2. Teacher’s book + phocopiable material on
Speaking + Testing CD-ROM (tests in pdf
and Word (text can be changed) format.)
3. CD pack.
New Headway Academic Skills
1.LMS for IELTS preparation;
2.LMS for TOEFl preparation;
3.LMS for TOEIC preparation;
4.Placement test.
To order, please,
testing department:
(495) 956-37-19 доб.118,
Elena Avgustinskaya.
ZAO “RELOD” offers free
supporting methodological
materials for
1.Explanatory note;
2.Thematic planning for each part.
Academic reading skills:
• Fast reading
• Identifying opinion
• Prediction
• Skimming
• Scanning
• Reading for detail
• Critical thinking
• Understanding and analyzing data
(graphs, diagrams, etc.)
New Headway Academic Skills
Sorry! No more than
60 seconds
Reading and Writing 2.
to scan the whole text!
U.2 p.10-11
• Please, give your definitions of scanning and skimming?
• Do you personally prefer scan or skim the text and why?
• Scan the texts. Find information to complete the table.
• Scan the texts again to answer the questions from e.3, p.10.
• Scan the texts to match a word in A with a word in B, and a
definition in C.
• Read the texts again more slowly. In pairs discuss similarities
and differences between the three countries and your own
country. Each pair gives its 3 pros and 3 contras.
Alexander Ilyine,
product manager, expert
ZAO “RELOD”, Oxford university press ELT
exclusive distributor in Russia
B. Golovin per., 13, office 15
Tel.: (495) 956-37-19 ext.133
Mob.: 8-910-432-94-70